Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 507 Waiting for the prey to fall into the trap

Jiang Ran turned around slowly, and his eyes once again fell on the scenery that had been staring at before.

The young man's voice was clear and indifferent: "I know what I am doing."

Yan Yan spent these three days feeling very uneasy.

She knew that not only Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun would attend this wedding that she was not optimistic about, but Jiang Ran would also be forced to show up!

This is what worries her the most these days.

If Jiang Ran falls into Shen Shujun's hands, then they are really doomed.

It's totally out of the question.

There is a high possibility that we will not be able to be together in this life!

Suddenly, a clear and slightly magnetic voice of a young man echoed in the large and empty room: "What's wrong? Why are you staring out the window in a daze?"

Shen Shujun, who was wearing a pure black dazzling black tailoring suit, opened the door and walked in. The pair of narrow blue eyes under the sword eyebrows suddenly looked into a pair of white and snow-like beautiful clothes. Yan Yan.

The handsome young man's gaze touched the girl at this moment. Something in the deepest part of his heart seemed to have been hit hard by something. He was so shocked that he immediately praised himself in his heart: Sure enough, no matter what Whether in the last life or in this life, such words are the most beautiful!

Wearing an absolutely white wedding dress as white as snow to marry him is the most beautiful and touching thing.

Although this time is different than last time.

But Shen Shujun has never been a person who cared about the process. On the contrary, he is a person who pays great attention to the final result of things.

Of course you have to work hard to get what you like.

The handsome and evil boy has never been the kind of person who stays with each other silently, waiting quietly for the thing he likes to be destined to come to his side.

Destiny only plays a small role.

The final result still depends on yourself!

"Look at the scenery." In response to Shen Shujun's question, Yan Yan calmly retracted his indifferent gaze that was slightly far away outside the window. He then gently turned his slender body, raised his eyes a little, and focused his gaze on the person who walked in through the door and faced him. A handsome young man approaching with deep steps.

Shen Shujun looks very good today.

Whether it's the well-tailored suit he's wearing, the ink-like black hair that's been meticulously managed, or the exquisite and alluring facial features.

They are all top-notch and look dozens of times better than before!

Seeing the girl in the wedding dress staring at him in a daze, Shen Shujun couldn't help but soften his eyes, curved his lips with a sinister smile, and a low voice slowly sounded in his ears: "Yanyan, am I looking better today? Did it look better last time?"

After saying this, the young man did not wait for anyone to reply to him. Instead, he added to himself: "I think my clothes look very good this time, but compared to this time, your face was full of stains last time." Marry me with a smile of ultimate happiness.”

When Shen Shujun talked about the past between the two of them, his handsome features and eyebrows were full of tenderness.

This scene of the handsome and evil boy's expression is so soft, it really looks like a lifetime ago.

Yan Yan was thinking, it's just a pity that she was so stupid in her last life and was manipulated by the person in front of her!

He didn't even notice any movement for such a long time!

It was only after marriage that I slowly realized the true face of the handsome evil boy. He was really hopelessly stupid!

This time, although she discovered his face and temperament early, she was helplessly forced to accept it all.

What a twist of fate!

She gave up her life in her previous life to gain rebirth with great difficulty. Before she could fully enjoy life and the relationship with her relatives, she met Shen Shujun who was also reborn like herself.

"Shen Shujun, there are so many women in this world, why..." Looking directly into his narrow blue eyes, Yan Yan hesitated for a moment before continuing: "Why do you have to be me?"

There are many people who are better than her in terms of appearance, body shape, inner qualities, and temperament.

Why on earth did he have to have her?

Do you want to pester her? !

No matter what, Yan Yan couldn't figure it out or understand it.

Shen Shujun, who had already walked up to Yan Yan, gently bent his back, raised his hands to take the beautiful woman in front of him into his arms, and whispered in her ear to explain the doubts in her heart: "There are many things in this world. Woman, but that’s not you.”

"I only love you and only want you. I don't want anyone else." He slowly closed his eyes and buried his handsome face deeply into the girl's slender and white neck: "So, Yanyan can be like before. Do you like me that much?"

"No, we can't go back."

Feeling the shallow breathing in and out of his neck, Yan Yan coldly said words that made someone's body suddenly stiffen: "Besides, the first encounter between you and me was the result of your deep calculation."

So, do you think it’s okay? Shen Shujun.

Even if the mountains and rivers collapse between us, and the sun and moon invade us, nothing will be able to do!

Enough talking.

There is no need to say any more unnecessary words, Shen Shujunzi understands very well.

"It's okay, I will make you love me again, Yan Yan..." Cui Ran tightened Shen Shujun's big hands around the girl's slender waist.

Just like this, the young man with a tall figure and an extremely handsome face hugged Yan Yan tightly for a long time.

After a long time, Shen Shujun slowly let go of her in his arms, and at the moment he let go, he whispered a reminder: "The time is coming, Yanyan, I hope we can complete the ceremony smoothly."

I also hope that person can come as he wishes.

This way we can catch them all in one fell swoop.

After the young man finished speaking, he suddenly turned around and left straight away, his feet steady and steady without any trace of nostalgia, as if he didn't care at all.

But the fact is that he cares very much, very much!

Fifteen minutes later, the largest suburban church in Ikie City—

The large church was filled with many people. Among them were well-known and successful people from all walks of life in the local city, as well as many important families from other places. Most of them were related to Shen Shujun in his career. , of course, as well as various relatives and friends of the Shen family.

There are so many people, but there is only no one from the bride's side.

No matter it was the bride's relatives, friends, or classmates, none of them showed up!

It seems as if this wedding is not approved by the woman's side.

But even so, none of the people at the scene had a private conversation with the people around them.

And standing in front of the window in the room on the second floor next to the church, half of her delicate profile was illuminated by the warm yellow light. She looked at Yan Yan with slightly lowered eyebrows at the lively scene below. Searching eyes continued to scan around the crowd.

Yan Yan kept looking around in the crowd.

Look for any trace of Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun.

However, after a search, no trace of Dian Dian was found, and the girl couldn't help but let go of the anxious mood in her heart.

Fortunately, her parents are not here.

I guess I haven't gotten here yet. After thinking about it, Yan Yan stared deeply at the various successful people chatting and laughing below, and her pink and rosy lips like cherry blossoms lightly pursed into a shallow line.

These people only look like that on the surface, but in private they are so... extremely miserable.

Especially after recognizing a few familiar people from her previous life in the crowd, the look on her face became even more gloomy!

And in the room on the third floor of the same building at the same time.

Shen Shujun was the same as Yan Yan who was standing in front of the window on the second floor looking at the scene below. In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window without any obstruction, his tall and tall body stood with his hands in his pockets, looking down with a very elegant posture. The eyes of the crowd flowing below were so gloomy that it was impossible to see what the owner was thinking.

a long time--

After hearing a soft push on the door from behind, the handsome young man slowly retracted his gaze from the crowd of people flowing below. Immediately, two or three seconds later, he asked quietly: "Is everything set up?"

"Yes, Master Shen." Xu Lin's voice sounded bright.

Well, as long as everything is ready.

At this moment, Shen Shujun only hoped that Jiang Ran would not disappoint him.

After all, he had put a lot of thought into today's wedding.

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