Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 65 The conclusion drawn from the experience of the second life

Chapter 65 The conclusion drawn from the experience of two lifetimes

Putting down the matter in hand to look at the words, actions and expressions between the two of them at this time, they couldn't help teasing and talking about each other: "Look, isn't this new Yan Yan and our squad leader a good match?"

When someone said this, the voice in the mouth was very loud.

I'm afraid someone didn't hear it.

"Yeah, this new classmate, you can see that his family is not only beautiful, but his grades are still very good."

"Yes! One of them is No.1 and the other is No.2. Isn't this a perfect match? It doesn't look like someone. It's empty and there is only a better skin. These are all from big cities. Why is there such a big difference?"

Jiang Yiyi, who was sitting in the seat, heard these words, her whole face was turned blue with anger!

It seems to be the same as singing a face-changing show.

It's really green and purple, purple and white, white and black.

Those people who were bullied by Jiang Yiyi in the past felt very happy!
However, what these people didn't know was that this afternoon, because of what they said, Jiang Yiyi's anger and hatred were all poured on Yan Yan!
In the end, Jiang Yiyi couldn't listen anymore.

She stood up and walked straight out of the classroom.

Anyway, it's just the end of get out of class now, and Jiang Yiyi's two young followers didn't come to class during this time.

And they will come with a group of people in the afternoon.

Come and wait for her Yanyan!

After five or six minutes of stalemate with the girl, Yan Yan was still the same, and Jiang Ran was also very stubborn, not giving in at all.

"Just today," he said.


"Not today, tomorrow."

The object of the rebuttal of the two of them has attracted the attention of the surrounding students. Yan Yan deliberately lowered his voice this time: "Don't read it too, I am so stubborn that my head hurts. Only tomorrow, I have something to do this afternoon. .”

"I know."

There was no surprise on Jiang Ran's face when he found out about this, and Yan Yan was also a little dazed.

he knows?
What does he know?
"I heard the conversation between the two of you in the toilet."

Looking at the girl in front of her with a confused expression, Jiang Ran turned around and took out a bottle of water from her desk drawer and drank a couple of sips before slowly explaining the expression on her face.

"Everything Jiang Yiyi did to you was because of me, so it is necessary for me to help you solve the trouble."

For Jiang Ran, Jiang Yiyi is troublesome at this moment.

How did he know?
It seemed that only the two of them knew about Jiang Yiyi finding someone to surround her in the afternoon.

How did Jiang Ran in front of him know?
After recovering, Yan Yan thanked: "Thank you."

"No, you don't have to worry too much today, I'm here." The boy seemed to cast a comforting look at the girl in front of him.


In fact, Yan Yan wasn't afraid at all, after all, she had learned some close-handed moves in her previous life, and ordinary people, as long as they weren't Lian Jiazi, basically wouldn't be able to touch her.

Of course, if the young man has such a heart, how could she refuse.

After all, what Jiang Ran said was good.

Jiang Yiyi's whole incident against her was caused by him.

Time flies fast.

In a blink of an eye, it was the time when school was over in the afternoon.

She packed things extremely slowly, Fu Yanru, Xiao Yunyun and Lin Huanxiang had already packed up, and the three of them walked to their table.

Then, Yan Yan looked up at the few of them and said, "You go first, I have to wait for someone."

As soon as the words in the girl's mouth fell, those people immediately exchanged eyes with each other in mid-air, and then looked back and forth between Yan Yan and Jiang Ran who was also slowly packing up things sitting in front of her.

He stared at the two dubiously.

Finally, there was a "Oh~" in unison.

Fu Yanru's eyes kept sweeping and exchanging between the two, and then she turned her head to Xiao Yunyun who was standing beside her with a serious face as if I understood, Lin Huan said: "We understand."

"Yunyun, let's go, the three of us can't sit on a light bulb with hundreds of watts today."

While the girl was talking, she did not forget to push Xiao Yunyun away with her hands.

Yan Yan looked at the backs of the three people who walked out of the classroom door, with a very helpless smile on his face.

This is Fu Yanru.

I really can't get angry.

Soon everyone in the class disappeared one by one, only Yan Yan, Jiang Ran, and Jiang Yiyi were left in the empty space.

At this moment, Jiang Yiyi put her schoolbag on her back and walked towards her, with a cute green tea smile on her face: "Yan Yan, I will wait for you on your way home."

Jiang Yiyi, who finished speaking, wanted to turn around and leave, but was stopped by the clear voice on the young man's lips behind him.

"Jiang Yiyi, don't bully your classmates unscrupulously just because you have someone behind you."

In the smile in the eyes of the girl who turned her back to the two of them, there was a trace of sinister anger faintly overflowing at this time.

Even now, he still wants to protect Yan Yan!

I, Jiang Yiyi, see how you protect Jiang Ran!
The girl who was about to walk to the door suddenly stopped walking.

I only heard her tone indifferent, looking at herself without warmth: "Jiang Ran, won't all your troubles be solved when you are with me?"

As soon as these words fell, the surrounding air fell into dead silence!

Jiang Yiyi, who stopped, waited for a long time with her back on her back, but she didn't get the voice answer she wanted.

So she lifted her foot and stepped outside the classroom.

After Jiang Yiyi left, she kept watching Jiang Ran's Yan Yan, picked up the schoolbag that had already been packed on the chair with one hand, took two steps across the table, picked up the boy's black canvas schoolbag in her hand, and handed it to him.

"You go home quickly, don't accompany me."

Forcibly stuffing the schoolbag into the boy's arms, Yan Yan left the classroom straight away.

Sure enough, color misleads people.

There is also no distinction between men and women.

After quickly walking out of the teaching building, behind Yan Yan came a clear, low, unsteady voice that belonged to a young man. "Wait, Yan Yan, wait for me."

Hearing the sound, the girl stopped and turned her head to look at the person who was gradually approaching behind her.

"Didn't I tell you to leave? Are you afraid of running over to do something?" Yan Yan stared at him with a calm look in his eyes.

Jiang Ran's face was rosy, and he gasped and said stubbornly: "It's better to have me as a boy present, so that they will have more scruples."

Yan Yan didn't answer his words immediately, but stared at him quietly for a while.

After a while.

The girl's voice was clear and loud.

There were several drops in his voice without warning.

"Jiang Ran, do you like me?"

Apart from this reason, Yan Yan could no longer think of why a boy kept helping a girl.

Jiang Ran, who was exposed to the thoughts in his heart, also admitted without blushing.

"Is it obvious that I have behaved?" the boy asked.

Taking a step forward, the girl looked ahead and replied, "No, I'm too shrewd."

Yan Yan did not boast about this.

She came to this conclusion based on the experience of living two lives.

(End of this chapter)

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