Father Lin held the small sapling as thick as chopsticks, "I must give him a bad review."

He opened the store page and found that the product had been taken off the shelves. Father Lin was cursing and wanted to step on the saplings in anger.

Lin Qian suddenly turned around while holding the casserole.

Father Lin was attracted by her movements and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"Mom! Dad was cheated again when shopping online!"

"What!" Lin's mother's voice rushed out from the room, "Lin Jianguo, what did you buy again!"

Father Lin quickly explained, "I only spent ten yuan on this little thing."

"Isn't ten yuan money?" Lin's mother saw that he bought a bunch of useless holly saplings for ten yuan, and she felt that Lin Jianguo would be scammed sooner or later.

Father Lin himself regretted it, "I will never buy things online again."

Mother Lin: "You said the same thing last time."

"This time it's true." Father Lin assured again.

Mother Lin pretended to glare at him. Now that the family was not short of money, there was really no need to embarrass him for ten dollars. She just hoped that he would be sufficiently defensive in the future.

Lin Qian walked around the kitchen and then went out to pick up holly saplings.

"What do you want it for?" Father Lin didn't remember her complaint and wanted to go over to talk to her.

“Find a place to plant it, it would be a shame to lose it.”

"What's the pity about this thing? If you look at it, it's everywhere. Besides, where are you going to plant it?" Dad Lin said, "We don't have the land to grow it."

"I have a place." Lin Qian was ready to plant it in the wilderness.

"Do you have a place?" Father Lin asked, but he didn't take it seriously.

So that night, after Lin Qian fell asleep, she entered the wilderness and handed the sapling to Wu Jin.

Wu Jin was very happy, he could finally grow something other than Susu grass.

"How have you been practicing recently?" Lin Qian asked him.

Wujin spread his wings, "Look, I've grown bigger again."

It has indeed grown in size, and it seems that it is very adapted to this way of practicing while working.

"Where's the old man?"

"Go back to sleep when the time comes. He has never been willing to work hard in cultivation. He only covets other people's cultivation." Wu Jin really didn't understand. "Immortal, why do you insist on having him? Can't you use someone else?"

Lin Qian's expression was unfathomable, "You don't understand, he and you are not walking the same path." He relied on his face to make a living.

Ugin looked enlightened.

"Immortal, has Old Yu survived the thunderstorm? I always feel uneasy every time I think about him recently."

"It seems that you two have a deep relationship." Lin Qian said, "He went abroad today and is preparing to survive the tribulation abroad."

"I have been with him for decades. He has a good temper, but he always accommodates me more. In fact, I don't understand why the goblin has such a personality, just like a human being." Wu Jin said, "I hope he can be safe. Come back."

Lin Qian said, "You still don't live long enough."


"Remember to plant the holly tree, I'm going out."

The next morning, Lin's mother was so busy that Lin Qian didn't even have time to play games, so she was called to the kitchen to help.

"I'm going to deliver breakfast to your dad first, and I'll come back immediately after delivering it, okay? There's still a lot of things to do in the kitchen, so don't wander around outside."

Grandma is coming today, and Mother Lin prepared the dishes that grandma likes to eat the day before.

The bean sprouts are made from her own soybeans and Lingquan.

Grandma’s favorite tofu is tofu. The beans had been soaked last night. When Ah Qian came back from delivering breakfast, she asked her to use a stone mill to grind the beans.

Mother Lin tries her best to do her best.

Just after seven o'clock, my uncle sent grandma over on an electric bicycle.After two days of mutual calm, the uncle was no longer as excited as before. When they met Lin Ma, neither of them mentioned the last quarrel.

"Mom, I'll stay with you for two days." The uncle handed the bag hanging on the front of the electric car to Lin's mother, "Mom, change your clothes."

Mother Lin took the bag and said, "Come in and sit for a while."

"No, come back in two days when you are free. I only asked the factory for an hour's leave." The uncle said.

Mother Lin: "It doesn't take more than a few minutes. Let's have breakfast before leaving."

"Mom and I just left home after breakfast." The uncle took out his mobile phone and checked the time. "It's too late, so I'll leave first. Mom, don't run around here in Yongmei. Follow her when you go out. My family said, do you know?"

Grandma waved her hand impatiently, "I want you to tell me."

When Lin Qian went back, she happened to see her uncle leaving in an electric car.

As soon as her grandmother saw Lin Qian, she asked Lin Qian to take her out to play.

"Aqian, take grandma around the village."

Lin Qian: "Then who grinds the beans?"

Mother Lin said: "I'll grind it, you don't have to worry about it."

Now everything comes first.

Lin Qian took her grandma around the fish pond. Grandma wanted to watch people fishing, but after a while she felt bored and wanted to go elsewhere.

Lin Qian took her up the mountain. The scenery on the mountain was beautiful. Although there were many steps, Lin Qian kept dragging her grandmother with her spiritual energy, so she walked easily.

When we first entered the mountain, my grandma said that the air in the mountain was good and walking was comfortable. But after walking for a long time, she felt it was boring and wanted to go down the mountain.

Lin Qian asked her where she wanted to go?

She said, "Let's go to your uncle's house and have a look."

Not even an hour after arriving, she wanted to go back again.

Lin Qian satisfied her every minute, and the next second, the two of them arrived at the door of her uncle's house.

There were three houses in a row, and the door of each house was closed. Grandma touched her pocket and said, "I don't have the key, Aqian, see if there is a key on the window?"

Putting keys on the window of my uncle's house was a habit I had only had before the house was renovated, but I no longer put keys there now.

Lin Qian opened the door anyway, and her grandmother went in and sat down on the sofa. She patted the seat next to her and said, "Aqian, come sit down. Oops, I'm tired."

She sat on the sofa for a while and started looking for food everywhere in the house. She didn't want what Lin Qian gave her, so she had to find it herself.

After finding it, he moved a small bench to the door and sat down, "I don't know when your uncle and aunt will come back."

She couldn't sit on that small bench for long. A few minutes later, she took Lin Qian for a walk elsewhere.

Grandma said that there was a big persimmon tree in the village that bore a lot of persimmons.

Which persimmon tree is still bearing fruit in March?

But Lin Qian was used to her. When they walked to the persimmon tree, they saw many persimmons hanging on the tree.

Grandma got under the tree, picked several persimmons and gave them to Lin Qian, "Take them back and eat them slowly."

She was restless in this world, but she still instinctively cared about the people she remembered.

She wants to do this now, now she wants to do that, now she has to go here, now she has to go there again.

She seemed to have become like a child of several years old.

But the elderly and children are different after all.

It makes sense that most people have unlimited patience with children but limited patience with the elderly.

After all, according to common sense, children have a future, but old people do not.

No matter how kind and patient you are to the elderly, no one will remember your efforts when the elderly pass away.

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