Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Exercise

Wang Yin went home and made a dinner by himself. In fact, his craftsmanship was very good.

After eating dinner, he turned on the scheduled live broadcast on TV.

He looked at his watch, it was almost time.

Wu Hao's preparations are almost done here, and Xiao Wei is adjusting the lighting and setting.

Wu Hao comforted her with a helpless smile: "Just take a rest for a while, walking around almost makes me dizzy!"

Xiao Wei knew it too, but he still couldn't help but want to move.

She said dumbfoundedly, "I can't control myself!"

The live broadcast started at 18:28, and Wu Hao was still a little uncomfortable.

She tried her best to adapt, she told herself that to eat in a line of work, one must abide by the rules of this line of work.

She nodded slightly towards the camera and said hello: "Thank you everyone, we will start the live broadcast now."

In the live broadcast, Wu Hao is wearing a sportswear and doing warm-up exercises.

After a while, many people entered the live broadcast room.

"You're welcome, beauties! Let's post!"

"Why is Wu Hao so far away from me!"

"I want to see beautiful women!"

Wu Hao warmed up for a while and said to the camera: "Hi everyone, I'm Wu Hao, this is the first live broadcast, I will show you a set of Bajiquan."

A series of question marks floated on the barrage

"??? Female celebrities live broadcast boxing online?"

"Is it on such a large scale?"

"Isn't it good to be a beautiful woman quietly?"

Wang Yin was almost choked, he knew that Wu Hao liked to exercise, but why was he exercising during the live broadcast?
And what kind of boxing is Bajiquan?

He turned on the search engine on his mobile phone, and retreated after having a preliminary understanding.

Wu Hao stood up straight, exhaled a deep breath, and started after standing on the pile.

Everyone is still in a daze, Wu Hao has finished warming up.

She began to raise her hand slowly, and then suddenly punched out relying on Cun Jin.

There was a wind blowing from fists, and everyone seemed to be able to feel the wind through the camera.

The movement of the woman in front of the camera is smooth and flowing, everyone is dumbfounded.

This is the first time for everyone to see a female celebrity playing Bajiquan live, and it has really gained insight.

Everyone watched the serious Wu Hao in the live broadcast. Her movements were as soft as water and as strong as a strong wind.

She doesn't seem to be disturbed by outside affairs, and she can concentrate on doing her own things in front of the camera.

Her every move looks smooth and graceful, but everyone can see that it has a certain lethality.

The audience in the live broadcast room went from joking at the beginning to becoming really interested. When someone found out that the reward could not be found, they discovered that Wu Hao had closed the reward channel a long time ago.

Someone asked on the bullet screen, "Why can't I give a reward!"

Xiaowei responded instead of Wu Hao: "Our live broadcast does not support rewards. Wu Hao said that the money he earned is enough to spend. Please be reasonable and reward! If you really want to spend money, you can do it within a reasonable range. Do something for public welfare."

This is the first time you have heard such a request.

Some people ridiculed Wu Hao as a performer trying to develop public welfare undertakings.

Some people asked if they could follow along and practice?
Xiao Wei also got to know Wu Hao a long time ago: "It's possible, but you have to do what you can and pay attention to some places. Wu Hao said that if you use the wrong force, you will be injured. If you want to follow suit, safety first, don't force it. , we must start from the basics.”

Some people are ready to try it out, but although Wu Hao does it easily, when they do it by themselves, they can't hold on in less than 10 minutes.

The barrage is saying that Wu Hao is a devil. It has been more than half an hour since the beginning, but Wu Hao still doesn't change his face.

Wang Yin followed for a while and collapsed on the sofa to catch his breath. He agreed with the barrage.

He also posted a barrage "Can people with poor health practice?"

Xiao Wei saw this barrage and wrote it down, waiting for Wu to answer after a while.

Relying on a whole set of Bajiquan, Wu Hao ushered in a live broadcast room full of wailing voices.

After Wu Hao was done, he walked to the phone and looked at some of the questions that Xiao Wei had written down.

"Can you call me... wife? No, why? Because you are not resistant to beating."

"Can people who are not in good health practice? Yes, but take your time. If everyone gets used to the next live broadcast, I will teach you from the basics."

"What kind of person do I like? I haven't liked it, I don't know."

Everyone looks at Wu Hao who is getting closer to the camera
"I want my sister's hug!"

"Wu Hao! You are my wife!"

"Get out! Mine!"

The corners of Wu Hao's mouth twitched as he read the messy questions: "If you can't ask questions, you don't have to ask them."

The barrage is not right, and all kinds of love words are swiping the screen.

The parties expressed that they did not understand, very much.

However, there are still many people popularizing science in the bullet screen, "Wu Hao is definitely a practitioner, his movements are really beautiful, and they are very standard."

Everyone's focus is different.

One night's live broadcast gained a lot of sweat and wailing, as well as Wu's endless love stories.

Wu Hao's live broadcast gained some fans again, and Xiao Wei was very happy to see the rising data.

Sister Ma wasn't too excited, she just asked Wu to adjust his state properly.

Because she was notified today, Shan Zhong's role was decided on her.

During the two days of Wu Hao's rest, he spent reading and exercising.

Although a little boring, but very happy.

I have learned a lot recently.

And she's obsessed with a new TV show: The Daily Saying.

When it came time to take makeup photos, Wu Hao and Xiao Wei packed up and set off early.

When he arrived at the shooting location, Wu Hao was taken to the room by the staff and began to put on makeup.

The director saw that Wu Hao sent Wang Yin a text message, "Xiao Yin, today we are taking makeup photos ~ Wu Hao is here too, do you want to come and have a look?"

Wang Yin's refusal was blocked: "Today... okay, I'll go and have a look."

Wang Yin quickly finished the work in hand, and then left the company after arranging the work.

Before getting out of the car, he subconsciously adjusted his appearance.

Wu Hao originally played the role of an informal female guard, coupled with her good skin condition, the makeup artist completed Wu Hao's makeup without much effort.

When it comes to clothing, Wu Hao wears ancient costumes very neatly.

The stylist also wondered if Wu Hao was a member of the Han clothing industry, his hands-on ability is really good, and he hardly took any effort.

When Wang Yin arrived, the director brought him into the studio.

He glanced left and right but didn't see Wu Hao's figure.

The director leaned over with a smile: "What? Are you in a hurry to see your little girlfriend? Don't worry, you're still putting on makeup!"

Wang Yin quickly retracted his gaze and coughed twice, his ears were a little hot: "No, no, I just asked you for help because I thank you for helping me."

The director had a gossipy face: "Yo, it seems that I haven't caught up yet, come on, young man! I think people are very accurate, this girl is not bad."

Before Wang Yin could utter his explanation, Wu Hao came out from a distance in a silver-gray robe.

(End of this chapter)

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