Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 100 Fu Yanru, Out of Mind

Chapter 100 Fu Yanru, Out of Mind
There are more and more students in the classroom, and they all come in one after another to prepare for morning reading.

And Jiang Ran, who had been sitting facing Yan Yan before, turned around at some point, and was also quietly reading a book with slightly lowered eyebrows.

That tranquil expression was exactly the same as that of Yan Yan sitting in the back row of him.


The first bell in Hengshui High School is the morning reading bell for morning reading, and there will be a 7-minute break after morning reading, and then the first class of the day.

One morning plus one afternoon, until the end of the day's study, Fu Yanru was in a dazed state, distracted, and from time to time when she was in class, she would turn her head and secretly look at the face in the far corner. In other words, after a whole day, girls are like dreaming.

My friend Xiao Yunyun noticed something unusual about her. She was fine in the morning, but she didn't show it too obviously.

But it is especially obvious in the afternoon!

Even one or two teachers called her name directly.

Packing the textbooks and notes into the bag, Xiao Yunyun came to Fu Yanru's table, stared at her in confusion, and asked, "Yanru, what's wrong with you today? Roll roll, you don't pack your things when you come home from school now."

Xiao Yunyun had never seen Fu Yanru like this.

In the past, as soon as school was over, she was always the first to run out of the gate of her class. However, today the class was almost gone and she didn't even move.

This is really too abnormal.

After waiting for a long time, Fu Yanru didn't answer her own words. Seeing this, Xiao Yunyun directly called her several times without any major reaction, only her eyelids moved slightly occasionally, thinking that something happened to her. Something happened, Xiao Yunyun hurriedly raised his hand and pushed her body, while calling her.

"Fu Yanru? Fu Yanru, Fu Yanru, why are you so dazed?"

Those who were pushed before didn't have much reaction, so Xiao Yunyun couldn't help but increase the force of pushing people with his hands.


Finally, she had a little reaction!
"What's the matter?" After being pushed hard by her friend Xiao Yunyun's elbow, Fu Yan raised her hand and rubbed the sore spot on her elbow like a pain in the brain, "Push me lightly next time, it hurts a lot. "

Xiao Yunyun looks like a gentle girl on the surface, but only those who are close to her know that under her gentleness like water, she is a strong man!

"You've been distracted all day, what are you thinking about?"

She was wondering what the hell she was thinking, and it was able to distract her in the head teacher's class?
Hearing the sound, the light in Fu Yanru's eyes suddenly dimmed, she darkened the color in her eyes, and replied lightly: "It's nothing."

"Okay, it's nothing if you say it's nothing, hurry up and pack up, the classroom is all gone." Xiao Yunyun glanced at the empty and deserted classroom.

Since Fu Yanru didn't want to say it, she wouldn't force her either.

But Xiao Yunyun absolutely didn't believe the meaningless words in her mouth.

What is going on in her mind?Why is it fine to be in a daze during class all day, but suddenly take time out from time to time to watch Yan Yan sitting in the corner.

From this day on, Fu Yanru was no longer as cheerful and optimistic as before, instead she always looked absent-minded and sullen.

It's like a different person, with completely different sides from the cheerful personality before.

 Guess what happened to Fu Yanru in just one morning?
(End of this chapter)

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