Chapter 25
In this way, more than [-] minutes passed, and Shen Yi finished all the meals.

From the kitchen in the corner came Shen Yi's extremely gentle voice: "Come, come, wash your hands and get ready to eat."

After hearing Shen Yi's voice, Yan Yan couldn't help showing surprise from the depths of his eyes.

She turned her head in shock: "So fast?"

It has only been about [-] minutes, so so many dishes are ready so quickly?

"It's already slow. It might be faster if I'm at home." After all, this is not my home, so sometimes it takes time to find something to season.

When Shen Yi said this, he was not talking about it. When he was at home, Shen Shujun said he wanted to eat Sichuan food ten minutes ago. After Shen Yi finished cooking, he said he didn't want to eat Sichuan food anymore, and wanted to eat hot pot instead. After a long period of time, Shen Yi also understood his son's temperament.

He said that if he wanted to eat something, he had to be quick, otherwise he would have very little time to change his mind.

In this way, Shen Yi learned to cook extremely fast.

"It's only 1 minute away from being hot, you go wash your hands first, and it will be ready soon." Shen Yi checked the time, facing the famous watch on his wrist.

Everyone was cooking, and Yan Yan obediently took Shen Shujun to wash his hands.

Ji Yun, who was following behind them, took the two adults, Shen Mingqi, to another place on the first floor. After entering inside, Ji Yun's face remained unchanged, and he said in a very calm tone: "Mr. here."

After all, he raised his finger and pointed to a bottle of pink hand sanitizer placed in the innermost side of the sink.

Hearing this, Shen Ming nodded slightly.

When the hand sanitizer was squeezed into the palm of one hand, the man lightly raised his eyelids and looked at the mirror in front of him. Through the white mirror, Shen Ming saw a long blue dress standing behind him, Ji Yun, with short hair and a delicate face, said in a low voice, word by word, "Ms. Yan has something on her mind?"

Looking at the woman's fair facial features in the mirror, her willow eyebrows squeezed slightly.

Didn't Shen Ming think about it in his heart: she should be angry at Cai Xiaoyi's behavior of taking money just now, right?

"No, Mr. Yan, you're overthinking." Ji Yun looked at the narrow and sharp eyes of the man in the mirror. This man really had a precise and subtle observation.

It turned out that she had something on her mind.

"Really not?" Shen Mingqi asked again.

The man's questioning voice seemed to be infused with magic power one by one, full of demagoguery.

"If there's nothing else to do, Mr. Shen, I'll go out first." Ji Yun turned around and walked out, too lazy to argue with their self-righteous rich.

After Shen Ming wiped his hands dry, he also left from the room. When he came out, the Yan family's dining table was already full of people.

The two children were next to each other, and the main seat was vacant, while Shen Yi and Ji Yun sat side by side. Shen Ming walked to the seat next to his wife Shen Yi without any hesitation and sat down. .

Faced with a large table of dishes, Yan Yan didn't feel that he couldn't start. She directly put the dishes she liked into the bowl, while Ji Yun ate without saying a word, but Shen Yi always gave Shen Shujun Take vegetables.

During the meal time afterwards, Shen Yi picked up food for Shen Shujun, while Shen Shujun picked up food for Yan Yan, and Yan Yan picked up food for Ji Yun on the other side.

Repeat this over and over again to finish the meal.

Before leaving, Shen Yi patted his son's head, and said, "Be more obedient, don't cause trouble for Aunt Yan." Then he left.

After the person left, the kitchen at home was also cleaned up. After all the garbage was disposed of, Yan Yan turned his gaze to Ji Yun's face: "Mom, are you in a bad mood?"

Hearing the sound, Ji Yun's dazed body froze unavoidably.

She looked into her daughter's eyes and replied, "Nothing, just wondering when your father will come back."

Of course, Yan Yan could also see that what Ji Yun said was nothing more than pulling Yan Zhixing out as a shield. Regarding this, she didn't follow up and asked, but followed Ji Yun's words.

"So when is he coming back?" she asked.

"It should be soon." Ji Yun glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, said absently.

"Mom, I'm going back to my room first." As soon as Yan Yan turned around and walked towards the stairs, Shen Shujun, who was sitting far away on the sofa watching TV, heard the movement, and immediately got up to follow.

Looking at the two small and slender figures upstairs, Ji Yun couldn't help sighing again.

"Sister Yan, is the food my mother cooks delicious?" Shen Shujun who caught up with him asked.

"It's delicious, and it's one of the few delicious ones I've ever eaten." At this moment, Yan Yan only wanted to find out the root cause of Ji Yun's restlessness all night, so after Shen Shujun asked her, She also replied to him with the feeling of throwing Shen Shujun away.

Immediately, Shen Shujun happily said: "Really?"

"En." With a faint reply, he turned around and entered the room, disappearing from someone's eyes.

Sister Yan said it was delicious, so he will learn from Shen Yi!

In this way, sister Yan will be able to eat what he made all the time!
After that, such a quiet day lasted until half a month.

Half a month later, Shen Mingqi and Shen Yi took him to the monthly psychological review.

After finishing all the examinations, Shen Shujun went to another office to wait. When the husband and wife in this office heard the doctor say that the child's condition had improved recently, they were more emotionally and psychologically than before. Much better.

"His good condition is very rare in recent years. May I ask, is there anything he likes most recently?" In the consultation room, a man in his 20s wearing a white coat looked expectant. Looking at the Shen couple.

"There's nothing I particularly like, it's still the same as before. It's just that Ah Jun is very special to a girl now, he likes her very much, and he likes to call that girl one by one." Shen Ming didn't speak, but he His wife, Shen Yi, answered the doctor's words.

Shen Yi tirelessly explained to the attending doctor who specialized in treating her son.

"Doctor Zhao, will this be of great benefit to the treatment of his autism?"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the current situation is indeed very beneficial to his condition, but... what I am worried about is that in the future life, I am afraid that the child will rely on that girl differently from ordinary people. It will also cause some irreparable consequences in the future." Zhao Zhilin's face was slightly worried.

After thinking about it, the patient's condition seems to have been cured, but whenever the kind of things that the patient relies on no longer exist, or if he does not trust the patient as much as before, then his condition will be due to this. Waiting for a reason, he rushed out from the depths of his body calmly!
At that time, an autistic person with dependent symptoms does not know what shocking things will happen.

Zhao Zhilin was full of worries about this!

"Will you depend on it?"

At this time, Shen Ming didn't hear the sound, but he had a little bit of understanding in his heart.

But because I am not a doctor, I don't know the actual situation in this aspect, but after hearing Lin Zhilin's words, I was a little worried in my heart.

The man with a handsome face asked him quietly: "Doctor Zhao, may I ask, if he is really in the situation you said, what will be the worst consequence?"

"For now, if the person the patient depends on can always be by his side, it won't be a big deal." At the end of the sentence, Lin Zhilin still had some unspoken words left in his mouth It came to an abrupt end, and afterward, he thought about it and told the two of them the worst outcome.

"But if that person has the idea of ​​leaving, in the worst case, he will make a series of crazy actions, such as violence, and may even commit a crime."

The facts he said are not without real cases.

(End of this chapter)

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