Chapter 47 Chapter 17: Barbecue

The barbecue was served quickly, and the dishes filled the table and two shelves in front of them.

Wang Yin followed the gentleman's etiquette, unbuttoned his wrist, and rolled up his sleeves.

Then pick up the tongs and put the meat slices on the hot iron plate, flip the meat slices skillfully and sprinkle the seasoning.

Wu Haozheng was worried that she would not be able to operate, so she carefully watched the movements of Wang Yin's hands.

Wang Yin quickly put the grilled meat on the bowl in front of Wu Hao.

Wu Hao was a little surprised, this was the first time she was taken care of by a man with a different surname.

She has never been treated as a woman outside, so naturally she has not enjoyed this kind of treatment.

Wang Yin's wrist flashed in front of her, white and skinny.

She looked at Wang Yin along the retracted wrist.

Wang Yin was still grilling the meat seriously, and didn't notice her concern.

She felt that Wang Yin was a little pretty at this moment.

He was even better looking than the number one scholar she had ever seen.

Wang Yin smiled: "Taste how it tastes."

Wu Hao slowly tasted the roasted meat.

good to eat!

She opened her eyes.

The meat is tender and juicy, with a nice burnt aroma.

After adding the salty sauce, Wu Hao felt very satisfied.

Wang Yin was also happy when he saw Wu's delicious smell.

As a result, most of what Wang Yin roasted went into Wu Hao's mouth.

Those portions that Wang Yin was worried about were all eaten, and the food waste that he was worried about before did not happen.

Wu Hao slumped on the stool and rubbed his stomach with his hands in satisfaction, his face full of satisfaction.

Wang Yin is generally not able to eat too greasy food, but watching Wu Hao eat today made him feel a little full.

He touched his stuffed stomach secretly, it seemed that he could eat more with Wu Hao.

After eating and drinking, the two returned to the apartment.

Wu Hao and Wang Yin walked into the elevator together, and Wu Hao asked, "Which floor do you live on? I never asked you."

"2802, how about you?"

"2501, you can come down to get together if you have time." Wu Hao boldly invited Wang Yin, she didn't feel any inconvenience.

Wang Yin looked at Wu for a long time before slowly nodding: "Okay, I see."

He took out his mobile phone: "Then let's add a contact information, so that we can contact in the future."

Wu Hao, Wang Yin and their friends waved their hands and walked out of the elevator, and Wang Yin took the elevator up.

Xiao Wei was not at home yet, and when she got home, she found that there were two friend requests.

"Yin requests to add you as a friend."

"Gao Lin requests to add you as a friend."

Wu Hao thought for a while and agreed, then put the phone aside.

Seeing that Wu Hao agreed to her application, Gao Lin sent a message after a while, "I'm so glad to see you again."

After waiting for a long time without a reply, he was a little anxious.

He kept clasping his palms.

It was already evening when Wu Hao picked up the phone and saw the message. She didn't know how to reply and ignored it.

She thought that Wang Yin seemed to be rubbing his stomach after eating barbecue today.

Seeing that his complexion is not too rosy, although his figure looks tall, he is still a little weak.

She thought about it for a while, probably because she was not in good health, and she didn't eat much meaty and greasy food.

She went downstairs to the traditional Chinese medicine store to grab some medicine, and she was going home to make sour plum soup, which would help her stomach and spleen to be relieved.

She took the medicinal materials back home and boiled them in a casserole. Slowly, the whole room was filled with a sour and sweet aroma.

Xiaowei opened the door and came in and took a couple of sniffs.

"Our corridors all smell like this. It smells so good! Sister! You can also make sour plum soup!" Xiaowei put down his things and hurried to the kitchen.

Wu Hao filled a bowl and handed it to Xiaowei: "Drink some, it can relieve the heat and help digestion, taste how it tastes."

Xiaowei took a sip and exclaimed: "It's delicious! It's much better than the ones sold outside! Sister, you are really amazing!"

Wu Hao also took a sip and thought it was good, so he took out the kettle and filled it up.

Xiao Wei was a little curious: "Sister, who are you going to give it to?"

But Wu Hao has already entered the elevator.

Xiaowei wasn't very curious, so he went to serve sour plum soup again.

Wu Hao sat on the 28th floor and knocked on the door of Wang Yin's house.

"Come on!" The one who opened the door was not Wang Yin, but Wang Mu.

Seeing Wu Hao, Wang's mother immediately put on a friendly smile on her face: "Wu Hao! Come in, come in."

Wu Hao didn't want to go in, so she handed the sour plum soup to Wang's mother: "Are you bothering you? I'm here to deliver the sour plum soup. I had barbecue with Wang Yin at noon today, so I'm afraid he will feel uncomfortable."

Wang's mother didn't give Wu Hao any room to retreat, so she forced Wu Hao into the room: "Oh, why bother! What a good and careful boy, Xiao Yin! Wu Hao is here!"

Then he saw Wang Yin standing by the sofa with a listless face, and Wang Yin also looked at her with some surprise.

Mother Wang opened the lid of the cup, and the aroma of sour plum soup came over her face.

"I made this sour plum soup by myself! It smells like medicine." Mother Wang sniffed vigorously.

Wu Hao praised: "Auntie is really amazing. It is indeed a medicinal prescription, but there is nothing wrong with drinking it normally. It can also relieve summer heat, strengthen the stomach and help digestion."

Wang Yin went to the kitchen to get three cups and poured out the sour plum soup.

The aroma of sour plum soup wafted up, and Wang Yin felt that his mouth was drooling.

He swallowed quietly, and Mother Wang handed it to Wang Yin: "Drink quickly!"

Wu Hao didn't drink, she said that she had endured a lot, and Wang's mother could take some home if she liked.

Wang's mother drank sour plum soup, her eyes rolled around the two of them.

Wang Yin felt a little better in his stomach after drinking it, so he poured another glass: "Thank you, my stomach is really much better."

Mother Wang quickly asked: "Wu Hao, last time you broadcast Bajiquan live, and your movements are coherent, are you still a trainer?"

Wu Hao thought for a while and nodded: "I have practiced for a long time."

Wang's mother looked at Wang Yin: "Our little Yin has been weak since he was a child. Is there anything suitable for him to practice?"

Wang Yin felt that his scalp was numb, and Wang's mother was about to start giving him some mandarin ducks again.

Wu Hao looked at Wang Yin from top to bottom with examining eyes.

Before Wang Yin could refuse, Wu Hao nodded: "No problem."

So many little chicks have been practiced out of her hands before, and it is not a problem to mere groaning.

Mother Wang looked at Wang Yin happily: "Xiao Yin, do you want to try?"

Wang Yin looked at Wu Hao who was sitting on the side, her eyes were clear and bright, without any extra emotion.

Only then did he find out that Wu Hao really said that he could help him exercise, and it was really only exercise.

Wang Yin nodded by accident.

At 6:[-] the next morning, Wu Hao knocked on Wang Yin's door.

Wang Yin cleaned up as quickly as possible, and went downstairs with Wu Hao in a delirious state.

He stood downstairs looking at the bright sky, and he realized what a painful path he had chosen for the future.

Wu Hao stretched out his hand to grab his wrist, but Wang Yin froze for a moment and didn't shake it off.

She nodded: "There is no major problem with your body, and your pulse is pretty good."

Wang Yin looked at her: "Can you still take the pulse and see a doctor?"

Wu Hao withdrew his hand: "I can only scratch the surface."

 All kinds of requests!
(End of this chapter)

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