I want to retire in the entertainment industry every day

Chapter 67: Chapter 67: The Asura Field

Chapter 67: Chapter 67: The Asura Field
He Yi thought for a while after listening to Wu Hao's words and asked, "Then what do you say about drinking and weighing more than a catty?"

Wu Hao turned around and looked at him speechlessly: "Except for my bad habit of drinking, I am excellent in everything else."

He Yi thought for a while, and indeed, this person doesn't stay up late, doesn't smoke, and loves sports, and his living habits are indeed much better than ordinary people.

Just when he raised his head and wanted to talk to him, he found that the person had already run far away, so he quickly chased after him: "Hey! Why are you running so fast! I don't know how to respect the old and love the young!"

Wang Yin thought that she would suffer from insomnia all night, after all, the quality of her sleep has never been very good.

But when he woke up, it was already daylight.

He pressed his eyes on the roof in a daze, and the bed under him was the bed that Wu Hao had slept in, so he felt a little embarrassed no matter how he thought about it.

A man's voice came from outside the door: "Is Wu Hao not in the room?"

Xiao Wei seemed to stop someone at the door: "I'm sorry, Wu Hao is not in the room right now, so let me tell you if you have anything to say."

"It's nothing, I'll wait." Wang Yin recognized that it was Gao Lin's voice.

After a while, Wu Hao's voice sounded: "How long have you been here? Is there anything urgent?"

"It's nothing, I just came to care about my actors." He Yi and Xiao Wei frowned upon hearing these words.

What does "my cast" mean?
Wang Yin rationally told it that other people should not go out now, but when he thought of Gao Lin outside the door, he felt restless.

In the end, his rationality gave way, and he made his grand debut from Room [-] under the doubtful eyes of everyone.

Gao Lin looked at Wang Yin with a bit of sinister eyes, and He Yi was full of melons. Xiao Wei felt that this might be the long-awaited Shura scene.

But now there is only excitement left, how dare I get excited!

Wang Yin walked out leisurely wearing a wrinkled shirt.

Some messy shirts made Wang Yin less serious than usual, and her untrimmed hair was slightly raised, which made Wang Yin a bit more stern and seductive from being serious and alienated.

Wu Hao was stared at by Wang Yin's hazy eyes, and his heartbeat felt a little faster.

He walked down slowly from above like a nobleman, with his nobility and elegance, but his soft face made him a little more friendly.

The four of them immediately had thoughts in their hearts.

Wu Hao: It’s so beautiful!
Xiaowei: Damn, this person has changed so fast, he was still in a mess last night!
He Yi: This little girl actually likes this type?

Gao Lin: Be angry, but keep graceful and smile.

Seeing Gao Lin's constipated expression, Wang Yin felt relieved: Ha!mad at you!
Wu Hao remembered that it was Wang Yin who brought her back last night, so she first asked with concern: "Did you sleep well last night? Are you tired?"

He Yi:? ? ?Drunk mess?
Gao Lin:? ! ?
Xiaowei:! ! !sister!That's not what I said!

Xiao Wei hurriedly came out and explained bluntly: "Wu Hao was drunk yesterday, but fortunately Mr. Wang sent Wu Hao back! Sister Wu Hao slept in my room all night."

Wang Yin smiled: "It's okay. Fortunately, I had your room last night. I had a good rest. Otherwise, I don't know where to go."

"It's my fault that I didn't arrange it well. Mr. Wang must come to see me next time. I will definitely arrange it for you." Gao Lin answered with a smile.

Wang Yin seemed to have just discovered Gao Lin, he raised his eyebrows slightly before responding: "Then I will thank you first."

Wu Hao stood in the middle and did not suspend his self-consciousness in this Shura field.

She also asked Xiaowei with some distress: "Is there tofu nao for breakfast? I want to have a bowl of hot and sour tofu nao after drinking."

Gao Lin quickly said: "Don't worry, everyone should be prepared, even if I don't have it, I will order takeaway for you."

Wang Yin smiled and took out the car keys from his pocket: "How about we go out to eat? When I came yesterday, I saw a breakfast shop nearby."

Wu Hao felt that something was wrong between the two of them, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Wang Yin said slowly: "There are also fried dough sticks just out of the pan. They are crunchy, soaked in tofu brain, spicy and delicious."

Wu Hao felt that his saliva was about to flow out!
It's not too much to eat a freshly cooked breakfast on a busy day!
Wu Hao immediately threw away the weird atmosphere, and pushed Wang Yin towards the car: "Let's go!"

Wang Yin drove the car and looked at Wu Hao, the co-pilot, and then at the three people in the back seat from the rearview mirror.

He Yi said with a smile: "Oh, Wang Yin, what you just said has aroused my greed! I also want to have a bite of hot food."

Xiao Wei felt that she had to protect Wu Hao, and she was really greedy, so she slowly raised her hand: "Add one."

"I'll add one too." Gao Lin leaned leisurely on the back of the chair.

The five of them are all people with outstanding appearance and temperament, and they naturally attracted the attention of many people when they walked into the small shop.

"I heard that there is a filming film near our place. Could it be a star!" The people in the store exchanged in low voices.

Wu Hao and the others didn't hold back, they sat on the stools inside and waited after ordering their meals.

"I don't see it. Other celebrities always follow the camera when they go out. How can they be so casual."

"That's right." Gradually, the voice of communication decreased a lot.

The five of them finished their meal safely, and Wu Hao patted his stomach contentedly: "Eat well, I'm happy all day."

Wang Yin handed Wu Hao a bottle of water: "You also eat too fast."

This is the first time for He Yi and Gao Lin to see Wu Hao eating so intuitively.

Both of them were thinking: Is this the amount of food a female star should have?
After eating and drinking, several people returned to the shooting scene.

Wang Yin had nothing to do today, so he borrowed a computer and sent the video from the camera to Wang Yu, deciding to stay another day.

Wu Hao is still doing styling and changing clothes at the makeup artist as usual.

Suddenly she saw a person in the corner walking and figure very similar to the person in the camera.

She waved her hand and called Xiao Wei over, and pointed at the man secretly: "Do you know that man?"

Xiao Wei followed Wu Hao's finger and looked over: "I know, this is Wen Wen's assistant. I heard that he accompanied Wen Wen to his debut."

Wu Hao was still wondering why the gentle assistant was here, when he saw the person at the door leading seven or eight people swaggering in.

Wen Wen stood at the front, and her assistant quickly pulled away the chair in front of her, allowing her to walk up steadily.

Seeing Wu Hao, Wen Wen smiled unnaturally: "Sister Wu Hao, I heard that something happened to you yesterday, are you okay?"

She is still so gentle and pleasant, and she speaks softly, listening to her heart warming.

Wu Hao sat on the chair and shook his head: "It's okay, it's fine."

Wen Wen felt that Wu Hao had no doubts about this matter, so he ordered the people he brought to make up and make up.

But Wu Hao met her assistant's eyes for a while, and the assistant quickly lowered his head to avoid it like a frightened bird.

Wu Hao took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Wang Yin: I know who it is, help me put on a play.

 what!Double update!Can't think of it!

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(End of this chapter)

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