Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 95 Are you ready to be shameless?

Chapter 95 Are you ready to be shameless?

The more Yan Yan wanted to leave as lightly as a swallow, the more Jiang Ran didn't want her to do so.

"Yanyan, you just don't want to see me that much?" He raised his hand and grabbed the girl's wrist, stopping her tenacious pace as she wanted to move forward.

"Don't call me Yanyan, my relationship with you is not so close."

The place where Jiang Ran grabbed her was the one with Yan Yan's wound!

She endured the strong force in the boy's hand.The lips turned white, Liu Mei's brows were slightly frowned, and she said word by word: "Jiang Ran, let go."

"Don't let it go."

Jiang Ran actually wanted to say something else, but he found that something was wrong with the girl in front of him. He found that her face had turned pale a lot for some reason, so he asked her: "Yanyan, what's wrong with you? Why is your face suddenly pale?" So pale?"

As soon as the words fell from his mouth, Jiang Ran found that the girl's hand that he was holding was trembling.

If he hadn't observed more subtle words, he wouldn't have been able to find it.

After thinking about it, the boy's big hand that grabbed Yan Yan's wrist earlier moved up, and the other hand gently reached out to lift off the cloth on her wrist. When Yan Yan wanted to stop it, it was already It's over.

He took all the hidden scars on her wrist into his pupils.

Seeing a blood-red wound appearing out of thin air on her wrist, Jiang Ran couldn't help feeling anxious, and his tone suddenly became a little questioning: "How did you do it?"

This kind of questioning tone is unknown to Jiang Ran himself.

Obviously she was wearing short-sleeved clothes yesterday, her wrists were smooth and clean, without a trace of injury.

But how did the injury on her hand come from now?

This really puzzled the young man.

Suddenly an idea flashed through his mind.

Could it be that her injury was only... when she went back?
"It's none of your business, I'll tell you again, let go." Yan Yan's facial features showed a coldness and indifference that he had never seen with a young man.

This time, before the words from Yan Yan's mouth fell completely, Jiang Ran let go of his hand first.

"Tell me, how did you get this injury on your hand?" After saying that, the boy narrowed his eyes slightly, staring quietly at her in front of him threateningly.

However, Yan Yan ignored him and walked away.

This change in the girl's cold indifference inevitably made Jiang Ran's eyes full of suspicion.

Later, staring at her slender and frail back after leaving for a long time, Jiang Ran seemed to understand clearly in his heart, and quickly ran to catch up.

After catching up with him, he walked side by side with Yan Yan, and said with a very unsteady breath, "You did it yourself?"

The tone seemed to be asking, but Yan Yan knew the deep meaning of the words.

His words are full of firm belief in his conjecture.

She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, seeming to have no distractions, but in fact the aura emanating from her whole body was cold, which confirmed Jiang Ran's conjecture in her heart.

The injury on her hand was caused by herself!

Jiang Ran didn't understand why the girl did this. "I don't understand why you would hurt yourself."

After the boy finished speaking these words, he fell into a moment of silence.

And Yan Yan who was at the side had no intention of speaking up.

Suddenly, for two or three minutes, the air between the two was icy cold.

is suffocating.

Jiang Ran accepted this similar suffocating atmosphere, and said to her again: "Yanyan, talk, don't be dumb."

"I made it myself."

Under the repeated confrontation of the young man, Yan Yan finally had to admit it.

"Why do you do that?" he asked.

"To remind myself all the time." Reminding myself not to fall into the same pit again, she said secretly in her heart.

The light in the boy's eyelids dimmed instantly: "It's not necessary."

In fact, you really don't need to say such words.

I will be very distressed if you do this.

Why is this girl in front of me completely different from most girls of the same age?
"It is necessary, so now you know what kind of person I am, so... just give up, even though I have a crush on you, I like you, but I can restrain myself." For a moment Yan Yan felt like a pervert.

To be able to have the idea of ​​​​restraining the feeling of love.

If someone else said this, they would definitely be laughed to death, but it was said from Yan Yan's mouth, Jiang Ran had to believe it.

"I won't give up, but you, you can't even be brave by yourself, you're such a coward." When he said the three words "little coward" at the end of this sentence, his coda gradually rose.

He smiled at her with a ray of pampering and warmth.

Yan Yan, who had been looking straight ahead, suddenly shifted her gaze to the handsome face of the young man beside her when she heard the sound, and she just stared at his face in such a peaceful way.

In the end, the girl's eyes fell on those long and narrow eyes full of doting smiles.

She didn't say a word, just looked at him with slightly pursed lips.

After staring at Jiang Ran for a long time, Yan Yan slowly withdrew his gaze and continued to walk straight ahead.

His expression was very indifferent and indifferent.

It's like a piece of ice on a snow-capped mountain that won't melt after thousands of years.

"Yanyan, what's wrong with you?"

How could this girl be so angry?

Picking up his steps again, he quickly caught up with the cold-looking girl walking in front. Jiang Ran closed his eyes and turned his heart. He directly used his tall body to block the way he was going.

His thin lips curled into a shallow arc, and he lowered his head slightly to look at Yan Yan, who was several points shorter than himself, and the depths of his eyes were filled with a gentle light that was constantly overflowing like water.

"Don't be angry, okay, I will stay away from Jiang Yiyi next time, and I won't have the chance to be alone with her anymore."

His deep and three-point magnetic voice echoed in her ears.

The boy admitted his mistake to her in front of him with a serious face, but she kept facing him with a serious face all the time.

Without a single bit of a warm smile.

The passers-by who looked around and passed by them all sighed in whispers about Jiang Ran's good temper.

Everyone kept admitting their mistakes, but the girl was still unmoved.

There's no point in talking back.

"Jiang Ran, are you ready to be shameless?" She had already told him so clearly, but he still pestered himself again and again.

Are you really going to lose your face?

"I've made my words so clear, don't pester me anymore, okay?" Her long eyelashes flickered.

"not good."

Hearing this, the boy rejected her with a smile on his skin and flesh.

Then, his voice was not as calm and familiar as in the past: "If you have to be shameless in chasing your girlfriend, you won't be able to catch her."

Jiang Ran naturally caught a glimpse of the impatience in the girl's brows and eyes, and while speaking, his body sideways moved away so that she could continue to move forward, while he stood shoulder to shoulder with her with a smile on his face.

Handsome men and beautiful women, matching temperament.

One is cold and aloof, the other is as gentle as water. In the eyes of the people around them, they are a perfect match!
Along the way, Jiang Ran's smile became wider and wider when he received the satisfied and envious eyes from the passers-by.

It is getting deeper and thicker.

 It was originally planned to enter V from Chapter 49, but due to an editing mistake, it became Chapter 94 into v, and I don’t know if it can be revised later. Alas, what happened to me? Recently, everything is really not going well!
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(End of this chapter)

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