Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 39 Why don't you like him?

Chapter 39 Why don't you like him?
"No." Shen Shujun said in a low voice.

At this moment, Fu Zhixing, who was standing behind the two, suddenly appeared in Shen Shujun's eyes with righteousness and awe, diagonally opposite him, leaning against the wall slightly, with a smile on his lips: "No need, kid , and I can understand his behavior in doing that.”

Understand shit!

He just pretended to be extremely indifferent and said so.

Secretly, in fact, let alone how excited and happy I am!

Finally letting Shen Jun stumble in his hands, Fu Zhixing's mood at this moment is the joy of the opposite party.

The corners of the young man's lips were full of Yi Yiyue's curvature that couldn't be concealed!

"Ah Jun, go and apologize." Seeing Fu Zhixing approaching, Yan Yan turned to Shen Shujun and said.

Shen Shujun, who was sitting with Shen Shujun, didn't respond, but stood up from his seat with a displeased face, and then walked very slowly to Fu Zhixing, and reluctantly apologized to him: "I'm sorry."

When the boy who looked like a teenager said the three words I'm sorry, the voice kept circling in his mouth, as if it couldn't come out.

The voice is pitifully small, as small as a young mosquito.

"Well, my lord brother has a lot to forgive you this time, and next time you don't frame me like this again, otherwise, the kid will have to tell me again." When Fu Zhixing said these words, his face The look on your face, don't mention how comfortable it is!
The old back of the discourse also made a point of telling the story that Yan Yan wrongly blamed himself because of Shen Shujun's misleading before.

Regarding this, Shen Shujun, who was face to face with Fu Zhixing, rolled his eyes at him directly.

Of course, because Shen Shujun's back was facing Yan Yan, she couldn't see Shen Shujun's action at this moment.

After seeing Shen Shujun apologize to Fu Zhixing, Yan Yan also smiled.

Ah Jun still listened to her and apologized to Fu Zhixing.

Looking at it, she saw that the sunlight outside the window had gradually faded from the previous dazzling brightness to golden yellow, and the air flowing into the room outside was no longer as hot as at noon. She said, "Since Fu Zhixing has forgiven you, Ah Jun, then we will go home."

"it is good."

Shen Shujun, who was facing Fu Zhixing face to face, heard the clear voice of the familiar girl coming out from behind him. Shen Shujun's gloomy and unhappy aura just a second ago dissipated instantly with the sound of this voice not see.

If Fu Zhixing hadn't seen this with his own eyes, he would have unanimously believed that Shen Shujun, who had just revealed such aura, was not at all the same as himself.

Fu Zhixing couldn't help complaining secretly in his heart.

This Shen Jun is really an actor!
She just likes to pretend to be innocent and harmless in front of children, and watch him show his true face in front of her step by step in the future!
"Let's go now, let's play a little longer." Seeing that Shen Shujun had turned from him and walked to the girl's side, the two seemed to be about to leave, Fu Zhixing hurriedly persuaded him to stay: "My mother also I'll be back soon, let's have dinner before leaving."

"No, Ah Jun is not used to being with strangers he doesn't know." After thinking about his gradually improving condition, Yan Yan refused the boy's offer to stay.

Following behind Er, after sending Yan Yan and the others to the door, Fu Zhixing shouted at her back: "Okay, come back later when you have time."

Hearing the sound, Yan Yan did not turn his head to reply, but responded to Fu Zhixing without looking back.


If she comes back in the future, she must come again when she has time.

Now she not only wants to get good grades in the exam so that she will be able to lead her parents away from the lunatic in her previous life, but now she also has to take care of Shen Jun who suffers from autism. She is really busy.

This guy usually causes too big things to worry her, the only problem is that his little Jiujiu's thoughts are well known to passers-by.

Others don't know, but she understands.

Well, really, if she doesn't enlighten her well, it will be a big trouble in the future.

What Yan Yan didn't know was that the seeds of this big trouble had been planted long ago, and it was not small.

When he came out of Fu's house, the gloom on Shen Shujun's face was gone, and his eyes seemed to be shining brightly.

"Ah Jun, don't you like Fu Zhixing?" She asked knowingly.


Someone is still struggling to quibble.

Seeing that he still refused to admit that he didn't like Fu Zhixing, Yan Yan also showed a slight smile, and then mercilessly exposed him. "Not yet, I can tell that you just don't like him."

This time, the girl exposed it bluntly, and Shen Shujun didn't continue to deny it.

"Sister Yan, I really don't like him very much."

"Why don't you like him? There must be a reason for not liking him, right? Tell me the reason." She asked Shen Shujun like this.

She wanted to see if the reason he said was as consistent as what she thought in her heart.

"I just don't like him anyway, for no reason."

After saying these words, Shen Shujun accelerated his steps extremely fast as if angrily, and soon turned around a corner. When Yan Yan chased after him, he had disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the empty corner, the corners of the polished lips could not help muttering: "Where is the person?"

How come you can't see anyone after you come here?
Where did he go?

Just when Yan Yan was puzzled because she couldn't find Shen Shu, a soft sobbing sound came from her ear, which directly attracted her attention.

She chased to this sobbing prestige.

A small, huddled person wrapped his arms around his legs, this person immediately attracted Yan Yan's attention, when her eyes touched the clothes on that person, she was stunned!

Isn't this person Shen Shujun?
He just walked so fast just to hide and cry like this? ? ?
When the boy was sobbing and crying, his body still squirmed up and down from time to time.

That way, although he couldn't see him burying his face between his knees, even if he didn't have to look, Yan Yan knew that he was crying terribly at this moment!

After all, Yan Yan, who is a girl, couldn't bear it.

She stepped forward, knelt down beside the boy, and comforted him in an extremely gentle tone: "Okay, tell me about you, what's there to cry about? There's no need, I just don't talk about you next time. "

How dare Yan Yan have a next time, as long as Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun take her away after the first middle school exam.

Just left here and never came back.

As soon as the person who shrunk into a ball heard who was speaking, his sobbing body trembled even more. The soft sobbing before was now much louder than before, and he raised his head. At the beginning, facing the girl's autumn water eyes, the words spit out intermittently: "Sister Yanyan, I... did I really do something wrong? But I, I... Didn't I do it on purpose, I It wasn't done on purpose."

The girl took out a pack of tissues from her pocket, wiped the bean-sized tears that were falling down his cheeks, and comforted him softly: "Sister understands, Ah Jun, don't cry, this little eye circle is red from crying." , stop crying, or my sister will ignore you."

(End of this chapter)

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