Chapter 8 Did He Save You? !

Yan Yan was finishing the class notes, and turned around with some uneasiness in her heart. When her eyes pierced through the dark and bright eyes of several people in the class, the unease and worry in her heart could not help but be overwhelmed. enlarge!
When Yan Yan turned his head, Shen Shujun was sitting in the last row, but there were many people around him at this moment!

But almost all boys, few girls.

If she saw such a scene before, she would not be worried at all, but now her eyes are full of worry.

Seeing this, she got up and hurried to the overcrowded place.

Lu Man, who was Yan Yan's shoulder-to-shoulder friend, was a little stunned by her action.

She looked at the back of the girl leaving, and Luman's face was stained with puzzlement.

She seemed to know the new Shen Jun.

Is she looking for him?
"Go around, he's not used to being surrounded by so many people." Yan Yan, who had walked to the periphery of the crowd, pulled away, and Fu Zhixing, who was talking to Shen Shujun, was inside.The man was pulled by someone suddenly, and when he was in embarrassment, he realized that the person who pulled him was Yan Yan, he got up and squeezed out, and quickly put on a soft smile on the girl.

"Kid, what did you just pull me for?"

Fu Zhixing was two years older than her and was kept in a grade, so he was still in the second year of junior high school.

Obviously not much older, but she kept calling her child by child. Yan Yan told him, but he still insisted on calling her child, and in the end she just let him go and didn't care anymore.

The main reason was that Fu Zhixing didn't listen to Yan Yan at all.

"You tell them to stay away from him. He has autism and doesn't like people approaching him." Yan Yan looked at Fu Zhixing with some embarrassment, and finally leaned closer to Fu Zhixing's ear, who was a head taller than himself. , quietly explaining in his ear.

He felt a little bit of the warm breath coming from his ears, but when he heard the girl say the word autism, Fu Zhixing's eyes were full of astonishment.

Immediately, he involuntarily raised the voice from his throat: "He's autistic?!"

Hearing the sound, the classmates next to the two immediately listened to the words. For a while, everyone looked surprised and astonished, and even Shen Shu, who was surrounded inside, also looked at the reputation.

Just in time to see Yan Yan's upper body leaning against Fu Zhixing's ear without withdrawing, his eyes suddenly darkened.

"What are you doing with such a loud voice, are you afraid that others won't hear you?" Seeing that Fu Zhixing's voice was so loud when he mentioned autism, Yan Yan subconsciously raised his fist and waved at him: "Slow down, Shen Jun It's my cousin."

Yan Yan couldn't directly say that he was her benefactor who lived in her house, it was strange, so he simply said that he was her cousin.

This also saves a lot of trouble.

Not as good as now.

"He is the child's cousin, and he will be my cousin from now on. Don't worry, I will take care of him in the future." Fu Zhixing looked at the fair and slightly reddish cheeks of the heroine.

Hearing this, Yan Yan rolled his eyes.

My cousin is his cousin. Although the Fu family and her family are far away, it is not bad, but it has not reached the point he said.

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

Leaving this sentence behind, Yan Yan bypassed Fu Zhi and walked to the side of Shen Shujun who was in a daze with his head down.

"Are you okay? Don't you like crowds?" Seeing that the person didn't look up, she knelt down and approached him slightly, raised her hand and stroked the head of the boy sitting on the seat, with a rare tender look on her cheek: "It's okay, they They're all gone."

Hearing the sound, Shen Shujun, who had lowered his head and did not lift his eyes, raised his eyes slowly, and found that the crowd around him had disappeared at this moment, and it was empty. If it wasn't for some students in front of him, would they have tried secretly throwing at him? Looking at it, Shen Shujun almost thought that the scene just now was his fantasy.

The boy's sincere and bright eyes met Yan Yan's.

Looking at such a pure Shen Shujun, her deep eyes couldn't help being tinged with a bit of softness.

Then he explained surprisingly patiently: "The students in the class are more enthusiastic, you just need to get used to it in the future, and I also told them that you don't like crowds very much."

Shen Shujun glanced at Yan Yan who was squatting beside him, his eyes filled with gratitude.

"Well, thank you sister."

In the following classes, Shen Shujun did not have the same situation as before, until after the last class at noon, Yan Yan took Shen Shujun and Fu Zhixing to the cafeteria for lunch. On the way there, Fu Zhixing quietly Yan Yan asked again in his ear: "Is he really autistic?"

Hearing this, Yan Yan gave him a blank look, and instead of saying a word, he stepped straight to catch up with Shen Shujun who was walking in front of him.

Just now she thought that Fu Zhixing had something important to tell her, so she slowed down her pace, who knew that this guy was going to talk about it.

After seeing the girl gave him a blank stare, he strode forward.

Fu Zhixing, who was left behind by Yan Yan, looked at the two people in front of him who were leaving shallowly, and couldn't help but slapped himself with a chuckle.

What a mouthful he is!

Whether or not her cousin has autism seems to have nothing to do with him, not her.

After ordering food, they sat together, Yan Yan looked at Shen Shujun who was eating quietly with his head bowed, and she pretended to ask casually: "Maybe you are not used to the food in the cafeteria?"


The current Shen Shujun has really said a lot.

In fact, he didn't talk too much, but he always chose to answer when Yan Yan asked him, but he didn't necessarily answer when others asked him.

"Yanyan, why don't you ask me if I'm used to it or not?" Fu Zhixing asked, looking at the back and forth whispers between the two, feeling a little uncomfortable, his eyes were always intentional or unintentional Looking momentarily at the quiet boy beside the girl.

He found that Yanyan seemed to treat her cousin differently?
"I'm done eating."

Before Fu Zhixing questioned Yan Yan who was opposite him, Shen Shujun, who had been eating quietly beside her, suddenly said this.

The boy who is only ten years old is surprisingly quiet, as if he doesn't care about anything, and as if there is nothing that can attract his attention. Yan Yan watched his back gradually walking away, and couldn't help wondering: he eats so little of it?The plate of food in his hand didn't seem to eat much, did he?
After seeing someone leave, Fu Zhixing thought that the discomfort in his heart disappeared at an extremely fast speed. He picked up the plate in front of him, got up, walked around and sat down next to Yan Yan, with a gossip and curiosity on his face. : "You seem to treat him differently? Is there nothing else between you except the cousin relationship?"

"What's going on in your mind right now?" Yan Yan put down the chopsticks in his hand, and slowly turned his head to look at Fu Zhixing who looked beside him with a curious baby-like face: "He's just my cousin, I was nice to him only because he accidentally saved my life some time ago."

"Saved your life?" Fu Zhixing stared at the serious girl with a serious face full of surprise, and suddenly seemed to think of something. He looked at the bright and black eyes in front of him in shock and said, "What did you say earlier?" What happened to the time? Could it be that the person who rescued you from falling into the water was your cousin?"

"if not?"

Fu Zhixing: "..."

How is it possible for a ten-year-old to save a 13-year-old who fell into the water?

Fu Zhixing still didn't want to believe it.

Seeing that someone still showed disbelief, Yan Yan said very formally: "I'm not joking."

(End of this chapter)

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