Chapter 60: Chapter Sixty: Jealousy
"Stop!" Jiao Mu shouted out of the exhibition hall and happily jumped off his seat.

The people around and He Yi also hurriedly checked Wu Hao's wound.

Xiao Wei rushed forward first, looking at Wu Hao's scar with distressed expression.

Wu Hao got up from the ground with one hand: "Don't worry, it's not a big problem!" Then he patted the dirt on his body.

Even so, the wound on the arm still looks a little scary, although there is no skin and flesh, but there is blood.

Wu Hao is used to it and thinks it's nothing, but others don't think so.

He Yi asked his assistant to go to the room to get the disinfectant.

The first female came forward and said with some admiration: "Wow, you are really amazing."

"It's nothing, just get used to it." Fortunately, he changed his mouth.

When everyone heard this, they thought that the child had suffered so much before, and immediately felt a little more pity for her.

Wu Hao was a little uncomfortable being stared at by everyone.

At this time, I saw Gao Lin rushing from not far away with a bag of ointment.

When he saw Wu Hao's wound, he narrowed his eyes, and with a gloomy expression, he pulled Wu Hao aside to apply the medicine.

Jiao Mu dismissed Xiao Wei with a wink: "Go to my room and get gauze!"

Xiao Wei left with peace of mind when he saw someone taking care of Wu Hao.

Seeing Gao Lin pull his face, Jiao Mu bite the bullet and leaned forward: "Wu Hao, you..."

Gao Lin ignored him and interrupted him. He put on the medicine and said to Wu Hao, "Why don't you be more careful!"

Wu Hao originally wanted to refuse, but under the noses of so many people, the rejection was somewhat self-deprecating.

She reached out to take the ointment and came by herself, but Gao Lin hid him. He squatted on the ground and looked up at her: "What? I can't even care about you anymore?" There was a bit of sarcasm and a bit of grievance in these words.

Wu Hao looked back and said, "Are you a director or a friend?"

Gao Lin didn't speak, just lowered his head and continued to take the medicine.

After a while, Gao Lin said, "Is it necessary to distinguish so clearly?"

Although Gao Lin hadn't acted out of line since she met her, Yuan Shen was indeed very resistant to him.

Wu Hao stood up: "Thank you for your kindness."

Jiao Mu tried hard to reduce his sense of existence in the back, he felt that he was mentally ill, so he came here to meddle, and now he is in a dilemma.

Gao Lin stood up, and couldn't help but lightly clasp the nail of his ring finger with his thumb, but the corners of his mouth slowly turned up.

Jiao Mu stepped forward and patted Gao Lin on the shoulder: "Don't worry, buddy, Wu Hao will forgive you."

Gao Lin turned around with a look of grievance and sadness on his face.

Wu Hao went to the rest room and slumped on the stool. She also wondered why Yuan Shen was so against Gao Lin.

There is nothing strange in the memory, it can only be attributed to the magical sixth sense.

The wound on the arm was still throbbing with pain.

She stood up and looked out the window, just in time to see Gao Lin talking seriously with the actor.

He looked polite and had a good appearance. Many girls on the set couldn't help but secretly looked at him.

She turned around and walked out, take a step and take a step, she has never been a person who avoids danger.

She wanted to see what Gao Lin did to make the original owner so against him.

Wu Hao returned to the shooting scene and stood by to continue observing and learning.

Although many eyes fell on her, it was as if she hadn't seen it.

It has to be said that Gao Lin's professional quality is really excellent. Every little thing that is wrong can be much better than before after his modification and guidance.

No wonder Jiao Mu was so happy to jump up when he saw Gao Lin, he seemed like a good helper.

He Yi's assistant quietly walked to Wu Hao's side: "Miss Wu Hao, our family He Yi wants to play against you, look..."

Wu Hao nodded and agreed, He Yi has won an award, maybe he can learn a lot from him.

She followed the assistant and left the shooting scene.

Looking at Wu Hao's back with gentle eyes and resentment, the people around her have seen it before, and he blocked it!

Wu Hao actually left with that person, she couldn't help being angry.

Why can you go to see He Yi if you are good at martial arts!It can also make He Yi take the initiative to meet her!
"Crack!" Jiao Mu stared at the camera and frowned and shouted, "Wen Wen! You are acting smart now, why do I feel that your eyes are as if you have met an enemy! You are about to spark! Do it again!"

Wen Wen hurriedly put away her emotions, she said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I'll adjust my emotions and start over."

Gao Lin held the script and glanced at Wen Wen: "Then let's all take a break and start again."

Wen Wen looked at Gao Lin with some gratitude, but Gao Lin had already turned and walked away without even giving her a look.

When she thought of the scene where Wu Hao was taken by Gao Lin to apply medicine, she became even angrier!

Seeing Wu Hao, He Yi immediately stood up with a smile: "I can't tell, the little girl is very powerful!"

It was only then that Wu Hao realized that this was not a match, and that he was here to discuss with her.

She just heard Xiaowei say that He Yi is famous for his martial arts, and his martial arts is also very good in the entertainment industry, and part of the reason for this award is also due to martial arts.

He Yi walked around her twice and commented: "Tsk, the lower body is not stable, and the muscle strength is not good."

Wu Hao nodded, of course she knew this, so she was still practicing.

"But fortunately, his posture is flexible enough." He Yi said suddenly and wanted to grab the back of Wu Hao's neck.

Wu Hao dodged it with a low body, and then sneaked behind He Yi to attack him. He Yi had been prepared to dodge.

The two of them went back and forth for more than ten minutes without seeing who had the upper hand.

He Yi laughed out of breath: "Not bad! How long have you been practicing? Who did you practice with?"

Wu Hao also had beads of sweat on her forehead. She hesitated for a while when she heard the question and said, "I learned from my father."

He Yi wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Then your father..."

"Not anymore." Wu Hao replied quickly.

He Yi stopped for a while: "I'm sorry."

Wu Hao shook his head to express that it was okay, and then took the towel handed over by the assistant.

"However, this move of yours is not common, and it will kill you. Fortunately, you know how to restrain yourself." He Yi asked curiously.

Wu Hao thought to himself: if he didn't get killed in battle, he would have suffered eight hundred times.

Seeing that Wu Hao didn't answer, He Yi thought it was hard to say, so he stopped asking.

"How is it? Do you want to learn from me? I'll teach you what I know!" He Yi asked her with a smile.

Wu Hao nodded and agreed after thinking about it: "No problem."

He Yi rolled his eyes: "So... you also teach me?"

The assistant was shocked, his artist had never said such a thing before.

Wu Hao thought for a while and readily agreed: "Don't worry, I will teach you well!"

The assistant was even more shocked when he heard this.

He Yi loves talents and cherishes talents, and he will never let go of such a good seedling.

He heard Wu Hao agree to sit on the chair and drink tea, humming a little tune cheerfully.

 Yuanshen would run away and protect himself when he felt danger, and Wu Hao was positive.

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(End of this chapter)

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