Chapter 21

There was a moment of silence in the huge living room.

Quietly outrageous.

Before Yan Yan could react and answer, Ji Yun, who was sitting next to her, spoke for her and responded: "Okay, Yan Yan, you can go with Ah Jun and come back early for lunch."

"it is good."

Under the fiery eyes of several people, Yan Yan led the young Shen Shujun out the door, with a thin and tall figure, he disappeared deep into the pupils of the three adults.

After Yan Yan, Shen Shujun and the others left, the expressions of Shen Mingqi and Shen Yi became much more relaxed.

Among them, Shen Yi's expression was the most obvious, without any concealment.

But thinking about it, my son's condition has finally changed a bit, so I'm happy to hide it.

There are no outsiders here, and Ji Yun doesn't look like a person who likes to talk outside, so Shen Yi has never covered up the slightest thing, but Shen Ming beside her has a stern expression. Apart from showing one or two faint smiles, the smile that seeped into his eyes went straight to the bottom!

"Mrs. Yan, this is our kindness, please accept it." Shen Yi took out a brown envelope bag from the handbag and put it on the table and pushed it in front of Ji Yun.

The brown envelope bag was bulging with its contents.

It looked like something rectangular in shape, but it was packed in an envelope bag, so Ji Yun didn't know what was in it, but no matter how stupid she was, she should know the meaning of what Shen Yi just said. The thing inside the envelope bag is money.

And it looks like a lot!

Looking at the bulging envelope in front of her eyes, Ji Yun's slender eyes narrowed slightly. She concealed the trace of impatience in her eyes, and softly rejected the two people's 'kindness'

"No need, Mrs. Shen is really outrageous. If your son hadn't saved my daughter, I'm afraid Yan Yan would have died long ago. I really shouldn't accept this."

After finishing speaking, he gently pushed the brown envelope in front of him back to its original position.

Sensing Ji Yun's three-point resistance, Shen Yi's expression stiffened for a moment.


"Take it back." Shen Mingqi picked up the brown envelope bag on the table, and slowly opened his lips to Ji Yun in front of him: "Ah Jun has been living here, and Mrs. Yan is not willing to accept our offer. His mother and I still feel sorry for him, so let’s do this, if you need our help in the future, we will do our best to help."

"Okay, then I will thank Yan Yan and her father here first." Ji Yun nodded his thanks.

Shen Mingqi responded lightly, and didn't say much else.

However, Shen Yi's expression changed slightly because of this matter, and then disappeared.

She still became the kind and pleasant Mrs. Shen before, and she was not affected by this episode at all.

It was as if the change in expression just now was just someone else's illusion.

Shen Mingqi, who was dressed in a black leather suit, took a sip of the strong light tea soaked in boiling water in front of him and said slowly: "After a while, Ah Jun's mother and I will take him to the hospital for reexamination. Ma'am took good care of her."

"Small things." No matter what, the couple looked polite on the surface, but each of them believed that money could buy everything in the world. Just like this, her good impression of the family before was gradually dissipated. .

But their son, Ah Jun, looks good.

At least it's not bad compared to the couple's behavior just now.

But what Ji Yun didn't know was that the craziest and most inhuman member of their family was that Shen Shujun who seemed to be well-behaved and obedient, was not good at communicating, and loved to pretend!
The Shen family's couple dotes on their son very much, and often pays for the domineering things he does. This is also the summary of the irreparable harm they caused to Yan Yan's family in the later period .

The most painful one was Yan Yan himself.

Several people in this compartment were having a quiet conversation in the living room.

Outside Yan Yan's and Shen Shujun's side, the two went shopping in a supermarket near their home.

Yan Yan, who was pushing the cart, looked at Shen Shujun, who was walking a meter or two in front of him, picking and choosing from the shelves, feeling a little shocked.

He came out so soon?
Now when you come out to buy things, you will always walk in the front, and you still choose things by yourself?

Has his autism healed too quickly?

It was only later that Yan Yan found out that not only was his illness not gone, but it had even worsened a lot!

His well-behaved appearance is just to pretend to show her!
Slightly lowering her eyes, looking at the increasing number of items in the cart, she hesitated for a while before opening her mouth to say: "Ah Jun, what do you do more shopping for?"

Not to mention some seasoning bottles and vegetables, there are also a lot of seafood.

He bought these for cooking?

But if it's really cooking, then... that's too much, right?

Besides, he is so small, can he cook?
Indefinitely, deep in Yan Yan's heart, Shen Shujun questioned him infinitely.

"Cooking." Shen Shujun in front raised his hand before he finished speaking, ready to take down a bottle of soy sauce on the shelf in front of him that was much taller than himself.Just when a certain child couldn't reach it due to his short height, when he struggled to get it, a fluffy arm with white skin like jade appeared from the back of his head.

From the corner of his eyes, Shen Shujun followed this arm suspiciously.

When he saw that the owner of this arm was Yan Yan who was following behind him, his eyes suddenly darkened coldly.

When the girl didn't pay attention, a gloomy dark light shot out from the bottom of the boy's eyes.

I don't know who put the things so high that he couldn't get them. In the end, he even asked his sister Yan to help!
In fact, the place where the soy sauce is stored is not too high, it's just because Shen Shujun hasn't opened yet.

Not because of him.

"Is it this?" Taking down the soy sauce from the shelf, she lowered her head and asked Shen Shujun beside her.


His voice was very weak, if you didn't listen carefully, few people would be able to hear it, but luckily Yan Yan was close.

After getting a response, Yan Yan directly put the removed soy sauce into the cart that was not moving at all. She thought about it for a while and asked Shen Shujun again: "Is there anything else you need?"

She hasn't cooked and doesn't know what else is missing.

In the previous life, Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun cooked her food at home, but when she grew up, she met Shen Shujun and stayed with him until they got married. She had never cooked,

Hearing this, Shen Shujun poked his head out and took a few glances into the cart, making sure that all the things he was supposed to buy had been bought.

"No, let's go to checkout." His voice was flat.

"Let's go then."

Yan Yan pushed the trolley to the cashier. When paying the bill, it was Shen Shujun who opened the money. When she was leaving the house, she was anxious and forgot to go upstairs to get the money, so she was empty-handed.


The moment the voice of letting a ten-year-old child check out fell directly into Yan Yan's ears, her ears were slightly stained red.

(End of this chapter)

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