Chapter 28 Chapter 28: Mission 2
Bai Hua was angry, why did she only pass the exam!Wu Hao is full marks!
Before he could continue to ask, Wu Hao had already quit the game.

Bai Hua hurriedly quit the game and asked, "What's your answer? How did you get full marks?"

Wu Hao stretched his waist: "My answer is to drown after deep coma."

"So is it suicide? No, if I commit suicide, I won't get 60 points."

Wu Hao shook his head: "It was a homicide. There are signs of binding and struggling on the limbs. According to the forensic knowledge manual, it must be a homicide."

Bai Hua asked: "Then how can you judge that she drowned after being deeply unconscious?"

"When you checked the information, did you find that although all items can be consistent with the phenomenon of drowning, they are always a little bit worse. For example: the deceased had water emphysema in the lungs, but no rib indentation, generally it should be There are rib impressions. The stomach also contains drowning fluid, weeds and silt, but not much."

Bai Hua nodded: "I remember."

"That's right. I checked for a while and found that unless it is a very small number of people with heart and lung diseases and dyspnea, the deceased is very healthy, so this possibility is ruled out. Another situation is a deep coma, where there is instinctive struggle but the range It’s not big, so while it fits the phenomenon of drowning, it doesn’t quite fit it.”

After hearing this, Bai Hua suddenly realized: "It turns out that's the case, so I can only get the basic points, and I don't lose or lose."

The two of them walked out of the room, and the staff was outputting the game screen of the two of them.

The director greeted the two of them and said, "It's coming out so soon! Wait, the others are still in the game."

Wu Hao and Bai Hua sat beside the director and watched the surveillance in the room.

Wen Wen was trembling on the ground regardless of his image, but Yi Mingsha was still struggling.

Lou Qianqian and Duan Daojiu ran around the room.

Liu Qi was already holding the trash can and started throwing up.

Wu Hao looked at the director with a satisfied face, and suddenly felt that not everyone can be a director.

Look at Director Gou's mentality, absolutely.

Director Gou seemed to know what Wu Hao was thinking, and smiled at her: "Look, the material is here!"

Suddenly the director's phone rang, and the director glanced at the screen of the phone, cursed "bad luck" in a low voice, and walked to a distance to answer the phone.

Just at this time, Sister Ma sent a message saying that she was coming to see her nearby, so Wu Hao got up to find Sister Ma.

When passing by the director, Wu Hao heard a few words "hot search", "Wu Hao" and "done" intermittently.

Wu Hao wanted to hear more, but the director kept his voice down.

Wu Hao walked lightly to the director's back, and the director just hung up the phone.

When he turned around and saw Wu Hao standing behind him with a smile on his face, the director almost staggered and fell over in fright.

The sun shone straight in from behind Wu Hao, and Director Gou felt a little dazzling.

He had an urge to run away, Wu Hao was not like a weak and pitiful little white flower, but more like a deadly ghost.

Wu Hao stretched out his hand to hold Dao Gou's shoulder and said with a smile on his face, "Dao Gou, what were you talking about just now?"

Director Gou thought to himself, 'The game is over, I really came here to take my life. '

Director Gou pretended to be confused and smiled dryly: "It's nothing, it's just chatting."

Director Gou tried to struggle twice, but Wu Hao's hands restrained him like iron tongs, and he felt sweat dripping from the roots of his hair.

Wu Hao took a step closer to her: "Then I'll ask you one by one. First, who ordered you to do the hot search?"

Director Gou felt that the aura of the person in front of him was not like that of a celebrity, but an oppression from the superior.

He weighed it in his mind and decided to say: "The young master of Marriott Entertainment."

Wu Haowen thought about it, but there was no impression of this person in his memory.

Wu Hao inadvertently relaxed a little: "The second question, what is the reason?"

Director Gou's shoulders relaxed a lot. He said everything he wanted to say, so he just shook it out: "Your character design has collided with his gentle little white flower. In order to let Wen Wen stand out, I will suppress you."

Wu Hao felt outrageous and thought, "This is nothing." Then he let go of Gou Dao's shoulder.

Director Gou felt that he was finally liberated, he quickly took two steps back, looked at Wu Hao who was not in a good mood and said, "But now you don't have to worry, your current image positioning is the only one in this show, Keep it up, I promise you'll be on fire."

Wu Hao waved his hand: "It's not about positioning people."

Director Gou came to her again: "Why don't you tell me, maybe I can help you solve it."

Wu Hao looked Gou Dao up and down, and Gou Dao was unhappy when he saw this look: "Hey! What kind of eyes are you! What's wrong with looking down on me?"

Wu Hao walked past Director Gou, "If you don't hurt me, you will help me."

Director Gou followed: "I was also forced to do nothing!"

Wu Hao was a little strange: "Why are you forced to do nothing? Why did you tell me this?"

Director Gou sighed: "I owe him a favor for helping him, but whether or not to say that depends on my mood."

Wu Hao asked: "Do things against conscience?"

"What does it mean to be unconscionable? If I don't do this, someone will always do it. Besides, I will pay back the favor and get a large investment. Do you understand the double benefits!" Dao Gou said indifferently.

Wu Hao looked at the cheeky Dao Gou: "Then what's the benefit of telling me?"

Gou Dao laughed insidiously: "The thing we need to do to collect money is to cause trouble for you. Don't tell you that I didn't receive the money for this matter. I also have to cause trouble for him."

"Then please tell me more, how about adding some fun to your boring days." Wu Hao said with a strange tone.

Director Gou took a big sip of water and said, "Then I will give you a good chat. The Marriott Group's surname is Wan, and their young master is Wan Yishi. He is 26 years old. There is also love and righteousness, and more importantly, wealth. This group only entered the entertainment industry a few years ago. People are optimistic about this thigh now. If they have the strength and are willing to pay for it, they won’t be impressed! But it is said that their methods of making a fortune were not clean before, and they entered the entertainment industry to clean up their whites. Who knows? .”

Wu Hao snorted coldly: "Oh, what a caring and righteous person. You said their family's wealth is unclean? How unclean is it?"

Director Gou shook his head: "Then I don't know. Their family was established by the old man's generation, and today the third generation is a multinational group. I don't know the details."

Wu Hao asked: "Then you have climbed this thigh now?"

Director Gou waved his hands and said with a smile: "I'm just an ordinary person who spends money on things. If someone is gentle, he is the one who hugs his thigh."

(End of this chapter)

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