Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 17 What He Doesn't Understand Is This!

Chapter 17 What He Doesn't Understand Is This!

"Come in." Although it's summer now, it's really cold at night, thinking of Shen Shujun's frail body, Yan Yan immediately called people in.

"Sit down, tell me what you don't understand about which subject?"

She raised her chin lightly, signaling him to sit down on the other upper chair next to her desk, and Shen Shujun sat down accordingly.

After the person sat down, Yan Yan waited for a few seconds, and found that the room was still as quiet as before.

She turned her head to look at the person beside her in confusion: "Ah Jun, what are you doing in a daze while talking? Let me tell you what you don't quite understand."

There is still something that this genius-like child doesn't understand.

She should take a good look, where would she be a little smarter than him?

But no matter what, Yan Yan couldn't imagine that what Shen Shujun was about to say next would really surprise her!
Simply stunned!

"Sister Yan, what I don't know is the physiology class that every grade has for a month." Shen Shujun put the books that had been hidden in his hand on the table at an extremely slow speed.

The reason why the boy did this is nothing more than two points.

The first point is to give his sister Yan a chance to see clearly.

However, the second point is the books he brought, which aspect of the knowledge he wants to teach.

Yan Yan: "..."

The moment the girl saw the cover of the book on the table in front of her and the big characters on it, she was completely in a daze.

There is a complete blank in the brain.

A burst of intense pain rushed to the top of her head quickly, and the girl's pupils were shocked by the big words "Learning Physiology" on the book!
Study physiology? ? !

What he didn't understand turned out to be this! ! !

When Yan Yan was still shocked by the shock, a clear and immature male voice came from her ears again: "Sister Yan, didn't you attend the last physiology class?"

This course of studying physical life has been popularized for a few years. There will be a class in one month every year, which is dedicated to telling students about the body composition of men and women, and some aspects of physiology. Of course In this luxuriant period of adolescence, basically most of the students would be very shy when taking this kind of course, and dare not raise their faces to look at others.

Finally, under the coercion of the teacher, we forced some courageous students to look up at the blackboard and obey the teaching.

No matter which class they were in, many girls bowed their heads in shame.

There was a crimson cloud all over his face.

This must also include Yan Yan.

In fact, it's not that she's shy or anything, the main reason is that she, who has lived for more than [-] years, is going to explain this kind of thing to a child who is only in his teens.

Do you think her face can be put down?
I can't put it down at all!

"No..." Yan Yan knew that he wanted to say this, so he wanted to go around because of it, but the word "no" was just spit out from his mouth, and then he was interrupted by someone opening his mouth very fast.

"Sister Yan, weren't you here for the last class? And you still listened to the class very seriously. Xu Jiaming told me these things." Before coming here, he asked him in front of outsiders for the first time. The students at the table in front.

The words in the boy's mouth did not give someone a chance to get away with it.


For a while, a person who had lived for more than [-] years would be stumped by the words of a teenage child.

On this point, Yan Yan, who has lived for two lifetimes, never expected it!

Just as he was absent-minded, the boy's tender voice sounded slowly in the room again: "Could it be that sister Yan didn't attend the class?"

After Shen Shujun said this, a sly light flashed in the depths of his lowered eyelids when Yan Yan didn't notice it.

(End of this chapter)

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