Chapter 19 Got what I wanted
After Yan Yan left the room, he went straight to catch up with Ji Yun who had reached the middle of the stairs.

When she came behind the person, she grabbed Ji Yun's arm who was walking in front.

From the stairs of her house, you can see the first floor except for the kitchen and bathroom. Yan Yan's gaze looked far away, and finally fell on the tableware that had been placed on the dining table. She thought In the past, after the dishes and chopsticks on the dinner table were arranged better than before, Yan Zhixing would definitely sit there and wait for her and Ji Yun.

But today, no one saw him at the dinner table, which made Yan Yan feel a little bit puzzled, so he asked the people beside him: "Mom, where is my father? Didn't he come back?"

"No, your father won't come back to eat with us after working overtime tonight." Ji Yunwei turned his head and replied.

The steps under Ji Yun's feet did not stop for half a minute because of this.

Instead, he continued to walk with his daughter who was holding his arm.

After Yan Yan washed her hands, she sat down at the dining table. Just as she was watching the delicious dishes in front of her eyes, there was a slight movement from the stairs.

After hearing the sound, she looked away from the sound.

Shen Shujun, who had changed his school uniform, appeared in the eyes of the two of them in a pure black home uniform.

When Yan Yan was distracted, Shen Shujun had already walked up to her and sat down.

After seeing the two children sat down, Ji Yun said to them: "Hurry up and eat, otherwise it will be really cold."

The three moved their chopsticks and ate quietly, but no one made a sound during this period, until the end of dinner Yan Yan helped Ji Yun wash the dishes.

Ji Yun in the kitchen glanced at his daughter who was washing the dishes, and then looked up at the living room.

Looking at the boy sitting on the sofa watching TV calmly, Ji Yun felt slightly satisfied, and leaned over to Yan Yan next to the sink: "Yanyan, it seems that Ah Jun is recovering quite well. Yes, it hasn't been long since I came to our house, and I have gradually started to speak."

Ji Yun thought in his heart: If he continues like this, it won't be long before he seems to be back to normal.

"Yeah, compared to before I came here, it's really much better." While cleaning the last few dishes, Yan Yan casually replied to his mother with polished red lips.

"This kid is quite smart, but it's a pity that he got this kind of disease at such a young age, alas..." While Ji Yun was speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Shen Shujun who was sitting quietly watching TV in the living room.

A face full of regret.

"There's nothing you can do about it, mom, but now he's slowly recovering because of the care of our family. It's nothing to think about." It looks like he is much better now.

"That's what my daughter said. I called Mrs. Shen the day before yesterday and told him that he was getting better. His mother said that it was just a few days before he had a one-month re-examination, and he was planning to take him to the hospital for re-examination to see if his condition improved. question."

Ji Yun recalled the scene when he called Shen Yi before.


Because of Ji Yun's regretful expression, Yan Yan suddenly thought of her previous life, so when she replied now, she was a little absent-minded.

Time passed quickly, and she had to tell her parents about changing schools and moving houses as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if she procrastinates again and again, she will always feel uneasy in her heart.

How about taking this opportunity to talk to Ji Yun?

Thinking of this, Yan Yan's heart tightened, and she pretended to raise her voice casually, "Mom, I think we'll move as soon as the high school entrance examination is over, what do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, Yan Yan was full of anxiety.

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement behind him.

There was a cold silence in the air.

For a moment, Yan Yan thought Shi Jiyun disagreed, so instead of replying to herself, she chose to remain silent, but when she turned around trembling and saw no one behind her, her trembling heart But it was still and slowly put down.

Yan Yan stepped out of the kitchen threshold suspiciously, and Ji Yun's slender figure sneaked into her eyes.

Looking at the two figures of her mother sitting on the sofa watching TV together, she couldn't help but sighed softly.


It's okay to leave, as long as you don't hear me.

Otherwise, she didn't even know how to explain this thought.

Leaning behind the two, Yan Yan said softly, "Mom, then I'll go back to my room first."

Hearing this, Ji Yun half turned around, faced his daughter's fair face, and kindly reminded: "Yanyan, bring Ah Jun, didn't he just ask you about a subject he didn't understand in your room."

Well, it doesn't matter if Ji Yun doesn't remind her, this reminder directly made Yan Yan feel like dying.

My good mother...

Why do you have to specifically remind her of this incident at this moment!
Yan Yan replied with a very reluctant expression: "Okay."

It’s true that only a mother is good in the world——

Shen Shujun followed Yan Yan and looked at her expression of reluctance, the corners of her mouth curled up in an evil way from an angle that no one noticed.

The boy was still young, but the smile outlined on his handsome facial features could hardly conceal his future beauty.

The present Shen Shujun is not as cold and indifferent as before.

"Sister Yan, don't you want to teach me?" The boy behind the girl shot a ray of light from his deep and dark eyes.

The boy's young voice slowly rang out in the air in the empty corridor on the second floor.

There was a trace of grievance in it.

Judging from Yan Yan who has lived for two lives, it's not like she can't hear the sense of grievance in this voice at all.

The boy's young and tender voice came from behind, this voice forced Yan Yan to stop her pace, wanting to ignore her progress, she turned around slowly, lowered her eyebrows slightly, and looked at the person in front of her who was even taller than herself. The boy who was one head shorter, said involuntarily with guilt: "No, I'm just not used to giving lectures to others, and I'm afraid I won't be able to speak well."

"But my sister gave Fu Zhixing a lecture three days ago." When the boy's inadvertent words fell, Yan Yan felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

The whole body froze immediately, motionless.

It's like a dead body.

"Really? Is there? But I clearly remember that there is no such thing, right?" Yan Yan immediately wished to find a crack in the ground to hide after being exposed to the truth by a ten-year-old child!
"Did I remember it wrong myself?"

Someone rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment, forcefully trying to force back what she believed to be the truth.

Continue to pretend to be confused as usual.

Regarding this, the young Shen Shujun didn't continue to ask any further. He turned to the topic just now: "Then sister Yan can still give me lectures?"

"To tell you the truth, Ah Jun, I'm actually not very good at those topics. During class, I just looked like I was listening to the class seriously. In fact, I didn't listen at all..." The girl hadn't finished her words yet. No need to continue, Shen Shujun could also hear the meaning of her words.

Because she didn't listen in class, she didn't understand the teaching.

That's what it means to be simple. Someone didn't make things difficult any more. He smiled slightly and said, "That's fine."

"Ah Jun, you don't have to worry at all. After all, you haven't officially transferred to the class in the last class, and the teacher won't ask you any questions." Seeing that his predecessors stopped chasing after him, Yan Yan thought he believed it her words.

As everyone knows, someone didn't believe the girl's words at all.

The reason why he didn't continue was because he simply got what he wanted from her.

Seeing his elder sister Yan telling lies to him without blushing, his whole heart melted!

So cute!
(End of this chapter)

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