Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 98 Suddenly Thinking of Him

Chapter 98 Suddenly Thinking of Him

Putting down the schoolbag on his shoulders, Jiang Ran sat on the chair and turned to stare at the girl in the back seat who was reading quietly and ignoring worldly affairs.

He... was looking at her again.

Raising her slightly lowered eyelids, she met the young man's fiery gaze in mid-air. It was almost like the moment the two eyes met, Yan Yan was immediately defeated. The tone on her lips made it sound a little bit Lie sighed: "Can't you find something else to do?"

Just keep staring at her and have nothing to do?

Staring at her like this, she couldn't concentrate on reading.

There is still a point in mathematics that she doesn't understand and what she doesn't understand. She thinks that there are few people now, so she can concentrate on recalling the mysteries between the topics.

The boy's dark eyes met hers.

Looking at the clear water eyes, a low laugh came from his lips: "I can't find me, I don't know how to make good use of such a smart front seat."

Yan Yan: "..."

She just didn't want to have too much interaction with him. After all, after three years, her family moved abroad to study abroad.

Just in case, her university will not study in China.

And these days, she doesn't know what's going on, she keeps dreaming about some memories of her previous life.

This made her very uneasy.

My heart is always up and down, and sometimes I even dream about Shen Jun, the boy who lives with her family in Haicheng.

He should start school early, right?
Will he cry if he can't see her?Yan Yan suddenly thought of him, and just as the girl was wandering, Jiang Ran, who was sitting in front of her, looked at Yan Yan who was wandering away. His eyes were as dark as ink, and he stared at her, and his thin lips parted slightly: "Ah Yan, what are you in a daze for?"

In the silent and empty classroom, his voice suddenly sounded, and his voice was particularly prominent.

The young man's clear, deep and magnetic voice swirled and reverberated for several seconds before dissipating in the air.

"It's nothing." After being pulled back to reality by Jiang Ran's voice, Yan Yan said it was nothing, and then once again immersed himself in his obsession with reading.

Seeing the girl lowered her head to read the book again, Jiang Ran couldn't help but feel the smile in his eyes grow deeper and deeper.

"I said, if there is anything you don't understand, you can tell me, and I will teach you." Jiang Ran, who said this, did not subconsciously look down on the girl's ignorance. It is very difficult to penetrate the mystery. Usually at this time, if someone around you gives some pointers, it will suddenly become clear.

All she needs is someone to guide her.

Thinking this way in his heart, the young man raised his finger and pointed to one of the pages of the book that Yan Yan's gaze fell on.

His bony and slender fingertips pointed at the few lines of the topic she was staring at, and he reminded him slightly: "Here, read the meaning of the text carefully."

Afterwards, Jiang Ran withdrew his fingers that landed on the pages of Bai Jie's book.

Reminded by the young man's finger, Yan Yan suddenly understood.

No wonder, she must not continue to count from the second step. It turned out that there was a problem with the text of the title itself.

"Thank you." She looked up at him.

Seeing this, Jiang Ran looked back with a smile and said, "It's a small matter."

Then, the atmosphere that had just become active suddenly fell into dead silence again. Just as Jiang Ran had been observing the girl with fiery eyes, but this time he was interrupted within 2 minutes of staring. .

(End of this chapter)

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