Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 6 Settling in Her House

Chapter 6 Settling in Her House
During the entire meal time, Yan Yan secretly looked at the boy in the sweater beside him more than once, but he was eating peacefully, no matter what other people said.

After eating, the Shen family couple explained to Shen Shujun and left.

Yan Yan wanted to help his mother clean up the dishes, but she pushed her into the living room, saying that she told her to stay with Shen Shujun more, which would help guide his illness. Yan Yan saw the boy calmly and peacefully. Zhixing sat together, staring straight ahead in a daze without saying a word.

The suitcase that had been left in the corner of the living room had already been taken upstairs by Yan Zhixing, and when he walked up to him, Yan Yan said to him, "Follow me upstairs, and I will take you to your room."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at her one last time before turning around and leaving.

For the person in front of her who came to live in her house, plus the younger brother who is younger than herself, I am grateful.

She treats him as usual,
Nothing else is too much.

Shen Shujun, who was sitting on the sofa in a daze, quickly heard the girl's sweet and lonely voice in his quiet mind. He came back to his senses as fast as he could. When he looked around, he found that the girl beside him had already turned around and left. , when he turned his head and raised his eyebrows to look elsewhere, what he saw was only a shallow and slender figure in the distance.

After a second of silence, Shen Shujun who was sitting on the sofa followed quickly.

Yan Zhixing heard the sparse voices coming from his side, he watched the backs of the two children leaving, and his eyes finally fell on Shen Shujun who was following behind Yan Yan.

He stared at him for three or four seconds until the boy's back disappeared, and then slowly withdrew his gaze.

Yan Zhixing lowered his head and sighed slightly.

Alas, this child is pitiful enough, such a small person suffers from autism.

It's really unforgiving.

Yan Yan, who went upstairs alone, was afraid that Shen Shu downstairs would not follow him, so he specially waited for him in the corridor.

When a small head gradually appeared at the top of the stairs, Yan Yan knew that he had followed.

When he turned his body and glanced at the boy's fair-skinned and expressionless face, for a moment Yan Yan felt that his appearance was not autistic, right?But after spending the next few days together, Yan Yan realized that her thinking like this was a big mistake!
After Shen Shujun followed, when he saw Yan Yanren standing waiting for him, a light-colored, unnoticeable smile rose from the depths of his dark eyes.

She not only has a nice voice, but also a good-looking person and a good heart.

She actually waited for him like this.

"Let's go, your room is at the end of the corridor." While speaking, Yan Yan raised his hand to point to Shen Shujun.

"En." Shen Shujun replied lightly.

Yan Yan couldn't help being surprised when he heard the small voice coming from beside his ear.

He spoke this is?

She kept walking, and continued to walk, but she thought in her heart: It's not that she can't talk, it's just that she doesn't talk much, right?
Looking at the back of the girl walking in front who was more than half taller than him, a shallow warm current flowed slowly in Shen Shujun's heart.

His eyes were once again stained with an unknown smile.

What Yan Yan didn't know was that just now, the inadvertent little action of waiting for someone had gained a lot of favor in someone's heart.

Pushing open the door, a room that is neither too big nor too small unfolds in front of you.

The entire room has pure white walls, and the curtains are also transparent white. The layout of the room is very monotonous. There is only one bed and wardrobe. There are no bedding or sheets on the bed. The main reason is that no one comes to live in this room. Now, Shen Shujun came to live only in a hurry, and everything has not been arranged in the future.

The only good thing is that the whole room is quite spacious in terms of size, and if you add a desk or something later, it will be enough.

The suitcase that was brought up by Yan Zhixing before was also quietly placed beside the bed.

After leading him to the room, Yan Yan took out the quilt and a new set of sheets from the closet and put them on. All with a little sweat: "Okay, tonight, you will make do with it first. Tomorrow, my mother will buy daily necessities for you. It's getting late, so you can rest first."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was about to leave. When he was about to walk to the door, Yan Yan turned his head and said to the calm man, "By the way, there are face towels, toothbrushes, etc. in the bathroom of the room. If there is anything If not, you can find me next door, I live next door, and thank you for saving me that night, little brother."

Although Yan Yan couldn't believe that the boy in front of him who was not as tall as him saved him.

But according to the blurred memories in her mind, she still couldn't admit the fact that he did save her.

Regarding Yan Yan's explanation, Shen Shu nodded slightly to express his response.

Among the girl's words, the only thing that made him uncomfortable was the little brother at the end.

He doesn't want to be her brother.
【Well, I don't want to be someone else's younger brother now, and I don't know who will call her sister one by one in the future】

After Yan Yanren left, the whole room was very empty.

The young Shen Shujun silently looked at the bed that Yan Yan bent over and carefully made just now.

When his eyes moved to the extremely neatly made bed, a bright light flashed slowly in the depths of his dark eyes!
After returning to his room, Yan Yan lay straight on the bed.

She looked at the ceiling in front of her with a calm expression and was stunned, not knowing what she was thinking.

In her last life, she met Shen Shujun in high school. Now she is only 13 years old and in the second year of junior high school. Her parents instilled in her the idea of ​​not allowing her to be admitted to high school.

As long as she doesn't go to Qingshang in high school, she won't meet him.

Slowly, Yan Yan fell asleep with this firm belief until he was woken up by the alarm clock next to the bed the next morning.

After waking up the next day, Yan Yan got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up before going downstairs for breakfast.

At the dinner table, Ji Yun put down the last plate of side dishes in his hand, turned his head and said softly to Yan Yu who had already walked to the table: "Get up, come and eat together, I will let you and Xiaojun go to school together later, on the way Good to have a companion."

Hearing this, Yan Yan slightly pulled the chair in his hand, and then returned to normal. She asked casually, "He and I also belong to the same school?"

But after saying this, Yan Yan was stunned.

If he wasn't from the same school as her, then why was he there at night?And how did they save them?

Isn't this an obvious idiot question?

For a moment, Yan Yan wanted to help his forehead.

Alas, as expected, this brain is still not very agile, it seems that the time of rebirth is too short, and sometimes she can't respond to some problems.

"You're really an idiot for asking that, Yan Yan." Ji Yun put a glass of milk in front of her with a smile, and continued, "Haven't you woken up yet? You're all confused."

"I'm still a little dizzy." Yan Yan continued what his mother said.

After that, they ate breakfast quietly. During this period, Shen Shujun, who was sitting opposite her, only glanced at her when she was talking with Ji Yun, and then stopped looking at her, and continued to eat breakfast as usual.

When he walked out of the house, Ji Yun did not forget to explain to the two children.

"Be careful on the road, Yan Yan, you have to take care of Xiaojun, do you hear me? You can't bully others, he is younger brother than you, do you hear me?" During the short time we spent together, Ji Yun could see clearly The child's temper.

I really don't like talking.

I also don't like to be near other people.

You say twenty or so words to him, and he may not reply you at all, at most he just hums lightly and calmly at the end and then disappears.

Although she had heard a lot of rumors about the Shen family before they came, it was still uncomfortable to actually get in touch with them.

After all, it seems that most top talents have been like Xiaojun since childhood.

"Understood, Mom." While replying, Yan Yan took a moment to glance at the boy who had already changed his shoes.

She said lightly, let's go, and the two left.

Looking at the thin backs of the two children walking away side by side from the balcony upstairs, Ji Yun sighed inwardly.

Will the child really become cheerful after living in her house for a few years?

She couldn't help but say that there was still some worry hidden in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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