Brothel in Cunhe County is already considered a place with high consumption.

Therefore, relying on the rarity of sea fish, Hu Laoxi can sell at a high price of 2 taels.

For the remaining three big fish, Hu Laoxi thinks that 5 taels is a good price.

But Qingqing set a small goal as soon as she opened her mouth, 15 taels.

"Only sell two." Buli said.

He hasn't forgotten to make fish balls and fish soup for his wife.

Making money is happy for him, but making delicious food for Qingqing is even happier for him.

"In this small village and county, is there anyone willing to buy a fish for 15 taels?" Hu Laoxi showed a devilish expression.

This amount of money is even enough for the farmer's family to chew on for a year. Who would prodigal like this?

"I just taught you the sales book, you obviously only understand the superficial, and you don't understand the essence of sales, what is sales?" Qingqing asked Hu Laoxi.

Hu Laoxi stared at each other, and replied stupidly: "Selling things, pay with one hand, and deliver with one hand."

Qingqing asked Buli the same question again, and Buli replied, "Sales is about satisfying customers."

Qingqing gave a thumbs up, look, this is a profiteer who can sell rice for 180 catties, his way of thinking is full of high-end flavor.

"If you sell 5 taels of sea fish to 15 taels, the fisherman who buys the fish will be satisfied, right?" Hu Laoxi is still in a daze. He still can't understand the thinking of a profiteer after a thousand years.

"The value of a commodity does not depend on its price, but on the buyer's demand for it. We must accurately match people who need it, and the pattern must be opened." Qingqing said.

At this time, Hu Laoxi's eyes had already started to buzz around the little bird, what was Grandma Zu talking about.

"The last two fish, let's go for a precise match. You go pick out a gift for your wife first, and leave the city after picking out the gift. My grandfather and I will go out before the city gate closes."

Qingqing dismissed Hu Laoxi, who was still in a daze, and walked towards Zhao Si's house with the last bag of fish on his back.

Those who spend 15 taels to buy sea fish are not necessarily fools, but they must be in demand.

Zhao Si obviously met such a condition.

Come to Zhao Si's house and open the bag without leaving.

In addition to the 2 large fishes for sale, there are also some half-sized fish in the bag, which are enough to make up two plates. These are left by him in advance.

Pack the half-sized and small fish separately, let Qingqing wait outside, and enter Zhao Si's house with the bag.

At this time, Zhao Si was strolling back and forth at home. During the day, the words that Buli had told him made Zhao Si's heart feel like a knife was piercing, and he felt anxious about what was about to happen.

I'm afraid that the weather is going to change, and he is involved in it, how can he be at ease, he didn't eat a few mouthfuls of dinner.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Si's fat daughter-in-law didn't know what happened, she just thought that the dinner was not to his liking, so she called the maid at home to tell her.

"I'll find a way to buy some fresh fish tomorrow, the master loves fish the most."

"The fish on the small net are not very good these days, I think some people are robbing them." The servant girl looked embarrassed.

Hearing this, Mrs. Zhao sighed heavily, and said to herself:

"It's so troublesome to guard the beach and eat some fresh sea fish. After a few days, it will be cold, and once the ferry stops, there will be no sea fish this winter."

Seeing her like this, Zhao Si was so angry that all the fat girls knew how to eat!

Buli came at this time, standing at the door and calling Mr. Zhao, Zhao Si thought he heard it wrong.

Didn't brother Yu Xian go back? Why did he go back again?

Busily going out to meet his wife, Buli came in carrying a bag of dripping things.

When I entered the courtyard, I put the bag on the ground, and the bag twisted back and forth like a living thing. The eyes of Mrs. Zhao, who usually received many presents, instantly became round.

"Hey! Come here as soon as you come, why do you still bring something - what is this?"

"I met a group of people on the way back. I saw them carrying bags and stopped them. They turned out to be selling sea fish. The price was very high. I bought them and came here thinking of giving adults a taste. "

Buli said.

When Mrs. Zhao heard the word Haiyu, she thought she was hallucinating. When she opened the bag, she couldn't close her mouth for a moment.

She was just talking about trying some fresh sea fish, and it was brought here. It was a pie in the sky.

Mrs. Zhao, who was too happy, didn't pay attention. She kept looking at Mrs. Zhao's eyes. She can only sum it up in two words:
Zhao Si felt a little strange when he saw the fish, so he asked casually:
"At this hour, who did you buy the fish from?"

The time for this county to download Xiaowang is also not this time, he finds it strange.

"It was in Huajie. I saw a strong man selling fish everywhere. I asked him where he got it from, but he didn't say anything. Unfortunately, I have limited money. Otherwise, I would still want to buy the big fish in his hand. The fish is so big. -"

Comparing with each other, Mrs. Zhao, who was ordering the maid to bring the fish to the kitchen, saw her eyes rounded and her heart beat faster, she rushed over to ask.

"Brother, how big a fish do you think it is?"

Buli compared the size of the two fish he planned to slaughter the fat sheep.

Mrs. Zhao clapped her hands, laughed and said: "This is really great. I still worry about what my godfather will give me for his birthday. His old man likes to eat fish the most. He will definitely like this fish. Brother, I will give you some money. You buy the fish back."

Buli showed embarrassment on his face: "That man's asking price is not low, and a fish is sold for 15 taels of silver. Madam, I'd better not buy it."

"What is 15 taels? I'll give you 30 taels. Go quickly, don't let others snatch it!" Mrs. Zhao took the silver and gave it to Buli, who could see that she left the yard, her face full of complacency. I feel like I have taken advantage of it.

"One is enough for godfather, why do you buy two?" Zhao Si felt sorry for Yinzi.

"What do you know? I haven't seen such a big fish for many years, and it is worth it if it is more expensive. I will give it to Mrs. Zhao, and it is also paving the way for you, Master!" Mrs. Zhao is complacent.

Zhao Si had a bitter look on his face, Zhao Liang was going to have bad luck, he didn't dare to tell his wife, this prodigal woman was still thinking about currying favor with Zhao Liang's wife, and spent an extra 15 taels of silver.

But Zhao Si changed his mind and regained his mental balance.

For the remaining fish, if Zhao Liang did not fall as he said to Yu Xiandi, he would use it to curry favor. If Zhao Liang was really unlucky, he would use the precious big fish as a feast for his colleagues, wouldn't it be clear from Zhao Liang? limit?

Buli hurried out of Zhao's house and found Qingqing.

She was waiting for him to come back with a bowl of bean curd, and when the stall was closed, the bean curd was extraordinarily large, so she waited for him to come back and eat together.

Bu Li came over and shook the silver bag in his hand to indicate that he had successfully acted, Qingqing smiled with her eyes bent.

The young couple are next to each other, you take a bite and I take a bite. After eating the bean curd, I get tired of it for a while, and it's almost time to count. I get up with the bag, take two steps, and stop again.

Looking at Qingqing helplessly, Qingqing thought for a while and understood.

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