Chapter 51
Compared with the extreme change on the Shen family's side in Haicheng, Yan Yan from Lishui County lived extremely happily during the whole summer vacation.

So happy and happy.

It's finally time to start school in Lishui County.

Today is it!

Wearing the school uniform sent by the high school in Lishui County, Yan Yan standing in front of the mirror in the room showed some satisfaction.

The girl in the mirror is wearing a green and white short skirt uniform, and her shoulder-length short black hair makes her exposed skin as white as snow. Butterfly in the sky, with a straight nose bridge, cherry blossom-like lips that are spotlessly red, as if rouge has been applied.

Yan Yan's small face that looked like a melon seed showed very delicate features.

This green and white uniform is the school uniform of Hengshui High School, and the style of the uniform is similar to that of the school in Haicheng.

As expected, it is indeed the best and only university in Lishui County.

The girl looked at herself in the mirror, and smiled thoughtfully in satisfaction. Then she took her schoolbag, went downstairs briskly, and rushed to school.

Today is the first time I go to school, so I can't be late.

So Yan Yan got up early because of this.

Such a joyful feeling, but she has never felt it in two lifetimes.

Sure enough, leaving Haicheng is a place of evil.

Her whole being has become different.

Walking on the road, the whole body exudes eye-catching, dazzling abnormal light!

The Hengshui High School where Yan Yan studied is not too far away from where he lives now, only about five or six kilometers away. When he passed by a place a few hundred meters away from the school.

In a not-so-deep alley by the side of the road, there was a sound and a low growl.

The sound made Yan Yan, who was walking forward, stop her cheerful pace. After listening to it, she turned her head suspiciously and looked at the alley beside her.

Although it was already a sunny day, Yan Yan still couldn't see clearly what happened in the alley to make such a noise under the sunshine.

A girl with shoulder-length short hair in a short green and white skirt, half-narrowing the pair of bright starry eyes under her willow eyebrows, which look like bright stars hanging high in the night sky.

She walked slowly and cautiously into the alley.

Gradually approaching the interior of the alley, the low cry that came into the ear before became more and more clear!
There was a hint of puzzlement in his eyes.

The girl immediately turned around and wanted to leave.

She thought, even if she stayed away from that lunatic Shen Shujun earlier, she still couldn't take care of her own affairs outside of her family.

After all, some people just die of meddling.

Thinking this way, the girl straightened her back as she walked across the alley, and she raised her steps to leave.

But before the soles of Yan Yan's feet completely landed on the dry ground.

A powerful force on the back of her neck pinched her fiercely!

Immediately, the girl's delicate body was pulled backwards by this force!

Just when Yan Yan didn't understand why the force on the back of her neck chose her, she also had an idea in her heart: that is if she was pulled back by this force.

She will definitely fall on the back of her head!

But what Yan Yan didn't expect was that she didn't fall to the ground to have an intimate contact with him, but fell straight into the hot chest behind her!

Yan Yan felt the touch close to his back.

are people.

Before she could react, she told herself that a male voice suddenly sounded above her ears, and the man's breath was warm: "Don't move, help me."

The owner of the voice seemed weak.

This is what Yan Yan heard from the voice.

The words are prayers, but the voice that is forced to come out of the lips does not imply prayer at all.

"You let go of me first, you pinch me a little out of breath."

Yan Yan's statement that he was out of breath was a lie.

But the pain and soreness in the back of the neck is real.

When the people behind heard the words, they also let go of the big hand that was clasped on the back of her neck like the girl wished.

But as soon as he let go, Yan Yan quickly stepped back.

It didn't stop until he regressed to the point where he couldn't reach his own distance for a while.

She looked at the person in front of her eyes slightly coldly.

he got hurt.

And the injury is not light.

The boy was dressed in snow-white underwear and a black jacket with a hood. At this time, the white clothes inside the jacket had already been stained red by the blood from the wound on his waist.Looking up, Yan Yan saw that the young man's face was as pale as paper, and his lips were also biting tightly.

The lips were bitten and turned white.

A warm glow rose from the depths of the long and narrow eyes under the sword eyebrows, and a charming smile was drawn on the corners of the lips.

He seemed like a nice guy.

But she didn't intend to save it.

"Student, you can do it yourself, I can't help you."

The moment the girl said those words, the gentle expression on the face of the wounded boy standing in front of her disappeared without a trace.

It was as if he had never appeared on his face before him.

The look on his face was replaced by a cold and cruel look.

At the same time, the smile on the lips froze.

This change in the expression on the young man's face subconsciously made Yan Yan firmer in what he had just thought.

Sure enough, you can't just rescue people on the side of the road.

Otherwise, I don't know how to get into trouble.

"Just a question, to save or not to save?" The young man stared at the girl in front of him who was as bright as the sun.

"I can't help it, I'm going to be late for school."

After throwing down these words, Yan Yan turned his back and walked away.

At the moment when she turned around, she purposely glanced at the boy's waist that was still oozing blood.

After the eyes touched it, the girl's eyes just changed slightly at that moment.

Then, it sank down.

"You woman." Facing Yan Yan's slender back, the young man spat out these words fiercely.

Unfortunately, the girl who had walked a few steps heard her rightly, she paused for a moment, then turned her body slightly, and corrected her with half of her face: "Stop, I'm a girl now, and I'm still a long way from being a woman." very."


Today, as the kid said, it is not suitable to go out!

Only twenty minutes after I came out, I was surrounded by a dozen people and blocked in this alley. Not to mention outnumbered, those people even brought guys with them!

After struggling to the death, he managed to get rid of those things, and now he was still seriously injured, and he happened to meet someone, so he put down his face and asked for help.

But she didn't help!

This is what he never expected.

As the girl's figure gradually shrunk in his pupils, voices of discussion gradually came from behind the boy.

"Boss, this guy is here. I just saw him running in. If you don't believe me, look, there are still our brothers on the ground in front."

"Brothers, let's go, we must not let anyone run away today!"

After listening, the boy's eyes darkened.

Come to help so soon?

It seems that I really want to kill him...

 Thanks for sending tickets!Come and take care of me! ! !Don't make me talk about my baby fairies! ! !Don't blame the heroine for being ruthless, after all, the heroine saved the hero once by chance in the previous life, so the hero's obsession with her deepened, and she learned a lot of wisdom.

  ps: Five-star praise.
(End of this chapter)

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