Chapter 270 Sneak Attack
Ye Qing got off the horse, cupped his hands and said: "General Qi, because the situation has changed, the general has gone to Yancheng, and specially sent me and all the military doctors to support you."

Where there is war, there are casualties, and military doctors are an indispensable part of every army.

Ye Qing led the cavalry to escort the military doctor and a large amount of medical supplies to support.

"You must be tired after coming all the way, go back to the army and rest first." Qi Sheng said to Ye Qing and the others.

"it is good."

After driving for so long, I am really tired.

Ye Qing is okay, she is young after all.

But several military doctors were exhausted, and they were too old to bear it.

Before dawn the next day, Ye Qing and the others were already busy.

There are so many wounded soldiers waiting for treatment, it is impossible for them to rest for a while.

Qi Sheng didn't have to care about other people.

But for Ye Qing, he has to worry about it!

Because Ye Qing is Gongsun Baili's sweetheart.

Although the young master didn't say it clearly, it was already an open secret, and the whole army knew it.

As Ye Qing was eating, Qi Sheng walked over.

Before he could speak, Ye Qing asked, "What's the situation now? How did you stop attacking the city?"

Logically, these are not what Ye Qing should ask!

However, it used to be the duty of a soldier, so she couldn't help asking.

Qi Sheng sighed: "If it was a normal attack, no matter how many casualties there were, we would not be defeated, but this bastard Qiu Muxian is not human. He arrested all the people in the entire city and caught up with the city wall. As long as we dare Attack and kill the people.

It was impossible for me to watch innocent people being killed, so I had to give up the attack... "

Qi Sheng told Ye Qing the battle situation during this period in detail.

As Gongsun Baili's right-hand man, he knows exactly what kind of person Ye Qing is and what kind of military capabilities he has.

Tell Ye Qing at this time, and hope she can give some advice.

Ye Qing swallowed the last mouthful of food, was silent for a while, and said slowly: "Since you can't attack by force, then sneak attack and kill them by surprise."

Qi Sheng sighed: "It's difficult, there are several arrow towers on both sides of the city gate, and there is a moat outside the city gate, if you want to cross the moat, you need a suspension bridge.

Unless we can fly, otherwise, we simply cannot cross this moat. "

Under the leadership of Qiu Muxian, the moat was deepened and widened on the original basis, making the moat an effective barrier against the enemy.

Long Xiaojun went to the north gate, and it took a lot of detours to get there.

Ye Qing: "Do you have a map?"


The two came to the middle tent where the matter was discussed. There were already several generals inside. When they saw Ye Qing coming in, they all stood up and said politely: "Miss Ye!"

They didn't dare to underestimate Miss Ye, let's not say that she is the general's sweetheart, but her contribution to Long Xiaojun is enough to be admirable.

Ye Qing didn't make any tweaks, and said generously: "It's good that everyone is here, let's discuss how to sneak attack."

A lieutenant said angrily: "That hateful Qiu Muxian is simply inhumane. He regards the lives of ordinary people as dung. As long as we dare to take a step forward, we will kill ordinary people."

Qi Sheng: "Our first step now is how to safely transfer the people in the city. Only when they leave safely can we attack with all our strength without any hindrance."


Qi Sheng looked at Ye Qing's black nocturnal outfit, his throat was tense, and he said after a while, "Be careful."

Ye Qing can't be busy, otherwise, 10 victories won't be enough for the general to vent his anger.

"Don't worry." No more words, Ye turned around and left with everyone.

This time, there were a total of 30 Long Xiao soldiers who set off with Ye Qing, each carrying heavy equipment on their backs.

During the day, Qi Sheng had already taken Ye Qing around, determined the best spot, and carried out a surprise attack at night.

When Ye Qing proposed to lead the team by himself, everyone opposed him.

The reason is simple, Ye Qing is a girl, let her lead the team to where these old men are.

To put it bluntly, if something happens to Ye Qing, they all have to be buried with him.

Ye Qing said: "When I was in the Northwest, I led the Northwest Army to a successful sneak attack. I have combat experience, and this time I also brought climbing ropes and grapples. Do you know how to use them?"

"But, General..."

Ye Qing frowned: "What does this have to do with the General?"

In the end, everyone was forced to agree to Ye Qing leading the team forward.

Guo Mingfeng: "Miss Ye, there is a moat ahead."

Zheng Qianhao and Guo Mingfeng followed around, it should be said that the two of them have now become Ye Qing's right-hand men.

Ye Qing: "There are all of them, dive into the water."


The river is very deep, and it is very cold now.

When I got into the water, I felt trembling all over.

Everyone didn't flinch and dived into the water without hesitation.

In the water, you have to be careful of the aquatic plants and silt inside. If you get entangled, it will be difficult to get out.

Hiding underwater, Ye Qing was like a swimming fish, it didn't take much effort to reach the bottom of the city wall.

It's almost three o'clock now, which is around one o'clock in the morning. For the ancient people who used to get up early and go to bed early, it was time to fall asleep.

No matter how determined the night watchman was, he would feel a little sleepy at this moment.

At the beginning, the patrolling soldiers were still walking up and down the city wall.

Slowly, the number of occurrences became less and less!
They can't be blamed either, they are also exhausted from the war these days.

Now that the two sides have a truce, it is normal to be lazy.

After surfacing, Ye Qing looked around, the people above did not pay attention to the situation of the moat.

Quickly untiing the rope hanging from her waist, she prepared the grapple in advance, which is a commonly used climbing weapon in special forces.

It is far away from the city gate, there is no tower, and no one will guard it here.

It's like a factory, surrounded by walls, except for a few gates that are guarded, it is impossible for anyone to watch the rest of the wall, except that the security guards will patrol occasionally.

Listen carefully, be as quiet as a chicken.

Ye Qing flicked the grapple, and the sharp claws grabbed the top of the wall impartially.

Everyone followed and threw out the grapples one after another.

Confirming that the grappling hook was working hard, she kicked her legs, grabbed the rope and stepped lightly with both feet, and jumped up the high wall in an instant.

After waiting for a while, after making sure that there was no one below, he turned around at the top of the wall, and the grapple turned into a suspension rope. In the blink of an eye, his feet fell to the ground silently.

Except for Guo Mingfeng and Zheng Qianhao, everyone was astonished. Miss Ye's skills were beyond their reach. No wonder the general fell in love with her.

Everyone put away their tools, retreated into the shadows in the corner, and waited for the right moment.

The moonlight is quiet, and the city is silent.

"Go, this way!"

All full speed ahead.

To accommodate so many people, there must be a large square or something.

The roads in front of the city gate are very wide. Judging from the operation of the rebels yesterday, the common people should be not far from the city gate.

Everyone split up to find the people's foothold.

Without any effort, I saw a large number of people lying on the ground not far from the city gate.

The weather was too cold and there were no warm clothes, so we could only hug each other to keep warm.

The location of the target was determined, and soon, everyone got together again and exchanged what they could find.

All the people gathered together and surrounded them with fences.

Maybe the people were frightened and no one dared to run away, so there were not many rebels guarding them.
Because of the cold weather, the rebels were hiding in the house, and the patrolling people just took a cursory glance.

As long as there is no accident, they will not come here to say it.

Ye Qing whispered: "Let's kill the guards first, and then transfer the people."


Everyone split up and broke down individually.

Ye Qing came to the largest room, there were five people inside, three were sleeping, and two were staring outside.

There was a cold light, and it was too late to say it, Ye Qing raised his hand, and two daggers flew out at the same time, hitting the neck of one of the soldiers with a bang, and the other dagger pierced the other's forehead.

Quietly, the two fell to the ground.

Probably because they heard the sound of falling to the ground, the three sleeping people suddenly woke up.

Before they could react, three flashes of cold light flew towards them like lightning.

The sentry fell silent.

In the darkness, black shadows continued to emerge.

Soon, it returned to calm.

"Get up, everyone is not allowed to make a sound, and follow me."

Everyone has changed into the clothes of the rebels and woke up the people.

The people who were unable to sleep soundly because of the cold got up soon.

They have experienced nightmares, so at this moment, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, no one dared to make a sound and followed everyone obediently.

It's just that the situation has changed suddenly, and it hasn't gone far.

A patrol team came ahead, and the leader of the team shouted: "Stop! Who is it?"

Guo Mingfeng sat on the horse and said arrogantly: "I am the general's bodyguard, we are going to bring these people to the north gate now, this is the general's token."

Ye Qing and the others were wearing rebel clothes and had tokens in their hands, so the other party did not suspect him and let them go.

Turning a corner, the procession stopped.

The people were at a loss and watched blankly!

Ye Qing didn't dare to speak too loudly: "Listen to me from now on, and then pass on one by one, find the nearest house, and hide in it immediately, before the war is over, everyone is not allowed to come out, don't think about going home, hiding is important , Anyone who dares to kill and make a sound will be killed."

Soon, the news spread.

No one dared to make any noise, and they hid in the house after finding it.

No need to slam the door, all thanks to the previous rude actions of the rebels.

Seeing the people who had disappeared without a trace, Ye Qing and the others showed gratified smiles.

However, it was also dawn, and the drums for the siege had already sounded.

Ye Qing: "Let's go!"

"What about the common people? Arrest them all."

"Report the general, everyone is gone."

"What did you say? People are gone, where did they go?"

"It is said that the general arranged for them to go to the north gate."

"Fart, why didn't I know about this?"

When the war started, the rebels knew that the people had disappeared without a trace.

There is no way, and I don't know where to find people all of a sudden. All rebels must go to the front line.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Go to the tower!"

After two days and two nights of rest, Long Xiaojun's army was no longer as aggressive as before, and they slowed down their attack.

Arrows and rolling stones clamored one after another in Rongcheng, but the Long Xiaojun's arrows kept coming.

The first ladder boarded the city wall, followed by the second and third ladders, and more and more Long Xiaojun climbed up.

The close hand-to-hand combat finally started. After a large number of Long Xiaojun climbed the tower, the first line of defense of the city wall collapsed.

There were more and more Long Xiao troops, and blood stained the entire city wall and every floor tile red.

The world is blood red, there are corpses everywhere, and there are screams everywhere.

A Long Xiaojun was stabbed several times, but he was still fighting tenaciously.

He planted the battle flag on the city wall and shouted loudly: "Brothers, leave me alone, go!"

The world was blood red, and the whole battlefield was filled with the smell of blood.

Long Xiaojun seemed to have inexhaustible physical strength, and kept moving forward.

The rebels finally filled with despair.

A rebel is so tired, he's exhausted, he knows he won't escape.

He watched helplessly as a sharp figure rushed up, pierced the chest of the brother next to him with a gun, blood spattered, and fell into a pool of blood.

He watched the long spear come to him again, he wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't move half a step, the long spear pierced his heart.

The moment he fell to the ground, he seemed to see his mother waving to him: "Son, come!"

"Everyone, kill me!" Qi Sheng roared, and chopped off the head of a rebel.



Deafening shouts of killing echoed everywhere.

Overhead was a blood-red sky, and the wind howled.

Qiu Mu first stood on the tower, watching the Long Xiao Army galloping towards them like locusts, he felt that the sky and the earth seemed to be trembling.

Sitting on the best city, why did it collapse so completely?
But at this moment, he couldn't allow him to think about these things anymore, Liu Cheng rushed forward and shouted loudly: "General, run quickly! If you don't run away, the enemy will attack!"

"Run?" Qiu Mu turned his head first, and asked slightly numbly, "Run?"

"Yes!" Liu Cheng shouted: "The north gate is the weakest now. Let's fight out from the north gate and flee to Yancheng. General, hurry up, if you don't leave, it will be too late!"

"Run?" He murmured, "No, I can't run, I can't be a deserter."

"General! What are we still doing here?"

Qiu Muxian said sadly: "I can't run away, Liu Cheng, I am the most trusted person of the prince."

"General, the enemy is about to attack. If you don't leave, there will be no chance."

Qiu Mu shook his head first: "No, Liu Cheng, if you want to go, go."

Liu Cheng was taken aback: "General, are you really not leaving?"

Qiu Mu shook his head first: "Don't go."

"Then I won't leave either!" Liu Chengchi said faithfully: "Isn't it just death? What are you afraid of? If you want to die, I will fight to the death with the general, and I will be a good man again after 18 years."

Qiu Muxian was moved to tears, patted Liu Cheng on the shoulder and said, "Well done, Liu Cheng, I didn't misunderstand you."

"General, please send me some troops. I want to rush out of the city to fight the enemy to the death. I'm not a coward. I want to die on the battlefield."

"Okay!" Qiu Mu said approvingly: "I will give you my last personal guard, Liu Cheng, don't disappoint my hope!"

Liu Cheng looked loyal: "I will definitely live up to the general's expectations."

(End of this chapter)

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