Deer seeks fairyland

Chapter 154 Hu Yi's Chapter Mansion

Chapter 154 Hu Yi's Return to the Mansion

In fact, it has been several months since Liu Xiaolu broke through the seventh level of Qi refining, but half of the people who have traveled hundreds of miles are more than ninety, and the journey of cultivating immortals has become more and more difficult.

When she absorbed the last bit of spiritual power in her meridians into her dantian, there was a slight noise from the gate of the courtyard.

It is Master who is back!

Liu Xiaolu opened his eyes, with a look of joy on his face, he immediately got out of bed and walked towards the courtyard.


A big dark green snake spat out its letter, and followed the girl out of the room.

One person and one snake stepped into the courtyard, and sure enough, they saw Hu Yizhi in white clothes closing the courtyard door, turning around and heading towards the east wing.

"Father." Liu Xiaolu called out.

The middle-aged man in white turned his head when he heard the words, and seeing the two (snakes), a smile finally squeezed out from his clouded face.

"Xiaolu, Xiaoqing, why didn't you practice in the house, it's already so late, have you two had dinner yet?"

Without waiting for Liu Xiaolu to answer, Xiaoqing stood up her upper body, and shook the big triangular head on her neck from side to side vigorously at Hu Yizhi.

Seeing this, the girl in white turned her head and gave Xiao Qing an angry look, but Xiao Qing vomited the letter, and said via voice transmission, "Gu is hungry, and you won't let Gu eat the pill that kid sent, don't care about it. I want to eat roasted bamboo rats!"

Liu Xiaolu was silent when he heard the words, Xiaoqing did stay in the house with her all night, and did not eat.

Seeing Xiaoqing's performance of human nature, Hu Yizhi couldn't help but smile deeper on his face, and said softly, "Since you haven't had dinner, I'll let the kitchen make some food."

"Don't bother, father, you and Xiaoqing go to the main room and wait a while, and I'll go to the kitchen to prepare dinner." Liu Xiaolu said hurriedly.

Of course Hu Yizhi has tasted Liu Xiaolu's cooking skills. Although he can't compare with the restaurant chefs in Zongyuan City, he always cooks for Xiaoqing these days, and now he can be regarded as a superb cook.

So Hu Yizhi nodded with a smile, and beckoned to Xiaoqing again, and then one person and one snake walked towards the main room.

Looking at Xiaoqing's back, Liu Xiaolu sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to resign herself to her fate and turn around to get busy in the kitchen.

In just over half an hour, Liu Xiaolu prepared four dishes and one soup, as well as a plate of golden-colored, fat and oily roasted bamboo rat.

As soon as the food was served on the table, Xiao Qing couldn't wait to rush towards the roasted bamboo rat, but was slapped on the forehead by Liu Xiaolu.

Xiaoqing was stunned by Liu Xiaolu's sudden attack, and then said angrily through voice transmission, "Little waste, why did you suddenly hit me!"

Liu Xiaolu gave it a blank look, but didn't make a sound, took out another small plate, and divided some of the barbecue meat from the big plate, and then pushed the big plate of roasted bamboo rats on the table to Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing is now more than six feet tall, and her appetite has grown tremendously. Now, if she doesn't eat three or five roasted bamboo rats for a meal, it won't be able to fill her stomach at all.

With delicious food in front, Xiaoqing didn't care about getting into trouble with Liu Xiaolu, glared at her, and then lowered his head to eat the barbecue on the plate.

Seeing this, Hu Yizhi asked a little puzzled, "Why did you deliberately separate the food from Xiaoqing? I actually don't mind eating with him."

Although Hu Yizhi had already had dinner outside, but Liu Xiaolu cooked the food himself, just for this kind of heart, he still had to eat a few chopsticks.

Liu Xiaolu smiled at Hu Yizhi, stretched out his hand to caress the fine scales on the back of the green snake beside him, and explained,

"Father doesn't know that Xiaoqing has officially advanced to a first-level monster a few days ago. As a first-level monster, the body fluid of the green chain snake is highly poisonous. It's better not to eat it with us."

Xiaoqing, who was leaning back to devour the barbecue meat, turned her head and glanced at Liu Xiaolu when she heard the words, and voiced a little unconvinced,
"Little waste wood, what do you know? The venom of the green chain snake is usually stored in the venom sac behind the fangs. I eat barbecue without chewing on it, so how could it be stained with venom!"

Although Xiaoqing is attached to the green chain snake, she is very particular about it. She never eats raw food. She either takes pills or human meat all day long.

Even if they ate meat, they swallowed it whole as they are now, and they really didn't use those fangs very much.

Seeing that Xiaoqing was dissatisfied, Liu Xiaolu patted his forehead lightly, and said, "Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, if you get caught, it will be a bit troublesome."

Hu Yizhi nodded slightly when he heard the words, and stopped asking any more questions, but lowered his head and concentrated on holding the chopsticks and vegetables.

After Hu Yizhi had almost tasted all the dishes, Liu Xiaolu took out the package that Hu Ruxing had sent in the afternoon from his bosom, pushed it in front of Hu Yizhi, and said, "The fifth uncle asked Hu Ruxing to send it today."

"Fifth brother?" Hu Yizhi put down the bamboo chopsticks and took the kit in his hand, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yeah." Liu Xiaolu nodded and continued, "There are a lot of pills and spirit stones in it."

Hu Yizhi weighed the weight in his hand, turned the kit over and over again, and dumped all the contents inside on the table.

It was already dark, and there were only two dimly lit lamps in the main room, but they were dazzled by the fluorescent light from various spirit stones for a while.

Hu Yizhi's face showed a bit of contemplation, and he finally sighed, put away the spirit stone, took out two bottles of pills, and handed them to Liu Xiaolu.

"I heard that Xiaoqing stole a lot of your pills before, and wanted to share some of my pills with you, but you refused. Now you can take the two bottles that Fifth Brother sent you and use them first." , As for these spirit stones, I may still need them when I go out to make contacts these days."

Liu Xiaolu pursed his lips when he heard the words, and stopped twitching. He reached out and took the elixir handed over by Hu Yizhi. After thinking for a while, he said, "Father will no longer have to ask people to run around for marriage matters from tomorrow on." .”

Hearing this, Hu Yizhi's face darkened immediately, and he frowned, "You have to try whether you succeed or not, I don't want you to marry out early, not to mention that the city lord's mansion's strange proposal this time must not be a good match .”

The sadness in his heart and the running around in the past few days made Hu Yizhi look a lot clearer, and a few fine lines appeared faintly on his originally smooth face.

In just ten days or so, he seemed to have aged more than five or six years all of a sudden.

"The patriarch already knows that I am not from the Hu family. No matter how much my father seeks connections, it is impossible to shake the patriarch's determination to send me to the city lord's mansion to marry me." Liu Xiaolu said in a deep voice with slightly red eyes.

Hu Yizhi was shocked when he heard the words, and said in an unbelievable trembling voice, "Could it be that you made a mistake, how did the patriarch know about this?"

Liu Xiaolu bit her lower lip, shook her head and said, "Hu Ruxing told me personally when he came to visit today, he knew about it, and the patriarch should have known about it long ago."

"No wonder, no wonder the patriarch wants to marry you to the city lord's mansion regardless."

Hu Yizhi only felt that his eyes were darkened, his mind was shocked, and he couldn't help muttering.

(End of this chapter)

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