Chapter 57
Until the time she left the school gate, Jiang Yiyi was chattering non-stop beside Yan Yan.

With that look on their faces, those who didn't know thought they were such good friends.

After going out about 100 meters from the school gate, Jiang Yiyi's mouth stopped a little bit, and when a gentle breeze blew through Yan Yan's ears, a rather familiar voice said: "Yanyan, I know that there is a milk tea shop nearby whose milk tea tastes super delicious, and it tastes no worse than the milk tea in those big cities, let's try it together?"

Jiang Yiyi smiled innocently and looked at Yan Yan, who had no ups and downs in her expression.

No reaction?
"I'm busy going home for dinner and I won't go. Student Jiang, you can go by yourself. Goodbye." After wasting a lot of time on Jiang Yiyi, Yan Yan's cell phone received a text message from Ji Yun urging him to go home for dinner. , I lost my patience, and I didn't want to see what tricks she played anymore.

Right now, I just want to go home quickly.

But Jiang Yiyi, who had a smiling face like a flower, instantly collapsed after hearing the girl's euphemistic refusal.

She stared at Yan Yan with a gloomy face, and quickly grabbed one of her wrists, and her voice was no longer as sweet and harmless as before: "Shut up, I'll let you go Just go, what are you doing with all that nonsense?"

Did she give her face?
He rejected her again and again.

Few people in Hengshui could refuse Jiang Yiyi's kind invitation!
The constant tightness from the wrist made Yan Yan frowned slightly, and then raised his brows lightly, a glint of satisfaction flashed deep in his dark eyes like stars.

Yo, are you going to continue pretending?
Ready to reveal your true colors?

Hurry up and let her know why this Jiang Yiyi can't understand her.

Jiang Yiyi resolutely dragged Yan Yan a few hundred meters away, stopped at a small milk tea shop, ordered two glasses of her favorite iced Americano, and randomly found a seat with few people. Down.

Not long after sitting down, the iced Americano that Jiang Yiyi just ordered was quickly brought by the waiter at the milk tea shop.

She looked down slightly, glanced at the two cups of American style placed on the table in front of her, and couldn't help sighing: It seems that she really brought herself to the milk tea shop.

I just ordered two glasses of iced Americano.

And it's all she doesn't like to drink.

Later, it was Yan Yan who was wrong. The reason why Jiang Yiyi ordered two glasses of iced Americano was because it was what she liked to drink.

Moreover, the two cups are her own, and none is Yan Yan's.

Jiang Yiyi took several sips of Midea, but she still didn't intend to speak. She has more time, but it doesn't mean Yan Yan has more time.

"Since you don't say anything, I'll go first."

As soon as the words were finished, Yan Yan was about to stand up, but was stopped by a sudden sweet voice.

"Yan Yan, can you tell me why Jiang Ran talked to you this morning?" Jiang Yiyi still drank with her head down, without raising her voice, but her voice gradually became cold: "What is the content of the conversation between you?" what?"

She was too far apart to hear what they were saying.

The tone of the girl's speech seemed to be saying to Yan Yan, if you don't tell me, don't blame me for being rude to you.

"It's nothing."

It turned out that the reason why she was close to him was here.

Jiang Yiyi likes the one named Jiang Ran, but unfortunately she is not interested and does not intend to tell her what the two of them talked about.

At this time, Jiang Yiyi suddenly raised her head, staring at the girl in front of her, her voice was full of infinite danger and coldness: "Say it or not?"

"Get ready, you're going to hit me if I don't tell you?" What, is this preparing to bully people directly in broad daylight?

Jiang Yiyi was obviously annoyed by the girl's indifferent expression, she raised her arms and was about to slap the disobedient little bitch in front of her.

But when the palm swung down, there was no sound of friction between the slap and the cheek, and the hand she waved in mid-air was still tightly held by someone!

Jiang Yiyi was so angry that she didn't know who would dare to stop her from teaching others!
"Who is it, that short-sighted Dong..." Before the girl had time to spit out the last word, she stopped abruptly.

It was Jiang Ran who stopped Jiang Yiyi!
"Jiang Jiangran?"

The object of admiration is right in front of her, which made Jiang Yiyi, who was still furious a second ago, collapse instantly, and she said shyly with a gentle expression on her face: "Jiang Ran, the wrist you pinched hurts so much, you can Take it easy?"

The change in the girl's expression came really fast.

Yan Yan looked at it for a moment.

Sure enough, the ancients often said that a woman can turn her face faster than a book, and Yan Yan has really seen it today.

"Jiang Yiyi, don't put on such a face in front of me, it really makes me sick." Jiang Ran let go of the hand that stopped her in mid-air, and glanced at the girl coldly.

As soon as Jiang Ran's words came out, Jiang Yiyi's complexion was a little hurt as expected.

"Jiang Ran, I'm not this..." Such a person.

"Shut up, do you really think I don't know what you did?" Jiang Ran couldn't stand her always posing like this in front of her.

He felt really sick!
As soon as Jiang Yiyi knew that someone was confessing to him, she would go to find someone to trouble him that night, and as soon as she saw someone looking at her with that kind of ambiguous admiration, she had already found someone to wait outside the school before school was over.

Time after time, he finally knew what kind of person she was.

This time, I just asked a few more questions with the new classmate, and she came to the door as soon as the lunch break was over at noon. If he hadn't remembered something and forgot to put it in school, he probably wouldn't have met her. It's just that scene.

When I was young, I liked to bully others.

It's really bad!

"I, I have a reason for doing things like that, Jiang Ran..." Jiang Yiyi's eyes were red, her mouth was slightly pouted, and she looked at the high-spirited young man who was much taller than herself with an aggrieved face.

The uniform on the boy's body is still on and has not been replaced. His height of 1.7 meters is not too short for his peers. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, firm and distinct jaw, and fair and delicate skin.

Jiang Ran looks handsome.

It can also be regarded as a well-known school grass in Hengshui.

"You know best in your own heart." After saying this, the young man pulled Yan Yan who was watching the play and left straight away.

Looking at the picture of the two holding hands and leaving, Jiang Yiyi, who was stuck in place, bit her lips tightly, and her teeth turned white. She clenched her hands into fists and creaked. The look in those eyes is fierce and sinister!
The girl raised her hand and swept the double American dishes off the table.

Then, almost gnashing his teeth, he said, "Yan Yan? The man who dares to rob me, I will let you know who is in charge of this Hengshui!"

(End of this chapter)

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