Working together is good for everyone.

For example, Ye Qing, in these villages, her family has a big business, so she is the most likely to be the target of robbers.

And besides women and children, there are only a few of her own people who can fight.

She needs everyone to pull together.

And people in other villages also need to cooperate with others in order to keep the few grains, their own lives and their wives and children.

"The current situation is very delicate. Except for a few of our villages that have not been seriously injured, the other villages have been poisoned. It is very likely that our village has been targeted." Ye Qing said truthfully.

Hearing this, Village Chief Ye became even more nervous: "Then what should we do?"

In the past few years, life has gotten better and better, and he doesn't want to go back to before liberation.

Ye Qing: "Everyone should be more vigilant, especially those who are on guard in the trees. They should not take it lightly for a moment. They should send more people at night to prevent dozing off and missing important events."

As soon as Ye Qing finished speaking, Village Chief Ye hurried out. He was going to check to see if those brats were slacking off.

Starting from this evening, he would also get up from time to time to check the situation.


The sun shines on the field, as if a layer of golden millet is spread on the ground, peaceful and full of hope.

The birds flew across the sky and flew to the comfortable nest on the tree, feeding the young birds in the nest, comfortable and warm.

On a mountain top, a cottage consisting of more than 300 people is built here. This cottage has been established for a long time.

The original team consisted of only a dozen people, and they only dared to rob passers-by. If it was a caravan, they would not dare to touch them because they were so many and powerful.

Because the number of people is too small, they have been in a half-dead state.

It's different now, their team has grown to more than 300 people. To put it bluntly, even the county magistrate has nothing to do with them, and the surrounding people are even more terrified of them.

In the cottage, there were scattered poultry bones, looted property, and the corpses of some common people everywhere, and the smell of blood permeated the surroundings.

There were also dozens of young men and women tied together by a string of long ropes, kneeling aside in ragged clothes.

These people were all villagers who were kidnapped by bandits from nearby villages. The women covered their mouths and sobbed, not daring to cry loudly, for fear of offending the bandits and killing them with a knife.

These kidnapped young men must either join them or die.

As for the fate of the women, one can imagine how miserable it was.

Cao Tiezhu, the leader of the bandits, is sleeping in the house. He didn't sleep well last night, and he is currently catching up on sleep.

"Ah~~~" Suddenly a woman's scream came, shrill and desperate.

Cao Tiezhu was awakened by the screams, and he sat up suddenly from the bed, looking around with a pair of triangular wolf eyes, what the hell is going on, let people sleep well.

"What's going on?" Cao Tiezhu asked unhappily after being woken up.

A younger brother ran over and said respectfully: "Brother, don't worry, it's okay, it's the third brother who accidentally killed a *person."

Cao Tiezhu scolded: "Give me some time, people are dead, where else can I go to get people?"

"Okay, okay, I'll tell them to take it easy."

At this moment, a bandit ran in and said happily: "Brother, Lao Jiu just came back and brought back good news. He said that there is a village not far away, called Laijia Village, and life in their village should be easy." It’s pretty good, there are quite a few families with green brick and tile houses, why don’t we go shopping again? Otherwise, we won’t have enough food for the winter!”

Cao Tiezhu stood up: "Since this is the case, it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day, lighten the number of people, and set off now."

In Laijia Village, a three or four-year-old boy shouted while running: "Grandpa, grandpa, let's eat, grandpa."

Not far behind the boy, an old lady followed behind with a bamboo basket, smiling: "Huzi, don't run so fast, be careful that you fall."

In the field, an old man with gray hair was sitting and resting on the ground. Hearing the shout, he hurriedly stood up, looked at the boy with a smile, and waved to his wife.

The old man walked over and picked up the boy who was running ahead: "Huzi is so good, he actually gave food to grandpa."

After speaking, he kissed the boy on the face, and Lai Zizha's child giggled.

"Old man, put the tiger down quickly, don't look at how old you are, don't flaunt your waist, and hurry up to eat." The aunt put down the bamboo basket and waved to the old man.

The ground was covered with a layer of weeds. The aunt took out the food in the bamboo basket. It was a very simple meal, a bowl of very thin porridge, half a bowl of rice, and a plate of green vegetables.

If it was before, there would be no half bowl of rice.

"It's okay, I'm a bit older, but I still have some strength, and I can still hug a tiger."

The old couple sat on the ground, chatting about homework and eating lunch.

The boy was playing in the field, running around from time to time.

The cold wind blows from time to time, but everyone doesn't feel cold. The days are bitter, but it's good for the family to be together.

"You should come back earlier, Dashan said to go to the river to see if there are any fish, maybe we can have an extra meal tonight."

"Hey, good! I see." The old man looked at the back of the aunt leading the boy away, thinking about the scene of the family sitting around eating together, with a look of happiness on his face.

Their family is doing well now, thanks to Ye Qing from Shihe Village.

Unpleasant things happened because of Lai Cuihua before, but the other party did not dislike them. As long as the quality of the bamboo shoots, cabbage, snails, etc. sent over was good, she bought them at the price and never paid on credit.

Cao Tiezhu rushed to Laijia Village with more than 80 bandits that afternoon.

Looking at the peaceful village, a sneer appeared on Cao Tiezhu's ugly face: "Brothers, it depends on your performance now, don't let me down."

"Pass the order! After entering the village, within a stick of incense, grab all their food and money."

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" A group of devouring beasts howled excitedly as if they smelled the smell of blood.

"Rush in!" Cao Tiezhu waved his hand and rushed towards Laijia Village first.

More than 80 iron cavalry roared and ran, and the smoke and dust rolled up covered half of the sky, like dark clouds pressing down on the environment, which was extremely terrifying.

The villagers who were plowing heard the sound of the horse running and looked around anxiously.

I saw a cloud of smoke and dust covering the sky rushing towards the village, and in the smoke and dust, hideous bandits were howling and running like devils.

The villagers ran to the village in horror. The news of the bandit's arrival spread like a plague, and fear pervaded Laijia Village.

In the village, the cries of men, the terrified screams of women, and the helpless cries of the elderly and children intertwined, like hell.

Cao Tiezhu rushed into the village and saw a teenage girl in front of her, running forward in fear. The direction of running should be her own home.

"Haha, it seems that today's luck is good." After finishing speaking, Cao Tiezhu rushed towards the girl.

When the girl heard the voice behind her, she looked back and saw a bandit rushing towards her. She was frightened out of her wits, her legs became weak, and she almost sat on the ground.

Cao Tiezhu rode his horse past the girl, leaned over, grabbed the girl, and put her on the horse's back.

"Let go of me, you bastard." The girl beat the horse's back desperately, but to no avail.

"Mother! Mother!" A man rushed into a yard.

An old woman hurried out when she heard the shout, she was the wife of the old man who was working in the field just now.

"We are all hiding in the house, Dashan, what happened?" the aunt asked anxiously.

"It's bandits rushing in, let's hide quickly." Da Shan said out of breath.

"Ah, what should I do?" When the aunt heard this, her feet went limp in fright, and she collapsed on the ground.

They all know how terrifying those bandits are. Now that they have entered their village, can they still survive?

At this time, a woman and a boy ran out of the house. Seeing the aunt lying on the ground, they hurried forward to help her up.

"Mom, how are you?" The woman asked with concern!

"Dashan, take your wife and son, run away and leave me alone," said the aunt anxiously.

She is old and can't run anymore. I hope they are young and run out quickly, so that they can live one by one.

At this moment, with a bang, the gate of the courtyard was knocked open, and several bandits rushed in.

These thieves were not gentlemen, they rummaged through them as soon as they came in, taking away everything valuable and edible.

The aunts, women, and boys have been frightened out of their wits and don't know what to do.

Da Shan clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his forehead bulged.

I thought they would just grab something and leave.

However, someone took a fancy to Dashan's daughter-in-law.

"You, come with us." A bandit said to the woman rudely.

Da Shan stood in front of him: "You don't want to take my wife away."

"Damn it, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine."

The bandit didn't have such a good temper, so he swung the knife in his hand and slashed at the mountain directly.

Dashan's heart kept sinking, and he couldn't survive anyway, so he might as well fight to the death!

Even though Dashan is just an honest farmer on weekdays, he is a bit decisive when it comes to life and death.

Dashan picked up the hoe beside him to block the big knife.

The bandits couldn't help being taken aback, they obviously didn't expect Dashan to dare to resist.

Maybe the thieves forgot that Dashan is a farmer, timid and cowardly, but simple and kind.

But he is a human being, a man of flesh and blood, how could he watch his daughter-in-law have an accident.

After all, Dashan is an untrained commoner, how can he fight against the bandits who kill all the year round.

Not long after, Dashan was also cut in two places, and his clothes were stained with blood. The severe pain made him gasp, but he could not flinch. His wife, children and mother were inside the house, and he wanted to protect them.

Dashan continued to swing his hoe at the bandit. The bandit blocked the hoe with a knife and kicked Dashan away.

Immediately afterwards, the bandit stepped forward and prepared to kill Dashan with a knife
Da Shan was lying on his back on the ground, seeing the bandit's big knife approaching, he just rolled and dodged it, ignoring the pain.

Dashan retreated to the door of the house and blocked the door.

I am so desperate in my heart, is it really impossible to escape today?

Suddenly, there was a rush of gongs outside!
Village head Ye felt a little nervous: "What's going on?"

"It's bandits coming, but not our village." Ye Yongfu shouted.

"Hurry up, ring the gong." Village Chief Ye ordered loudly.

As the order was issued, harsh gongs continued to sound in Yejia Village.

No matter what they were doing, all the young and middle-aged people rushed out, picked up their kitchen knives and hoes, or wooden sticks, and rushed to the center of the village quickly.

Ye Qing: "Everyone supports Laijia Village immediately."

The woman supported the old man, and the elder brothers and sisters took the hands of the younger brothers and sisters, and rushed up the tunnel.

For those old people who can’t move, the family members moved their beds, lifted the boards, and exposed a hole. After putting the old people in, they covered the boards and put the beds back in place. Nothing could be seen, as if nothing had happened .

At this moment, bursts of intense gongs sounded from all directions.

what happened?

The bandits looked blankly, and were shocked to find that countless villagers rushed over from all directions.

The villagers of Laijia Village were surprised: Is the rescuer here?

"Kill!" Guo Mingfeng shouted loudly.

With this roar, countless villagers rushed over.

Guo Mingfeng rushed over: "Kill all these thieves."

As the gong continued to sound, the guards in the surrounding villages also heard it.

The sound of the gong is the enemy's situation, and all the villages responded quickly.

As waves of villagers from other villages came, the situation suddenly changed.

"Raise the scythe in the front row!"

That voice overwhelmed the bandit's shout, overwhelmed the rumbling heartbeat, overwhelmed timidity and bewilderment.

The villagers who had already been trained to reflex immediately raised the bamboo pole in their hands. On the top of the bamboo pole was a polished and extremely sharp sickle.

How can a flesh and blood body block the hook of a white blade?


Ear-piercing screams sounded, and some bandits fell to the ground without even making a sound.

"Rush from the side for me." Seeing that the situation was wrong, Cao Tiezhu shouted loudly.

A figure waved over, and the kitchen knife had already been inserted into the chest of a bandit.

The villagers who had already prepared had already rushed forward and dealt a heavy blow to those desperadoes.

Just relying on these useless country bumpkins, you still want to block them?Thinking too naively.

Cao Tiezhu waved his long knife: "Come up with me."

Don't forget that they are bandits who kill without batting an eyelid.

This random killing made several villagers around him retreat again and again. Cao Tiezhu was just thinking that he could fight a bloody path, but unexpectedly, a gust of evil wind hit him sideways.


He is also a person who has experienced many battles, he shouted, turned around and slashed, who would have thought that the person shrank and dodged without time.

Cao Tiezhu wanted to block with a wave of his arm, but when the opponent's arm reached out, a big knife stabbed obliquely and penetrated his arm.

Hearing a "poof", Cao Tiezhu was like a fish pierced on a spear, his whole body stiffened and his mouth opened and closed.

Ye Qing twisted his hand and pulled out the knife violently, blood splashed out.

Avoiding the blood, she raised her volume: "Kill all the enemies!"

The bandits panicked for a moment, and someone screamed: "Get out!"

"Whatever you run, I will kill you! Don't you want to live?" Someone yelled and cursed.

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