Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 27 Seems to be in a good mood?

Chapter 27 Seems to be in a good mood?

Shen Shujun ignored the slightly ugly expression on the girl's face, sat down beside her, and then asked slowly, "Sister Yan, what did you write last?"

"That's it, anyway, I'm not as smart as you, Ah Jun."

Didn't a young genius like him already know the final correct answer to the homework? Why did he check the answer with her?
Knowing that the girl didn't want to continue on this matter, he also took advantage of the opportunity to change the subject, and changed the topic between the two of them to another place. A question suddenly flashed through his mind, so he blurted out and asked Yan Yan "Sister Yan, how old are you this year? You have been here for so long, and Ah Jun still doesn't know your age."

"13 years old." Yan Yan replied with lowered eyebrows.

I am almost 14 years old, and the time flies by really fast.

In just a blink of an eye, she was reborn and came back for almost three months.

Originally, she had planned to talk to Ji Yun and Yan Zhixing about transferring schools and moving house at night, but it was not until one or two o'clock in the morning that Yan Yan realized that Yan Zhixing was Those who didn't plan to come back, after asking Ji Yun during the day, they found out that he had gone on a business trip, and it would take at least half a month before he came back.

In the end, it was like this, Yan Yan wanted to tell them about the two of them changing schools and moving, and it was over.

It wasn't until yesterday afternoon when he went home that Yan Yan learned from Ji Yun that Yan Zhixing would be back tomorrow, that is today.

At that moment, Yan Yan was extremely happy, and his whole mood was joyful.

The longer the time after rebirth, the less depressed Yan Yan was after marrying Shen Shujun in his previous life.

It seems that if many things are not going on according to the trajectory of the previous life, Yan Yan almost thinks that what she experienced in the previous life is like a dream of hers.

Very unreal.

"13 years old."

Yan Yan, who was in deep thought, didn't notice that Shen Shujun, who was beside her at the moment, was whispering words.

In another five years, his sister Yan will die, and he will only be 15 years old at that time.

In the evening, Yan Zhixing also came back from a business trip, and Ji Yun specially cooked a lot of dishes to cleanse him up. After dinner, Yan Yan in navy blue pajamas stood in front of Ji Yunzhixing's room.

Yan Yan's heart was in turmoil.

What would she do if they didn't agree to transfer schools or move?
Knocking on the door with apprehension, it was opened from the inside shortly after the door rang. It was Yan Zhixing who opened the door. Looking through the opened door, Ji Yun had already gone to bed and was leaning on the bed. Looking down at the head of the bed.

Seeing that it was Yan Yan who came, both of them were slightly puzzled. Yan Zhixing, who was standing in front of the girl, got out of the way of the two of them, turned around and walked into the room, and asked, "Yan Yan, Is there anything you can't talk about tomorrow at night?"

After entering, the girl slightly half-closed the door, her watery eyes were as clear as a calm bottomless lake.

"I'm afraid Dad, you won't have time to go to work tomorrow." Yan Yan explained to them.

Hearing this, Yan Zhixing, who was sitting at the end of the bed, smiled slightly: "What do you mean?"

Let her who has always been calm come to their room at night.

"Mom, I want to move as soon as the high school entrance examination is over, and I don't want to go to Qingshan to go to high school. I want to change schools." At least not Qingshang, she said secretly in her heart.

"Moving? Why?" Yan Zhixing stared at Yan Yan in surprise.

Hearing this, Ji Yun looked at the daughter in front of her in surprise, and she hurriedly put down the book in her hand: "Aren't you going to Qingshang? Isn't Qingshang your favorite high school before? Why don't you go to Qingshang?"

"The reason for moving is because I miss my hometown, so let's move back to my hometown."

Yan's speech paused slightly and he said again: "Just go to any high school there."

"Yanyan, are you afraid that you won't pass the Qingshang exam?"

Ji Yun saw her daughter's thoughts delicately, but it was a pity that she guessed the main reason wrong.

After listening, Yan Yan shook his head and rejected Ji Yun's thoughts.

She was not afraid of failing the exam.

She passed the exam.

It's just that there is Shen Shujun, that lunatic, how could he go to Zhichuan again?
Ji Yun stared at Yan Yan thoughtfully for more than a dozen seconds, and then said, "Go back and rest first, I'll discuss it with your father." Then he took back the books that had just been placed on the bedside table.


After returning to the room, Yan Yan lay on his bed, staring at the white ceiling on the bed in a daze.

Gradually, the girl's black pupils dilated, and she just stared at one place without even turning the most basic eyeballs.

If both Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun rejected her proposal tomorrow, what would she do at that time?
He was obedient and continued to follow the path of his previous life.

Or insist on transferring schools and moving house?
On the second day, she woke up with an uneasy heart, and after breakfast, she didn't rush to tell Ji Yun what happened last night, but Yan Zhixing went to work early in the morning, and got up much earlier than her. She got up around five o'clock. Just as she was carrying her schoolbag and squatting down to change shoes with Shen Shujun, Ji Yun, who was busy in the kitchen before, also came out behind her, and raised her voice behind them: "Yanyan, we agreed with what you told me and your dad last night."

Immediately after hearing this, Yan Yan, who was squatting to change her shoes, immediately stopped tying her shoes and froze, she stood up abruptly and turned her head to look back.

She was pleasantly surprised: "Really? Mom!"

The girl's joyful voice immediately echoed in the silent house.

Ji Yun smiled and said, "Really."

Doesn't this child just follow her wish? Why is she so happy?
Seeing the conversation between the two, and Yan Yan who was already overjoyed, Shen Shujun couldn't help feeling a little bit suspicious.

What did they say last night?
Why is sister Yan so happy after hearing that her aunt agreed?
Although he didn't understand what happened between the two of them, Shen Shujun was also happy for her in his heart when he saw the joyful look on the girl's face from the corner of his eye, which made people feel a little bit of joyful smile.

It doesn't matter, as long as his sister Yan is happy.

"Go to school quickly, lest you be late." Ji Yun raised his hand and waved, telling the two of them to leave early.


From the time he came out of Yan's house to the time he entered the school, Yan Yan's bright eyes were as bright as those tens of watts of light bulbs.

It is very attractive to cast eyes on her.

"Sister Yan, you seem to be in a particularly good mood today?" Shen Shujun turned his head and looked at the side of Yan Yan who was walking side by side with him.

Hearing this, Yan Yan, who was extremely happy, suddenly stopped smiling brightly.

Not only is she in a bad mood today.

And it was the happiest day since her rebirth.

(End of this chapter)

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