Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve: The Canteen
It is very common to gather together to eat in the school. The strange thing is that the photographer and a well-known professor of the school followed.

It was the first time for the four students to meet a living star, and they readily agreed to go to the cafeteria for lunch together.

Wu Hao and Professor Yan Ming walked in front, four students walked behind, and the photography team surrounded the outer circle.

Wu Hao and others came to the cafeteria, where a group of filming crews had already gathered.

The students around cast curious eyes.

The director was a little surprised to see that Wu Hao was the first to complete the task. He stepped forward and asked Professor Yan Ming: "Professor, it's hard work. Did Wu Hao complete the task so quickly?"

Yan Ming nodded: "It's done, I have to say it's beyond my expectation."

The students behind also nodded, and the director looked shocked.

Wu Hao ignored the director's big face and asked indifferently, "What's for lunch?"

The director looked at Wu Hao in a daze.

Originally, this task was arranged to be the highlight of the show, mainly because the punishment task was very eye-catching, but someone actually completed it.

It turned out that Wu Hao, who had vomited in a mess before, completed the task.

How can it be!

He can only give Wu Hao a 200 yuan meal card: "Congratulations, you are the first to complete the task, and you will get a lunch reward of 200 yuan."

Wu Hao glanced at the price of the food at the window and then made a calculation, um, enough for six people.

Wu Hao waved over the boy who had talked to her before: "What's so delicious about you?"

The students looked at Professor Yan Ming, who stood beside Wu Hao and waved his hands with a smile: "I have nothing to say, I will eat with you today."

That student is also a social cow, so he took Wu Hao and went to various windows to get food.

Professor Yan Ming and several others found a place to sit down.

The director was still incredulous and asked: "Wu Hao really completed the task?"

Professor Yan Ming nodded and pointed at his students: "Really, they also met, and they did a great job, even..."

Speaking of this, the professor paused, and a weak-looking student answered, "It's not even the first time I've seen a corpse."

The director felt pimples all over his body: "What do you mean it's not the first time you see a corpse! Don't be scary!"

Professor Yan Ming shook his head: "It's not scary, it really feels that way. She saw the corpse as if she saw an object."

A few students also thought it was strange in class just now. After hearing what the teacher said, they realized what was so strange.

Wu Hao was so calm when he saw the corpse, and even observed it, as if he had seen it countless times.

One of the students said, "Yes, I felt that she had bumped a few times when she lifted the teacher up just now."

The director's complexion was ashen, the heavens are reincarnated, this time it's time for him to vomit.

The student still wanted to answer the conversation but was stopped by Yan Ming's eyes.

Yan Ming asked: "How much do you know about Wu Hao?"

The director patted his chest and thought for a while: "There's nothing to understand, both parents died, a grassroots background, a pretty face, and can even be said to be simple."

Yan Ming thought to himself, "Probably because of the death of both parents."

Yan Ming put Wu Hao in the category of people who need to be observed.

He privately sent a text message to the captain of the criminal police, "I recently came into contact with an artist named Wu Hao. You can pay attention to it. I followed a forensic medicine class today. She was a bit too calm. And now it seems that there is no mental illness, and you can talk to me." Compare it with your case."

The other side replied, "Got it, thank you."

Yan Ming put away his phone when he saw the reply, and when he looked up, he saw Wu Hao and his students walking over with a bunch of lunch boxes.

Others rushed to pick it up, and the food filled the entire table in a short while.

The director resisted the discomfort in his stomach and asked, "Wu Hao, have you... finished eating?"

After all, he felt a little nauseous when he heard it, and this person has already mastered it!
Wu Hao looked at it and thought it was okay: "It should be fine, after all, there are so many good guys, don't they have to eat more to grow up! Come, come, eat everything."

The director finally saw the photographer who was following Wu Hao. The photographer also looked disheveled, with strong mints in his mouth.

The director asked the cameraman to change, and the director approached him and asked, "How did Wu Hao finish it? I'm still waiting for the material, are you okay? Didn't you say it's okay to be brave?"

The photographer took another mint: "I don't have the punishment material, so I can't code it later. You can see how much you can use. I am brave, who wants to meet someone who is more courageous! You will see it when the time comes." , Wu Hao didn't wrinkle his eyebrows the whole time."

Then he looked at Wu Hao who was eating and drinking: "How can she still eat! I'm convinced!"

The director walked away silently, praying in his heart that the materials of the other groups would be good enough.

Yan Ming looked at the food on the table, there were almost all tastes, which could satisfy everyone's taste.

The students still introduced the famous dishes in the cafeteria to Wu Hao at every turn.

Yan Ming didn't eat much, so he went out to smoke when he almost ate.

After a while, Yi Mingsha and Wen Wen No.2 finished their tasks and came to the cafeteria.

Yi Mingsha saw Wu Hao who was feasting next to four high school students.

Yi Mingsha quickly walked up, and Wen Wen followed slowly behind.

After greeting the four of them, Yi Mingsha sat down in Professor Yan Ming's seat, which was next to Wu Hao.

"Are you still eating? You can still eat it!"

Wu Hao was still picking up food, "Eat, can you survive if you don't eat?"

Yi Mingsha heard it right, took a pair of chopsticks and started eating.

Greeted everyone warmly and cordially.

Several students quickly gave way to Wen Wen in the middle position.

Wen Wen frowned but thanked him and sat over: "Hello Wu, how did you complete the task? It seems that you are No.1. Fortunately, the director didn't make things difficult for you."

Wu took a good look at Wen Wen, who was still gentle, Wu Hao nodded: "My side is fine, how about you?"

Wen Wen said: "We are also okay, without the bloody imagination."

Yi Mingsha chewed a vegetable leaf: "That's right, our task is to do a DNA test, which will shock us both for a whole year."

Yi Mingsha asked, "What about you? What mission is it? Is it difficult for a single player?"

"Fortunately, I took a class with Professor Yan Ming."

Wen Wen asked, "What class?"

The four students stopped their chopsticks. This topic cannot be carried on at the dinner table of ordinary people.

Wu Hao swallowed the food: "Anatomy class."

Wen Wen covered his nose, got up and quickly left the dining table: "I'll go find the director, you guys eat slowly."

Yi Mingsha was still gnawing on the chicken legs, and the chicken legs didn't taste good after hearing it.

The four students could still feel a gentle trace of disgust, and it must be a lie to say that they were not sad, and they still felt a little awkward and wronged.

Wu Hao leaned close to Yi Mingsha's ear and said softly, "Shall I describe it to you in detail?"

Yi Mingsha almost jumped up from the stool: "If you dare to tell me, I'll spit it out for you right now!"

This voice brought the four of them back to their thoughts. They saw Yi Mingsha who was jumping and Wu Hao who was provoking Yi Mingsha from the side.

That's right, Wu Hao even promoted the general teacher, who would dislike anyone?

The six of them started chatting happily again, most of them were Yi Mingsha who talked a lot, and Wu Hao was listening silently.

Yan Ming stood outside the cafeteria looking at Wu Hao through the glass, always feeling something was wrong.

At this time, the phone rang, and Yan Ming saw that it was the captain of the criminal police who answered it.

"Old Yan, have you eaten yet? Tell me about Wu Hao."

(End of this chapter)

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