Chapter 2
Wu Hao slowly opened her eyes to regain consciousness, her eyes were dark, she touched her abdomen and back, "It shouldn't be, even if the emperor is not dead, the emperor will cut me into pieces, how can I still be alive?"

She touched her limbs again, no!Why are my hands so tender!Where is the cocoon?Why are my legs so thin!What about the scar?

She remembered the anecdotes told by the soldiers around the bonfire at night and thought, "Could it be that I'm haunted by a starving ghost! No wonder I'm as skinny as skin and bones!"

But she touched the skin on her face again, it was smooth and delicate, not like the sallow and emaciated skin that the hungry ghost said.

She looked around and found an empty corridor beside her, with stone steps and cold handrails in front of her.

There was an extra strange memory in her head. Relying on the memory of her body, she came to a door.

She looked at the uniquely shaped doorknob and stretched out her hand to hold it naturally. She was startled by a sudden "beep", and the door slowly opened.

She thought about it for a long time, and it seemed that this was called fingerprint unlocking in her memory.

She walked in, and when she turned around, she was startled and jumped up by the person beside her. The person did the same movement as her, and then she realized that it was a mirror, a very clear and smooth mirror, a mirror that did not belong to her era. thing.

The person in the mirror looks bright and majestic, but he wants to suppress this beauty with makeup.

Wu Hao waited in front of the mirror for a while to calm down before feeling the pain in the back of her head. She touched it with her hand, and there was a big wound, which had already scabbed with blood.

Wu Hao looked at the look in the mirror and was a little confused, "What's going on? Am I resurrecting my soul from a dead body?"

She slowed down to digest the information, and sorted out the messy memories in her head before observing the person in the mirror.

Wu Hao began to touch his body and said to himself, "This person does not seem to be in a good mental condition. His face is pale and his body is cold, and he also has some spleen deficiency. His body posture is also not right. I can feel the hunger in my stomach. It has been many days since I haven't eaten properly, and I can feel the obvious lack of confidence in my voice."

After finishing speaking, he put his hand on his wrist again, "and the pulse is also weak, and there is stagnation of qi and blood."

She touched her arms and thighs, and said with a sigh, "This is obviously a waste of money."

Wu Hao often lives in upheavals because of going to the battlefield. Seeing this kind of irresponsible for his own health, he is a little angry and a little pity.

She began to walk around the room slowly, and saw some strange things. Fortunately, she had the memory of the original owner so that she would not be confused.

Xia Yan, 24 years old, her parents left her when she was 18 years old, no relatives and no property, Xia Yan worked hard to support herself.

The original owner's parents seem to have hardly ever been home, and almost all of them were brought up in a free range, but the original owner is still very sensible, studying hard so that his parents don't worry about it.

Xia Yan became popular in the entertainment circle because of a campus photo.

Coincidentally, Xia Yan's debut stage name is Wu Hao.

Wu Hao also felt that it was too a coincidence, and recalled why he chose this stage name in his head, but this part of the memory seemed to disappear out of thin air.

But this road is not destined to be smooth.

She recalled that Xia Yan did many things she didn't want to do in order to make money, and also suffered a lot of grievances.

Being squeezed by the boss, taken advantage of at the reception, and calculated by the peers.

It is not easy for a girl without any backing to get here step by step, and she has to be tricked behind her back.

But Xia Yan still maintains her innocence and enthusiasm. There is a huge contrast between the company's personality and her personality.

She touched the wound on her head again, and she recalled carefully that someone pushed her in the dark and said, "People like you don't deserve to be in the entertainment industry!".

This was not an accident, and she thought to herself that the culprit must be found out.

Wu Hao recalled Xia Yan's experience and felt uncomfortable. He has been training, training and fighting since he was a child. Although he would confront some old guys in court, how could he have such a delicate mind.

Every time she came back from an expedition, she would see the charming girl on the side of the road, which made people unable to help but love her, but she didn't know that the charming girl also had such a sad and wronged story.

After she calmed down, she realized that she was hungry. She turned and went to the place where food could be found in her memory.

She ate the leftovers from the refrigerator. The cold rice choked her throat, but it was much better than dry food.

Wu Hao touched this beautiful face and thought, "What is this? Live another life? If the gods have mercy on me and allow me to live another life, what price will I have to pay?"

Wu Hao walked to the balcony and looked at the darkness and lights outside the window, a little confused.

She sorted out the memories in her head. This body didn't need to kill enemies on the battlefield, and it didn't need to eat and sleep in the open. It was much better than her life, but there weren't many happy memories.

Before thinking about it for a while, she felt a burning sensation in her stomach. She recalled that this body seemed to have many minor problems.

Although she is strong-willed, but her body is really weak, she finds the medicine by memory.

After she took the pills, her stomach felt better within a short while, and she was amazed that two pills, which were no bigger than the size of a fingernail, could cure the disease.

At this time, the phone rang, and the word "Sister Ma" was written on the screen.

She pressed the green button out of habit, and a face appeared on the phone screen. She tried her best to keep calm and stared at the woman in the picture.

The woman wears glasses, has heavy dark circles under her eyes, and stares sharply at her when she speaks.

"Why are you standing there? Tell me what you want to do? How to deal with this matter? The company is very disappointed with this matter. What are your plans?"

Wu Hao didn't know what to say, so he replied weakly, "Do you want to join the army?"

The person on the opposite side laughed angrily, "What? Want to fight against black fans and rumormongers? Forgot the liquidated damages? Be careful to pay you to death."

When Wu Hao heard the liquidated damages and compensation, she knew that she didn't have that much money, so she sighed with a broken face, "No, Sister Ma, I was just joking."

Sister Ma turned her eyes away and looked at the fingers on the other side that kept beating on the table, "Although what happened this time is not your problem, but you are too unlucky, how did you bump into Yi Mingsha? His fans are famous not to be trifled."

Wu Hao followed Sister Ma's topic and recalled the incident and said slowly, "I seem to have watched a forensic teaching film, and then ran out, only to meet Yi Mingsha and spit on him."

Sister Ma looked at Wu Hao strangely, "You have explained it to me many times, I believe you, didn't you say you won't mention it again?"

Wu Hao shut up immediately, she knows how wrong it is to say too much.

 Many treasures said to call the police!

  In fact, call the police!
  In later chapters, it's just not specifically mentioned.

  It should be in the chapter about moving the apartment, the apartment should be moved because Sister Ma called the police but didn't catch anyone!

(End of this chapter)

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