Chapter 100: Chapter [-]

Everyone had already greeted Wang Yin, and they didn't care much about Wu Hao holding a handful of flowers.

Jiao Mu walked up to Wang Yin's shoulder and said, "The meat that Wu Hao roasted last time was super delicious! You're lucky to come and see this time!"

Wang Yin raised her eyebrows and looked at Wu Hao, "Oh, we've known each other for so long and you haven't even grilled meat for me!"

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile, "Isn't there nothing to eat? Don't worry, I'll let you eat enough today! You can eat as much as you want!"

Uncle Erqi's voice came from behind, "Rang Rang! Rang Rang! Roast whole lamb is here!"

Everyone quickly moved out of the way, and Erqi and Battelle walked over with a sheep on a rack and put it on the big grill in the middle.

Erqi waved his hand to signal everyone to eat other things first, "Let's eat vegetables first, and the roasted whole lamb will probably take a while."

Jiao Mu put the wrapped meat skewers into Wu Hao's hands, "No hurry, let Wu Hao grill some meat for us first."

Wu Hao took the meat skewers and sat down by the oven, "You are really welcome."

Jiao Mu shrugged, "Can you eat politely? Hurry up and roast, I'm starving to death!"

Wang Yin naturally went to Wu Hao's side, watching Wu Hao grill skewers.

Wu Hao took the fan and fanned away the oily smoke floating towards him around him, "Are you choking while sitting?"

Due to physical reasons, Wu Hao naturally regards Wang Yin as a character who needs to be taken care of.

Wang Yin looked at Wu Hao with some amusement, "Wu Hao, it's not like I can't lift it with my hands, you should be too careful."

As he said that, he took the fan from Wu Hao's hand and fanned it for her.

He said with a smile: "It's just a matter of stealing a teacher to learn the art. After learning it, I can do it with my craftsmanship, which is much better than yours!"

Wu Hao smiled and turned the meat skewers over, "Oh, then you have to look carefully, my barbecue skills are extensive and profound!"

The two were familiar with each other, talking and laughing next to the oven.

Many passers-by couldn't help but take a second look.

I have to say that the two of them look pretty good when they sit together.

He Yi walked over with a leg of lamb. He was not able to participate in the barbecue last time. Watching these people eating on the live broadcast made him hungry.

Especially Wu Hao's barbecue, everyone said it was delicious.

Still drinking! !

This time, whatever you say, you must eat it in your mouth!

He walked up to the two of them and took a look, before blurting out, "Wu Hao, is this your boyfriend?"

Wu Hao reacted and looked at the two, only to realize that the distance seemed to be a little close.

Seeing that she was about to move away, Wang Yin immediately explained: "No, we are friends, isn't this helping her, it's easier to work because we're close together."

Wu Hao just raised her buttocks and sat down again when she heard this sentence, she thought to herself: That's right, brother will help her, this distance is not too close.

He Yi sat down with a smile, "Hurry up, this leg of lamb is roasted for me, this time I brought good wine!"

Wu Hao took a look at the leg of lamb, "Okay, what do you want to roast? Whole or sliced?"

He Yi rubbed his chin and said, "All of them!"

Wu Hao said with a smile: "There are quite a lot of requests, that's enough, go sit and wait!"

Wu Hao pointed to the meat skewers on the grill, "Wang Yin, look at some meat skewers, turn them over, I'll deal with the leg of lamb."

Wang Yin nodded and sat in Wang Yin's seat, Wu Hao got up and sat beside him, cutting the leg of lamb with a knife.

Erqi looked at Wu Hao and Wang Yin who was sitting beside her, and then at his silly son who was surrounded by several female stars.

Didn't you just say a few words to the pretty little girl!Blushing legs!

Look at that kid sitting in front of Wuhao girl!
Elm head!Wood stick!
Moreover!Will these people let go of horses?Will you raise sheep?
He glared at Battelle angrily, then went to see the roasted whole lamb.

The people next to him gathered together and whispered: "What do you have to do with Wu Hao and that person?"

The person on the side ate melon seeds and said: "No relationship can stop us from partying, we can just live and die by ourselves, so what's the matter with him!"

Everyone couldn't help but grabbed a handful of melon seeds and started to nibble, "That's right, it looks really good."

Jiao Mu secretly stood behind, "Eat well! The delicious food won't stop your mouths!" Then he took a handful of melon seeds.

Everyone smiled and promised not to talk nonsense, but they couldn't help but look over.

Jiao Mu was a little confused.

If Wu Hao and Wang Yin were really related, how would Gao Lin explain it?
But then he thought again, what did they have to do with me.

I'm all alone here.

How about love.

After talking, I ate melon seeds and sat down with everyone to watch the beautiful scenery. Who doesn't love to see handsome men and beautiful women.

By the way, you can also grab a hot barbecue.

After a while, the meat was roasted, and the dishes were served.

Everyone gathers around the table.

Jiao Mu raised his glass and said, "Let me tell you first, everyone has worked hard on filming recently, and I also know that sometimes I have a bad temper, so please bear with me!"

Everyone raised their glasses and said, "Nothing! The past is over! Why are you saying that! Drink!"

The small lamp in the yard illuminates the not-so-big table.

Everyone sat together in a crowd, but it seemed extraordinarily warm.

Everyone toasted one by one, and soon someone on the table was drunk.

Some stood up and punched, and some jumped to find someone.

Wu Hao smiled and looked at everyone with a bone in his mouth.

He Yi came over and patted her, "Why, you don't know who came to toast with me?"

Wu Hao stood up and picked up the wine glass, "What's the matter! It's not because you are still eating, how about it, does the roast suit your taste?"

He Yi said with a smile: "The craftsmanship is good, come and have a drink! I saw you can drink last time, and I have long wanted to fight with you!"

Wang Yin was sitting next to Wu Hao with a bunch of skewers piled up in the bowl.

Some of them were taken by himself, and some were given to him by Wu Hao.

Holding a wine bottle in his hand, He Yi quickly taught Wu Hao how to punch.

Wu Hao rolled up his sleeves and said boldly: "Come on!"

As they spoke, the two began to punch each other.

At the beginning Wu Hao was still a little unfamiliar, but in the end he gradually became proficient, and then he drank He Yi a little bit unsteadily.

Seeing that he was about to fall to Wang Yin's side, Wu Hao stretched out his hand to stop him.

Wang Yin also stretched out his hand to help.

He Yi grabbed her with his backhand, "Come on! Come and keep drinking! Keep paddling!"

He Yi blushed and pointed at Wu Hao, "From now on! Good job!"

Wu Hao said with a smile: "Hey, then I will accept your good words first."

He Yi patted himself on the chest, "I, He Yi, can never be wrong!" Pointing at Wu Hao, "Do you believe me?"

Wu Hao and Wang Yin supported him, "How dare I, I wish what you said would come true!"

Everyone was extra indulgent tonight, even Jiao Mu was persuaded by several actors to drink a lot.

Everyone danced and sang, so lively.

(End of this chapter)

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