Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 81 An Illusion She Gives Him

Chapter 81 An Illusion She Gives Him

The autumn wind is rustling, the leaves are turning yellow, and the sunset glow is shining everywhere.

In the quiet and quiet air where no one spoke, the clear and clear young voice suddenly sounded Wuzheng: "Yan Yan, how long has it been, have you remembered what I told you?"

The cool breeze in late autumn gently blows over people, which can't help but make people feel a little bit of chill.

Instantly, Yan Yan's body couldn't help shaking slightly.

A little cold.

"Well, I figured it out."

The girl's soft voice made it impossible to hear the slightest emotion.

When the girl's voice just fell, Jiang Ran was suddenly ecstatic. He turned his head sideways, stared at her with his long and narrow eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Then your final decision is..."

He waited quietly for her answer.

"There is nothing to report." Yan Yan continued to reject the young man as always, without a single pause: "Jiang Ran, you are very nice, no matter what it is, it's just that I really don't like dating."

Hearing this, the light that had just risen in the young man's eyes disappeared in an instant, as if the light had never existed in the pupils just now, Jiang Ran twitched the corners of his mouth with a cold expression: "You, you still think like that If you don't want to, just reject me."

Recalling the tacit understanding with the girl during this short period of time.

Every time she hasn't said what she thinks in her heart, Jiang Ran knows what she is going to say next.

In this way, people around are optimistic about a couple, but they are not favored by the female client.

She gave him an illusion.

An illusion that she has accepted him in disguise.

"It's the first time I like someone, so you can't be more scruples, and it's okay to be a little slow in rejecting." The smile on the corner of Jiang Ran's lips was a little helpless, but it brought a sense of loneliness to him.

"I admit that I have some affection for you."

As soon as she said these words, the fading light in Jiang Ran's pupils, who had just lost his mind, instantly ignited again, but its existence was only for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the girl gradually explained to him: "But it's just a good impression."

"If you have a good impression, doesn't it mean that we can continue?" Jiang Ran asked the girl seriously.

She has a crush on him, why should she stop there?

Jiang Ran couldn't figure it out no matter what at this time.

"No, I will kill this good feeling for you. As I said, I won't fall in love."

Likewise, don't touch men.

Especially people who are similar to the lunatic in the previous life are in contact with men and women.

Yan Yan absolutely does not allow himself to be planted at the same spot twice.

"Why? I really can't figure out why." Bitterness quickly flashed in the depths of the boy's deep eyes.

"No reason." Yan Yan looked up at Yihe's Wanxia before slowly continuing: "You can continue to be friends with me, but if you get along with me with the feelings between a man and a woman, I will not hesitate." Hesitantly stay away from you."

"So, what kind of capacity do you plan to get along with me now?"

After saying that, the girl looked at him with a cold look that was rarely shown in front of outsiders.

Looking at such cold eyes, Jiang Ran couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect that Yan Yan would force himself in such a way.

Jiang Ran: ""

He faltered and couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Seeing this, Yan Yan frowned slightly, curled his lips and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I'll give you time to think, just answer me before my figure completely disappears before your eyes."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, I saw the girl walking slowly and comfortably.

Yan Yan's steps were very slow, as if he was intentionally waiting for the person behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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