Chapter 4 Public opinion
Sister Ma put on a mask for her and dragged her to the elevator entrance, "Go to the hospital first, by the way, think about which floor the elevator stops when you want to take the elevator?"

Wu Hao thought for a while, "It should be the 27th floor, and that glowing number has been stopping at 27." Her floor is at 25
Sister Ma and she waited for the elevator to go in. Sister Ma first pressed the button of 27. When they reached the 27th floor, Sister Ma went out and touched the buttons outside, which felt a bit harsh.

Sister Ma was sure that someone deliberately made the elevator unusable, just to hide in the corridor and attack Xia Yan.

Wu Hao dared not make a sound in the elevator, one was afraid of making too many mistakes, one was that Sister Ma was really fierce, and the other was that the weightlessness of the stairs made her almost unable to keep up with others.

Sister Ma helped Wu Hao, who looked disheveled, into the car. She was so relieved that she almost gave up.

Sister Ma kicked the accelerator and drove out. Although the original body may have been in a car thousands of times, it was Wu Hao's first time in a car, so she held onto the seat belt tightly.

Sister Ma's car is very good and has a strong sense of pushing back, and it starts very fast, but Wu Hao is the only one who is injured.

She felt that her soul, which had just traveled from another world, was about to be thrown out of this body.

When we arrived at the hospital, Sister Ma looked at Wu Hao, who had a strange expression on his face, and asked, "What? Are you sick? Is it because of motion sickness or excessive blood loss? Don't you get motion sickness?"

Wu Hao waved her hands and didn't answer, she was afraid that the soul would come out of her mouth when she opened her mouth.

After the two reported to the police and went to the hospital, they did various examinations and recorded statements, and they were busy until midnight.

The doctor took various checklists, "The wound is still a bit big, and this kind of injury affects memory as you said. Go back and rest more, and the wound should not touch the water. Why did you fall so hard? Let's wait a little longer. The consequences are more serious."

Wu Hao thought to himself, "That's right, the last soul flew away."

Sister Ma looked at Wu Hao in a daze, and quietly asked the doctor, "Will intelligence be affected?"

Sister Ma quickly asked: "Good Wu! How can a visually impaired person express to others that he wants to drink water?"

Wu Hao was stunned for a moment and replied weakly: "Speak with your mouth?"

Sister Ma is relieved, the last one who couldn't answer this question was their little assistant, yes, as long as he is smarter than the little assistant.

The doctor looked at Wu Hao, shook his head and laughed: "Probably not, isn't this quite normal."

Only then did Sister Ma feel relieved, and the doctor told him, "This has something to do with being too weak. Let this child eat more. If he can't keep up with the nutrition, he will become skinny."

Sister Ma took Wu Hao, who had a headache and nausea, out of the hospital gate, and the two returned home.

Wu Hao felt that it was just a headache not to go to the hospital. After going to the hospital, her soul hurt, and she slumped on the sofa carelessly.

Seeing her so relaxed, Sister Ma always felt that she was not quite like the sensitive and forbearing Xia Yan before.

Sister Ma thought it was the sequelae of this injury.

After Sister Ma settled down, she was ready to go home. Wu Hao said gratefully: "Sister Ma is so late, why don't you make do with me?"

Sister Ma glared at her, "Don't really be out of your wits, I still have a baby in my house."

Only then did Wu Hao remember that Sister Ma had given birth to the baby less than a year ago, and instantly changed the topic: "Oh, I'm sorry, Sister Ma, I wasted your time."

Sister Ma packed her things and stood at the door telling her, "I asked, you still want to follow that variety show, and there is no way to turn it down. Don't watch those trending searches recently, try to keep a low profile, and don't complicate things."

Wu Hao didn't know what to say, so he could only pretend to agree.

Sister Ma was silent for a while, "Don't think about it too much, you should have a good rest these two days, and I will fight for you again to see if there is a turnaround."

Sister Ma looked at the silent Wu Hao and thought she was wronged.

She touched Wu Hao's head, and suddenly received a message

After reading it, she said to Wu Hao, "If you want to clarify anything, you can post it on Weibo, and the company agrees to do so."

Wu Hao was a little unaccustomed to being touched on the head, so he was stunned for a while before picking up the phone and starting to type. The typing speed was not fast.

In Sister Ma's eyes, seeing her artiste so injured and so slow, it's a lie not to feel distressed.

Wu Hao deliberated for a long time and wrote a concise and powerful statement, "1. Entered the anatomy classroom in advance, and the program team did not notify in advance. 2. I was afraid of vomiting on others, and moved quickly and ran fast. It was not intentional @易明沙. 3 .Do things without cause and effect, and don't take it seriously when you watch a movie. 4. Single, independent, don't disturb."

She gave the edited content to Sister Ma to read it, and Sister Ma said it was OK, then clicked publish and forwarded it with her Weibo account.

As soon as the mobile phone information was released, it started to skyrocket. Sister Ma told Wu Hao not to pay attention, and Wu Hao didn't care anymore.

Wu Hao looked at those ugly and inaccurate words, and Sister Ma also saw them, and she taught Wu Hao to pick out a few obvious editing problems from the program clips and sent out a sentence: "Right and wrong can be judged by themselves."

In an instant, half of the people who scolded her were reduced, and after a closer look, they all went to the official program group to denounce her.

The company felt that the trend was not bad, and issued a statement, which roughly meant that it would fully protect the rights of its own artists from harm.

Fans of the company's artists expressed their heartfelt thanks.

Then Sister Ma put on her coat and patted Wu Hao on the head, "It's good, don't jump around anymore, if you are really stupid, your reputation as a vase will be confirmed. Take a good rest for two days, and I will The company said hello."

After sending Sister Ma away silently, she opened Weibo again and found that Aite's male star had spoken for her, and there were a lot of indecent remarks missing in the statement.

Wu Hao reposted the male star's Weibo, left a generous sentence "Thank you, brother", and then went back to bed.

Yi Mingsha looked at the reply "Thank you, brother" and was a little confused.

The agent came over and took a look, "Hey, thank you, brother, is Wu Hao going to be in a costume drama recently?"

Yi Mingsha turned off the screen, and threw the phone aside, "Don't worry about it, anyway, I've helped everything I can, and there's nothing else I can do."

The agent handed him a glass of water, "As long as you like it, be careful not to rely on you."

Yi Mingsha smiled, "Not everyone can rely on me, a sunny and energetic young man."

The agent rolled his eyes and asked, "Seriously, why did you help her? You got puked all over!"

Yi Mingsha thought for a while: "Maybe this girl is also quite pitiful. She covered her mouth and her eyes were red when she came out."

The agent kicked him: "Don't have any other thoughts, Wu Hao is now on the cusp of the storm, so don't be a monster."

Yi Mingsha flicked his bangs with a stinky face: "Hey, I'm afraid that I'm so attractive, and the wind and waves are coming towards me! Tsk!"

The agent couldn't hear such foul language, took the key and went out, "The meal is in the refrigerator, I'm going out, take a good look at the materials prepared for you, and then the variety show won't be available."

Yi Mingsha perfunctorily agreed to go over and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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