Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 37 He is different from ordinary children

Chapter 37 He is different from ordinary children

Just as Shen Shujun tried his best to calm down his footsteps and breathing, Yan Yan's clear voice, who was walking in the front, suddenly rang out.

The girl kept walking, staring straight ahead and asking the people behind: "Ah Jun, why did you slander Fu Zhixing just now?"

After all, she is still a person who has lived two lifetimes, so how can she not recognize his moves.

It's just that deep down in my heart I still choose to believe him.

But as for him, it didn't take long for him to show his face in Fu Zhixing.

When Shen Shu heard this, his relaxed body froze heavily.

Shen Shujun, who was following behind Yan Yan like a boy, had a flash of panic in his dark and deep eyes.

"Sister Yan, I"

"Tell me, what are you?" Yan Yan, who was walking non-stop just a second ago, suddenly turned around, staring coldly at Shen Shujun, who looked flustered, with a pair of clear spring eyes.

At this moment, Yan Yan's eyes are not as gentle and kind as usual.

On the contrary, it makes people feel a bone-chilling chill.

Facing her staring at him like this, Shen Shujun didn't dare to look into the girl's eyes any more.

He lowered his eyes and admitted his mistake with a choked voice: "Sister Yan, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, so please forgive me. Sister Yan, Ah Jun promises that there will be a next time."

"Do you want another time?"

Hearing the sound, Yan Yan narrowed the eyes under the willow eyebrows slightly, filled with hints of threat.

"Don't dare, Ah Jun will never have a next time!" The boy's words were full of firm tone, as if he really would never have a next time.

But only the boy himself knows that next time he will definitely have it!

It's just that next time he will be more careful about his facial expressions.

He will definitely restrain himself next time!

Hidden better!
"It's not my business to forgive you, that's Fu Zhixing's business. At this moment, I just want to know why you did that, what is the reason?" Yan Yan asked him calmly.

Facing Yan Yan's aggressive questioning, Shen Shujun's face looked panic-stricken, and his eyes were filled with a lot of transparent bean-sized teardrops.

"I... I, I..."

He faltered and hawed for a long time, but he could only say one word for me.

For the next few minutes, it remained like this, and I couldn't speak a complete sentence clearly.

Shen Shujun's expression of not being afraid, knowing that he made a mistake, and standing opposite him with a cold and indifferent expression, like a big sister in charge, the two are in stark contrast.

Many people who passed by during the period agreed that Yan Yan was a girl several years older than her, and there was a boy who was a year or two younger than her in front of her. Zhang's face is full of immature aura, and anyone with a discerning eye will know it at a glance.

"I asked you to tell me the root cause of what you did. How about you? You look so aggrieved. See, many people passing by here think I'm bullying you." Another passerby who passed by With a strange look cast on him, Yan Yan was speechless in his heart.

She didn't bully people younger than herself! !
Really do not have! ! !

"I" Shen Shujun passed Mount Tai quickly in his eyes where the girl couldn't see, showing a touch of pride.

He showed this grievance on purpose.

In this way, his sister Yan would not continue to press him any longer.

"Okay, don't talk about it." He hesitated for a long time, and couldn't explain it clearly, but he didn't want to tell her.

"Go, I'll take you to apologize to Fu Zhixing." As she said that, she took two steps forward, reached out and pulled Shen Shujun's slightly cool wrist, and then suddenly thought of something, she lowered her head and looked back Someone who was frowning asked, "Sorry, you should recognize it, right?"

Shen Shujun, who lowered his brows and eyes, responded in a low voice, murmuring.

"Well, I admit it."

The sound from the boy's mouth was extremely small, so small that it was as thin as a mosquito.

For fear of being overheard.

After agreeing with Shen Shujun in this way, Yan Yan dragged him to Fu Zhixing's house.

Fu Zhixing's home is not far from Yan Yan's home, only a few hundred meters away. The difference is that his home is in a villa area where rich people live, while hers is closer to the villa where ordinary people live. The geographical location here is relatively better than that of ordinary families.

On the way here, when Yan Yan walked past some shops, she looked through the windows of some shops with glass windows installed, and caught a glimpse of Shen Shujun, who she was pulling, with his head down all the time, covered in Depression means a lot.

Seeing this, Yan Yan's heart softened.

Was what she just said too heavy?
Yan Yan thinks about it too, not to mention that it is heavy for most people, not to mention that he is a child who has just come out of autism.

In her heart, she always treats him who is now living at home as a child.

This is also the foreshadowing for Shen Jun to become Shen Shujun in his previous life after the high school entrance examination in the later period.

She hesitated for a moment in her heart, and finally chose to speak: "Well, Ah Jun, did I hurt you by what I said just now?"

"It's okay, what Sister Yan said is right, and Ah Jun did a good job." How could his Sister Yan be wrong all her life?
Even if she is wrong, he will turn her wrong into right!
"Well, I'll pay attention next time I speak."

Always be aware that he is no ordinary kid!

If only she always remembered that he was a child with autism.

Self-esteem and that, don't talk too much.

After arriving at the door of Fu Zhixing's house, Yan Yan also let go of Shen Shujun's hand that had been holding him until now.

Yan Yan was about to turn around and say to Shen Shujun when you came to open the door.

Before the words in her mouth could be completely uttered from her mouth, Fu Zhixing's clear and clear voice, which is unique to teenagers, slowly sounded from behind the two of them.

Kid, why are you here at my door? "

Fu Zhixing walked towards him, and when his eyes touched Shen Shujun who was beside Yan Yan, his eyes passed directly, and finally fell on Yan Yan's face beside Shen Shujun, and asked, "Why are you here? Don't say it's because of him." Apologize to me."

Fu Zhixing looked at Yan Yan as if he wouldn't do it if you came to apologize for him.

Looking directly at the boy in front of her, she said, "He came to apologize to you, and of course I have to apologize to you too."

Yan Yan, no matter in her past life or in this life, she always admits her mistakes and corrects her mistakes. If it is something she has never done, then she will never replace anyone to resist the mistakes.

"What are you apologizing for?" The boy looked puzzled.

Fu Zhixing is a forgetful person, completely different from Shen Shujun who is very vengeful.

As long as he and anyone are not serious, no matter how fierce the quarrel is, it will be forgotten immediately after it is over.

(End of this chapter)

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