Chapter 56: Chapter 56: Climbing Trees

Wu Haoti wandered in the woods with an axe, walking for a long time and hardly meeting anyone.

It took Wu a long time to get better before she found a tree branch she liked. She rolled up her trousers and sleeves.

She compared the height, and threw the ax up with both hands.

The ax sank steadily into the tree branch.

She hugged the tree and began to climb up, her movements were clean and neat.

Soon she was crawling into place.

She pulled out the ax with one hand, and swung it fiercely at the branch.

The branch fell to the ground in a matter of seconds.

When she was about to throw the ax down, she found Gao Lin and an unknown man standing under the tree.

Gao Lin and the man looked up at her in surprise.

Wu Hao froze for a moment and waved to the two of them: "Get out of the way! I'm going to throw the ax down, and be careful not to hit you."

Gao Lin and the man walked away silently, Wu Hao spotted the position and dropped the axe.

Wu Hao also quickly climbed down.

Wu Hao got off the tree and patted his clothes: "How are you guys?"

Gao Lin also wanted to help, but Wu Hao avoided him: "It's okay, I'll do it myself, I won't bother you."

Gao Lin introduced with a smile: "This is the second male actor in this play, Qiao Song."

Qiao Song has a tall and straight figure, and a pair of peach blossom eyes are full of passion.

He smiled and held out his hand to Wu Hao: "Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you in this way."

Wu Hao stretched out his hand generously: "Hello, Wu Hao, I am also very happy."

Qiao Song's eyes lit up, it's really funny, it's the first time I've seen such a thick-skinned person without realizing it.

Wu Hao picked up the branch: "I'm going back, you two talk slowly."

She wanted to go back and deal with the branches, so that she could hunt tomorrow!Excited!
Gao Lin and Qiao Song followed up very tacitly at the same time.

Wu Hao turned his head to look at the two people following behind, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Qiao Song smiled: "We are going back too, why don't we go together."

Wu Hao glanced at the sky, it was almost night, and the sky was turning dark.

She turned her head and looked at the two of them, their dry figures, forget it, let's follow.

Wu Hao nodded: "All right, let's go together."

After a while, Wu Hao walked out of the forest with the two of them with an ax in hand.

On the way, the two actually wanted to help take it, but seeing Wu Hao's relaxed appearance, no one knew how to speak.

But I have to say, walking through the woods with a man carrying an axe, I really feel a sense of security!
When we got there, Wu Hao was about to leave too: "Then you guys go back early, I'll go first too."

Qiao Song quickly grabbed Wu Hao's sleeve: "Don't, miss, let's add a contact information."

Speaking without waiting for Wu Hao to refuse, he showed the QR code of his mobile phone.

Wu Hao also readily took out his mobile phone to scan the QR code. After the two added their contact information, Gao Lin dragged the smiling Qiao Song away.

Wu Hao returned the ax to the man first, and then entered the room with the branch.

The sound of the TV came from Xiaowei's room.

Wu Hao knocked on the door: "Xiaowei, I'm back."

Xiaowei was wearing one-piece pajamas, and he poked a head out from behind the door: "Just come back, do you need help?"

The pajamas are in the shape of a bear, and there are two round ears on Xiao Wei's head.

Wu Hao shook his head and squeezed his soft ears: "No, I just want to tell you that it's nothing wrong." After speaking, he went back to his room.

After she arrived in the room, she sat cross-legged on the ground and took a small knife to slowly cut off branches to make a slingshot.

On the other side, Gao Lin and Qiao Song walked away, and Qiao Song asked, "Does Wu Hao know you well? This person is quite interesting, please introduce me to him!"

Gao Lin just walked forward and didn't answer.

Qiao Song gave a "tsk" sound: "I knew she was not interested in you at the first glance."

After saying this, Gao Lin turned his head fiercely, and glanced over with gloomy eyes.

Qiao Song immediately changed his words: "It's definitely not interesting to me either!"

"Next time talk with your brain."

After Gao Lin finished speaking, he strode away alone.

Qiao Song rolled his eyes behind him: "Tch, I'm very sure about people, let's go and see."

After speaking, he walked towards his house.

Wu Hao didn't know how long he had been peeling wood in the house until there was a loud noise outside.

Wu Hao moved around by the way, and walked outside the room to take a look.

Two RVs that looked more luxurious were parked not far away.

Wu Hao watched Wen Wen get off the car behind him from a distance.

She walked to the front car door, as if she was waiting for someone, and seemed to be hesitating.

She waited outside for a while before knocking on the door of the caravan, but she couldn't get in after waiting for a long time.

It appears to have been rejected.

Xiao Wei also came out of the room and stood behind Wu Hao: "Sister, what are you looking at?"

Wu Hao pointed to that place: "You see Wen Wen stood there for a long time and didn't go in, what are you doing?"

Xiaowei stood on tiptoe and took a look, took a long time to type on his mobile phone before excitedly saying: "Sister! Good news, I heard that there is an actor who will come as a guest star!"

Wu Hao was also interested by Xiao Wei, she turned sideways and asked, "Tell me in detail."

Xiao Wei clicked on the mobile phone search interface, and then put the search results in front of Wu Hao.

Wu Hao looked at the phone, and there was a man with a dark complexion and a serious expression on it.

Xiao Wei quickly introduced: "This is He Yi, the actor! He is famous in the entertainment industry for his straight talk. I heard that many people who have acted with him have cried. But he lived in Shaolin Temple since he was a child and learned Shaolin Kung Fu. Playing is notoriously smooth and exciting!"

Wu Hao turned his head and looked at the car: "How do you know everything without even showing your eyebrows?"

Xiaowei shook his head with his mobile phone: "Hey, this is called gossip, and my news is fast and true."

Wu Hao looked at her shy little face, and the bear ears on her head flicked accordingly.

She smiled and scratched those bear ears again: "Got it! You are the best!"

Wu Hao and Xiao Wei went back to their room after watching for a while.

After all, tomorrow is the first day of the opening ceremony, so it's best not to make any mistakes.

Wen Wen sat in the RV and made a phone call: "Didn't you say that everything has been arranged? Why doesn't he even see me?"

A lazy voice came from the other side of the phone: "It's been arranged. Has the actor gone? He has gone! You can't grasp what to say."

Wen Wen didn't expect such a saying, she was trembling with anger.

I went over to say hello to someone just now, but I didn't even enter the door.

She controlled her trembling hands: "What's the condition?"

"I just like smart people like you." The voice on the other side of the phone was full of praise and playfulness to tease pets.

"This Sunday, see you at the old place." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Wen Wen put down the phone and touched the wound on his arm, which slowly turned into a buckle.

The scab was removed, and blood flowed out.

She understands that some things are the beginning of her proposal, but she is not qualified to mention the end.

 what!Stepping on the spot is successful!
  Went for a checkup today!It's almost my birthday, and I gave myself a medical examination gift package!
  Hope the test results are normal!Everyone should be healthy too!

(End of this chapter)

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