Deer seeks fairyland

Chapter 171 You Know Much

Chapter 171 You Know Much

Hu Yizhi went back to the city after breakfast. According to what Lou Wanxiang said yesterday, the youngest of the city lord's mansion seldom leaves the mansion on weekdays. It seems that it is not so easy to get news from him.

City Lord Jin is cunning and suspicious. If news of this matter accidentally leaks out, it will be difficult to find an opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes.

Although Hu Yizhi was not interested in the gossip in Hu Weiyi's courtyard, Liu Xiaolu was young after all, and when he saw Hu Yizhi left, he immediately asked the two beasts who were feasting on him about Hu Ruyi's transmission of letters.

After Liu Xiaolu questioned him several times, Jixiang finally raised his head reluctantly and let out a meow.

The girl frowned and thought about the meaning of the cry for a while, but she couldn't figure it out, so she had no choice but to turn to Xiaoqing for help.

Xiaoqing just devoured the barbecue on the plate, without raising her head, she said via voice transmission, "You little trash, don't ask, the stupid cat said it can't tell you."

"Why? Tell me, I will keep the secret for Sixth Sister! Really! Once you say something, it's hard to follow!" Liu Xiaolu hurriedly said.

"Less meddling with things that have nothing to do with me, this is the way to survive in the world of cultivating immortals." Xiaoqing tilted her head and said.

Liu Xiaolu pouted, and said in a dissatisfied tone, "Aren't you curious?"

Xiaoqing rolled the last piece of barbecued meat into her stomach, smacked her lips with unsatisfied desire, and then replied, "I'm not curious.

Although your family is weak, it has been inherited for more than 700 years, and the blood relationship has become very weak in your generation. Let alone passing a letter, even getting married is not a problem. "

"There is some truth in what you said. In the past, seven or eight of the ten households in our Liujia Village were all surnamed Liu. The villagers were more or less related to each other, but as long as they gave out three clothes, it didn't affect the marriage. .” Liu Xiaolu nodded approvingly.

"Liu Family Village? So, little waste chai, is your original surname Liu?" Xiaoqing asked curiously as her eyes moved.

Liu Xiaolu glanced at it, raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't you curious?"

Xiaoqing spat out the letter, and retorted in a serious tone, "One size counts for one size. Although Gu is not interested in your Sixth Sister's affairs, he is interested in yours."

"Come on less." Liu Xiaolu rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Aren't you planning to run away from marriage at that time? The orphan must know where the Liu family village you used to live in is."

Xiaoqing frowned secretly and said, um, Liujia Village sounds like a rustic place...

Unexpectedly, Liu Xiaolu was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, the playfulness on his face faded instantly, and he lowered his eyes and said, "We won't go back to Liu's Village."

"Don't go home? Don't you humans like being with your family the most? Or do you really think of yourself as the Hu family and don't plan to recognize your ancestors?" Xiaoqing asked in confusion, tilting her head.

Liu Xiaolu lowered his head and said nothing, his small face was tense, and a pair of round black eyeballs were covered with a thin layer of mist.

Xiaoqing obviously also noticed that the girl's complexion was not right, so she spat out the letter and muttered in a low voice, "Okay, if you don't go back, I won't go back, I wish you didn't go back!
It’s fine if you don’t go back, when the time comes, Gu will take you to find a beautiful place to practice hard, and the effect will be much better than your current practice in Laoshizi Yuchuan. "

"Except for my third brother, all my other family members passed away a year ago. Even returning to Liujia Village would only add to the sadness. It would be better not to go." Liu Xiaolu sighed with a serious face, and said in a low voice. road.

"Then what, you little trash, don't cry, I didn't do it on purpose..." Seeing the girl's eyes suddenly wet, Xiaoqing couldn't help but bewildered.


Even Ji Xiang, who was eating steamed fish slowly, walked over from across the table and gently rubbed the girl's cheek with his head.

Seeing Jixiang approaching, Liu Xiaolu subconsciously reached out and took the cat in front of him into his arms, and buried his whole face in its soft fur.

Ji Xiang obediently let her be wrapped in his arms without moving, then turned his head and stretched out his pink tongue to gently lick the girl's ear.

After a long while, Xiaoqing finally couldn't help but asked again cautiously, "Little waste wood, are you alright?"

The girl in white raised her head, smiled brightly at Xiaoqing, and said, "It's okay, sir, have you finished eating? Then I'm going to practice."

"Are you all right?" Xiaoqing asked suspiciously after hearing the words, looking at Liu Xiaolu's face that had returned to normal at this time.

"Well, but I changed my mind, let's go back to Liujiacun.

I just suddenly remembered that although the Kuangfeng Village has been broken up, the account between the owner of the Qi Village and our old Liu family has not yet been settled. I should go back and find this person. I can also drop by Muyun to watch Wang Sange. "

Liu Xiaolu rested his chin on the top of Jixiang's furry head, and said thoughtfully.

Xiaoqing wondered, "Mu Yunguan? Your third brother is still a Taoist?"

Liu Xiaolu stretched out his hand and gently combed Auspicious's hair, and said, "Well, my third brother has practiced in Muyun Temple since he was a child."

The girl lowered her eyes, but the eyes hidden under the slender eyelashes dimmed slightly. If not for this, I am afraid that he would not be able to escape the disaster of destroying the family.

"I seem to have heard people say that Taoist priests can't get married in the past. From this point of view, your old Liu's family may lose their incense in the future." Xiaoqing said regretfully.

Liu Xiaolu raised his eyes, looked at the big green snake shaking his head amusedly, and said, "It doesn't matter, we are just an ordinary farmer's family, we are not relatives of the royal family, and we don't have much family property."

Unexpectedly, Xiaoqing glanced at her, shook her head and said, "Forget it, you won't understand even if I tell you, you little scumbag."

"You know a lot." Liu Xiaolu rolled his eyes angrily, ignored it, picked up Jixiang and walked out of the house.

Looking at Liu Xiaolu's back, Xiaoqing tilted her head thoughtfully, but quickly shook her head and followed Liu Xiaolu out of the room.

What to do with so many thoughts, after so many years, there must be few people in this human world who can use that thing.


Zongyuan City.

The sun was just rising, and under the morning sun, a girl in red was riding a maroon horse waiting outside the west gate of Zongyuan City.

This girl is about fourteen or fifteen years old, with bright eyes, delicate red lips, and a strong outfit. Her long black hair is tied high into a ponytail behind her head, and her ink-like hair flutters gently with the breeze. The heroic appearance added a bit of girlish delicacy.

"The time has come, why hasn't Zihua appeared yet?"

Wu Tianjiao kept looking into the city while riding on horseback, muttering in her mouth.

I don't know what the Jin family is doing. These days, when she goes to the city lord's mansion to look for Jin Zihua, she always meets an annoying guy who can't be beaten or driven away.

(End of this chapter)

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