The sky in the Windswept Realm is very blue and the insects are very big.

Soldiers were cutting down trees on the other side and using earth magic to build houses one after another. When they heard the commotion here, they also roared excitedly.

Yang Zhao's eyes were not far away, but an insect was flying from the top of Ling's tree.

There were many insects flying in the sky, but only this one caught her attention.

This insect was very big, seemingly more than two meters long. The back of its head shone in the sun, its six eyes looked so crystal clear on its head, and its wings spread out three to four meters wide.

The key is that this insect looks like a locust, with its two thighs green and green, which shine through when exposed to the sun, and even its calves with a row of spikes are a bit cute.

Yang Zhao hadn't had a proper meal for more than ten days. Looking at the insect, he couldn't help but salivate.

Even if she is a monk in the golden elixir stage, she has no interest in Bigu Pill. Eating it is purely out of space.

"You should be able to eat it."

She hooked her fingers, and the big flying bug was suddenly wrapped up in a big water ball. The big bug was suddenly moved, and naturally struggled hard.

But a bug, no matter how hard it struggles, can't escape from the water flow.

Yang Zhao waved, and the big water polo came over with the big insect.

The closer she came, the more the insect looked like a locust.

"You should be able to eat it. I'm a golden elixir stage monk. If I eat a bug, it won't kill me even if I'm poisoned."

Remove the head and pronotum, remove the digestive line, remove the wings, remove the tail, and cut it open from head to tail.

Use your spiritual power to clean it internally and externally to remove parasites.

The entire process is completed automatically in the big water balloon, which is efficient and fast, and your hands are not dirty at all.

Recruit a big water balloon to replace the pile of dirty water with debris, wash it again, take out the salt and white wine sold to her by Xiaodou Man from her arms, and simply marinate it.

Then a large hollow fireball wraps the processed bugs and begins to roast them.

Roast slowly over low heat.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Yang Zhao began to study the bits and pieces of the bugs with great interest.

Whether it was the thick chest and back, the calves covered with spikes, or even the wings supporting the huge body, they all felt novel to her.

It was another eye-opening day.

After seeing the two waves of soldiers working near and far, Yang Zhao felt regretful. If there were no such soldiers, he could take out his mobile phone and record a video. This would be a show-off video to be posted online.

"I can sell this insect for one hundred thousand, that's not too much, right?"

Thinking about it, she amused herself.

One advantage of cultivators cooking is that they can control the temperature of the fire at will. The changes in the flames and insect meat in the entire fireball are all under Yang Zhao's control.

In less than two minutes, more than one meter of insect meat was cooked.

Yang Zhao waved his hand to dissipate the fireball, and red insect meat appeared in front of him with a domineering fragrance.

What interested her most was the one-meter-long thighs.

Take one of the legs separately and cut it open. The sweet hot air hits your nostrils. The crystal leg meat looks so cute in the sun.

With a flick of his finger, the wind blades cut the leg meat into bite-sized pieces.

Yang Zhao took out the chopsticks in his arms, picked up a small piece and put it into his mouth under the curious eyes of other soldiers.

The insect meat is soft and tender, with a unique aroma, and the light salt taste makes the insect meat more fresh and sweet.

It's not poisonous and tastes pretty good.

Yang Zhao left one thigh, took out a few jars of good wine from the Qiankun bag, and called other soldiers to come and taste it.

The soldiers gathered together with laughter and thanked Yang Zhao profusely.

"Thank you, senior, for the meat!"

"Senior Yang is still discerning and can tell at a glance that this insect is edible." "That's right, Senior Yang, you don't know, we have been taking Bigu Pills for more than 20 days since we boarded the world-crossing flying boat. Oh my god, I feel a little nauseous now that I see Bigu Pill."

"Ha ha ha ha."

With hope and meat to eat, these soldiers were obviously much more cheerful.

"This insect meat tastes good, you can try it."

Yang Zhao pointed to the jars of wine on the ground.

"It's not a good wine, just drink it to relieve your fatigue."

The soldiers' eyes were brighter. The lack of supplies in space was reflected in all aspects. Who would let the soldiers in the cross-border spacecraft drink?

The jars of wine were not much, enough for each soldier to drink half a bowl.

"Thank you, Senior Yang, for the wine!"

"Thank you, Senior Yang!"

Yang Zhao waved his hand, causing a cloud to rise into the air. He took out a small bottle of beer from his arms and poured himself a glass of beer.

As for whether the one meter of insect meat below was enough for a dozen soldiers, it was not within her scope to consider.

If they want to eat, they will go hunting later.

Yang Zhao is not their nanny. It's okay to treat him casually, but there is no need to think about anything else.

Sure enough, all the monks are big eaters, and one roasted insect meat is not enough.

Others caught four more of the same bugs, boiled or roasted them, and cooked them without salt or disgust.

They had just arrived in the Windswept Realm. Even if they knew some information about the Windswept Realm and what they could eat, that information might not correspond to the scene in front of them.

To tell the difference requires time and energy.

But these soldiers have been escaping in space for so long and no longer want to waste energy and time on this.

This insect was verified by Yang Zhao as not poisonous and could be eaten. After catching it, it could be cooked on the spot in less than two cups of tea, filling the stomachs of these soldiers quickly and effectively.

Yang Zhao was interested in the insects, so he collected all the bits and pieces of the insects and cooked them over a high fire.

After boiling and drying in the shade, Yang Zhao collected the fragments of the ten insects into the Qiankun bag.

This thing can also be used as a craft, draw a prize, and give out a wave of benefits to her fans who didn't get tickets.

Love your own fans.

After eating and drinking, the soldiers continued their previous work.

The cabin was roughly tidied up, and everyone went to build houses.

In the rainforest, building a house is a very troublesome thing, even for cultivators.

They need to cut down trees and create a large enough area to serve as a barrier.

Staying away from the jungle means staying away from risks.

Then use fire to thoroughly burn the land four or five times to drive away poisonous insects and burn out poisonous weeds.

Then use soil magic to build a house. The soil used to build the house must also be sorted out to avoid residual grass seeds and insects.

A strange nature can eat people.

When it got dark, the house was tidied up.

The largest room was given to Yang Zhao, and everyone else lived in a Datongpu. There was no distinction between the foundation building period and the Qi refining period.

They had just arrived in the Windswept Realm, so it would be safer to sleep together and help each other.

The big ball of light illuminated the whole house. There was a bed made of earth and rocks. It looked very flat, with hay on it.

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