Chapter 84 Chapter 84: Mission 3
Gou Dao pretended not to hear the wailing of the crowd.

He raised his head and turned around, leaving a haughty back view for the seven of them.

Bai Hua and Yi Mingsha took advantage of their free time to walk to Wu Hao's side, left and right.

"It's all your fault, you have to take us." Yi Mingsha looked like I'm going to inform you if you don't do it.

Wu Hao nodded indifferently, "It's ok, what are you doing so bitterly and bitterly, I didn't tell you not to follow."

Wu Hao looked at the haunted house in front of him with a strange expression on his face.

Didn't you say you want to scale up your moves?Why doesn't it look like it's well arranged.

Director Gou said with a smile: "Today is the last filming, everyone still needs to get back the exciting feeling."

He pointed to the building behind him, "Welcome to our last stop: Medical School Mysteries."

Except for the two girls from Wu Hao who changed their expressions, the others were somewhat nervous even though their expressions were not obvious.

Fortunately, the director was not so crazy and agreed to let everyone do group activities.

Wu Hao walked in with his hands in his pockets expressionless.

Lou Qianqian looked at Wu Hao's fearless expression, and put her arms around Wu Hao's arm.

No matter, according to her previous experience, following Wu Hao is always right!
Wu Hao also took advantage of the opportunity to grab Lou Qianqian's hand, patted her and signaled her not to be too nervous.

Yi Mingsha snatched the other arm winkingly.

Lou Qianqian glanced at Yi Mingsha with some disdain, "I said, what's the matter with you, a big man, hugging our Wu Hao's arm!"

Yi Mingsha said shamelessly: "It's not that I haven't hugged him a few times, Wu Hao is not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?"

Everyone's tense atmosphere was dispelled by the bickering between the two.

Lou Qianqian waved her hand, "Would you like to kiss each other!"

Yi Mingsha dodged lightly, "No, we are pure brotherhood."

He pointed to Wu Hao, "Brother!" Then he pointed to himself, "Little brother!"

After pointing, he said, "Big brother covers younger brother! What's wrong!"

Everyone entered the haunted house noisily.

Duan Daojiu lived here the longest, he said: "As far as I know, this place is quite evil."

Everyone pricked up their ears when they heard this.

Duan Daojiu continued: "This haunted house has been open for a long time, and I heard that some ghosts beat the walls inside. I heard that all the monitoring could not find him, but the man wandered around the room for a whole day, and finally called It took the police to find him."

Lou Qianqian trembled and asked, "Where did you find it?"

Duan Daojiu shook his head and said: "I don't know about it, but I heard that the person disappeared and reappeared suddenly under surveillance."

Wen Wen quickly covered her ears, "Don't...don't talk!"

Duan Daojiu realized that Wen Wen's face had turned pale.

He apologized embarrassingly: "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't say it on purpose to be scary, but I just want everyone to be careful."

Wu Hao looks gentle, and feels that there is really something wrong with being gentle this time.

She looked at the camera behind her, and the camera nodded to indicate that she would pay attention.

She deliberately walked a little slower, Wen Wen also grabbed Duan Daojiu's arm.

When everyone walked to the door, Wu Hao pushed the door open, only to be rushed forward by a man with a bloody face and even a rotten wound.

Wu Hao raised his foot and found that there was no smell of blood, and the wound was not injured by a normal sharp weapon.

Only then did I realize that it should be the staff pretending to be.

She withdrew the strength on her feet, changed into a squatting stance, and pushed the man to the ground with one or two strokes of Tai Chi.

Lou Qianqian's scream was stuck in the middle, and she saw the man raised his head in a daze.

Although it was a little funny, it seemed that he could see the disbelief on his face.

He picked up the walkie-talkie, "Here comes a guy who knows how to call. It's not a guy. There's a tall girl in front of him. Let the brothers come on!"

Wu Hao raised his eyebrows when he heard what he said, he had never seen anyone discuss beating someone in front of the rightful owner.

Yi Mingsha pointed at him and said, "Hey, why do you beat people up with a discussion!"

The "ghost" on the ground got up, "I don't understand, this is also a high-risk occupation in a haunted house, so this is not to meet various needs, we are also a little bit back, don't worry, brothers have Proper."

After finishing speaking, he bowed down and stretched out his hand respectfully, "You guys please."

Wu Hao instantly felt that this was not like entering a haunted house, but wanted to enter a restaurant.

I have to say that the further you go in, the atmosphere is really getting more and more gloomy.

Even Wu Hao felt chilly all over his body.

It may have been announced by that person on the walkie-talkie before, but I have not met anyone else so far.

But soon, two forks appeared in front of him.

Everyone looked at Chadao and cursed Gou Dao's insidiousness, saying that they were not divided into groups, and it seemed that they were destined to separate.

Yi Mingsha and Lou Qianqian saw that they were going to group up and hug Wu so they didn't let go.

From Wu Haolu's move just now when they entered the door, the two decided to hold on to Wu Hao and not let go!

Duan Daojiu analyzed: "It seems that Lou Qianqian and Yi Mingsha will definitely be in a group with Wu Hao, or we will be in a group of four."

The other four looked at the two who were hanging on Wu Hao's body shaking like little chickens, and had no choice but to agree.

The seven people divided into two teams and walked into different forks.

Not long after he left, he was blocked by a door with an iron lock on it.

Wu Hao and the three had no choice but to resign themselves to their fate and go back, looking for keys from room to room.

"Yi Mingsha! Let's look for it too! Otherwise, it's too slow!" Lou Qianqian said.

Yi Mingsha thought about it too, and the two finally decided to carry Wu Hao into the room, and if they were sure the room was safe, they would go to find it together.

The three of them came to the first room first, and there was a sign at the door that said "pharmacy dispensing room".

Wu Hao opened the door and walked in. There were miscellaneous glass bottles and a lot of pills scattered on the ground.

Wu Hao originally wanted to listen carefully to see if there was anyone inside, but the sound of the two people around him bumping up and down made Wu Hao give up this idea.

After Wu Hao took the two of them around the room to make sure it was safe, the two slowly let go to find the key.

Wu Hao picked up each bottle and shook it from side to side, Yi Mingsha fumbled on the ground, and Lou Qianqian was responsible for digging through the cabinets and drawers.

After a while, Yi Mingsha suddenly shouted: "Mom! Help me!"

The penetrating power of this voice made Wu Hao tremble.

Wu Hao rushed to Yi Mingsha's side without hesitation, and saw his ankle was grabbed.

What grabbed him was a black hand with something red on it.

Wu Hao stretched out his hand to break him, but the man didn't expect that someone would touch him so fiercely.

Instead, he grasped even tighter, and Yi Mingsha shouted louder.

Wu Hao pulled out all the arms of the man suddenly, and before the man could react, Wu Hao pressed somewhere.

His whole arm went numb, and his hand naturally let go.

Lou Qianqian immediately shook Yi Ming up.

(End of this chapter)

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