Comprehension second product Zhao Xiaomeng

Chapter 16 Mo's Pregnant

Chapter 16 Mo's Pregnant
After all, Gao Qi is old and knowledgeable. After calming down, he dared not belittle himself because his ancestor was a Nascent Soul cultivator. He continued to respectfully salute Zhao Rui's father and daughter: "Thank you King Rui and the princess for your kindness. Please two Your nobleman kept this matter a secret, don't tell me about those ineffective descendants, so as not to cause trouble."

"It's natural." Zhao Rui nodded in understanding, and then said: "You can live here with peace of mind, and tomorrow I will arrange someone to test the spiritual roots of your people. If someone has spiritual roots, I will send someone to escort him there Qingyun Sect. You don't have to worry about things after that."

"Thank you, King Rui." Gao Qi put his posture very low, because he understood that although the ancestor of Yuanying Zhenjun popped up suddenly from the Gao family, it sounded very capable, but after all, the ancestor had passed away, and the future It is impossible to count on it, and the disciples of the ancestors have never met, and they don't know whether they can be relied on, and they can't be counted on.It's better to have a good relationship with the people in front of you. They are the royal family. Even if there are no descendants with spiritual roots in your family in the future, relying on them can guarantee that the Gao family will have no worries about food and clothing for generations.If they manage it well, they may be able to rise to become a big family in Donghua Kingdom.

He didn't want his clansmen to know about this, because he was afraid that some young people would use their illusory life experience to breed arrogance and arrogance. The opportunity to make a fortune is not a great blessing, but a great disaster.

The Gao family has no foundation in the capital, and this may be the only chance for the family to rise!It can't be destroyed in his own hands. If any disciple in the clan dares to make trouble, he will directly take care of the family law.

That night, the Gao family moved into the big house that Zhao Rui had found for them in advance.

On the second day, Gao Qi gathered the clansmen together and waited for Zhao Rui and Zhao Xiaomeng to arrive.

To the tribe, he only said that he wanted to test everyone's muscles and bones, and then sent a group of people to learn martial arts.Everyone had no doubts, even if they had doubts, they didn't dare to ask because of the majesty of the patriarch.

Soon, Zhao Rui and Zhao Xiaomeng arrived.

Members of the Gao surname stepped forward one by one and asked Zhao Rui to check his body.

The Zhao family is a family of immortal cultivators, so they naturally have a way to check their spiritual roots.However, there are very few people with spiritual roots in the mortal world. Even if there was a monk from the Gao family, none of the Gao family present, young or old, had spiritual roots.

Gao Qi was disappointed and didn't mention it.

Zhao Rui is already used to it. The Zhao family is a cultivating family. There are thousands of people in the direct line and collateral line. Now there are only two cultivators, he and his three daughters. The Gao family is less than 100 people. It is normal for no one to have spiritual roots.

However, Brother Huang heard about the Gao family yesterday, so he had an idea.

Zhao Rui selected three young men with good roots, handed them over to the guards to take away, confirmed Gao Qi's words, then ordered him to disperse the Gao family, thought for a moment and said: "Patriarch Gao, I have a nephew who is now She has just come of age and is in the process of choosing a side concubine, I don't know..."

Gao Qi is a person who is like a fine man, Zhao Rui doesn't need to speak clearly to figure out his deep meaning.He was old enough to guess that the Zhao family had something to do with the immortals. The Gao family is now considered half a family cultivating immortals. If they can marry, the possibility of their offspring having spiritual roots will naturally increase, which is beneficial to both parties.

What's more, climbing to the royal family is a good thing that he didn't even dare to think about before.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Gao Qi said: "I have a granddaughter who is just 15 years old this year!"

Zhao Rui nodded and said: "Bring it here and let Xiaomeng take it to meet the princess."

Gao Qi hurriedly nodded yes, and hurried to the back house to tell his granddaughter Gao Yunyun to dress up well before handing it over to Zhao Xiaomeng.

Gao Yunyun is half a head taller than Zhao Xiaomeng, her appearance is not so bright, but she is also good-looking, especially her frail attitude, which can easily make people feel pity.

Facing the beauty, Zhao Xiaomeng naturally also liked it, and brought this shy and innocent little girl back to the palace to her mother, Zhao Moshi.

Zhao Xiaomeng was obsessed with refining weapons, and Zhao Rui accompanied her to refine alchemy. The father and daughter became frequent visitors to the market, and they were not in a hurry to go to the cultivation world when the time came.

After all, the descendants of Zhenghe Zhenjun with spiritual roots have not yet been cultivated.

Before I knew it, three years had passed.

In the past three years, Zhao Xiaomeng's second sister got married, and because she had an independent princess mansion, her mother moved there with her.

Only Zhao Moshi and Concubine Bai were left in the palace. Concubine Bai had a broken body during childbirth and was unable to conceive, so she had no intention of going to bed and only wanted to live in peace for the elderly. There is nothing to chat and chat, and the life is very comfortable.It's just that the daughter and her husband seldom return home, and they often miss her.

Because of the non-stop refining, Zhao Xiaomeng's spiritual consciousness has improved extremely fast, and he can almost catch up with the monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but his cultivation is still at the initial stage of foundation establishment.It's just that she was too young when she established the foundation. Although she is 16 years old now, she has only grown two inches taller. She looks only twelve or thirteen years old, and she still looks childish.

On this day, Mengze woke up, and the first time he saw Zhao Xiaomeng, he disliked him and said, "Why do you still look like you want to be bullied?"

Zhao Xiaomeng deeply agrees.

"Then I'll wait until I get taller before practicing hard?" This is the case for monks, the higher the strength, the slower the physical development.

"No!" Mengze said arrogantly, "If you are not strong enough, how can you protect Lord Mengze well in the cultivation world?"

Zhao Xiaomeng rubbed its fluff, but did not speak.

It rubbed its belly and said, "I'm hungry."

Zhao Xiaomeng handed it a porcelain bottle, and it opened it and looked at it with bright eyes: "Top-grade elixir!" Although it is only a qi-nourishing elixir, the top-grade elixir has less impurities and tastes good, and it is best used as a snack!

"I want more!" A bottle is not enough.

Zhao Xiaomeng took out two more porcelain vases: "My father's alchemy skills are average, and he only saved more than 20 high-grade pills in three years, and they are all here." Zhao Rui rewarded the top-quality pills to his monks with spiritual roots, and two of them broke through the fifth level of the Qi refining period, and Zhao Rui took them by his side to serve them.

Give the name Zhao Zhi Zhao De.

"Only when my father concocts alchemy with me, the alchemy rate is higher. I will devote myself to cultivation in the future, and I am afraid that I will not have time to concoct alchemy with him. Save some food!"

Mengze put away the porcelain bottle and said, "That's natural, you're lucky. If he's with you, the pill production rate will be higher."

"Otherwise, if he makes alchemy and you practice, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds!"

"There are earth fires all around. If I cultivate there, I will get twice the result with half the effort. But when I was refining the weapon there, I found that my spiritual consciousness is constantly expanding!"

Weighing the pros and cons, Mengze made a choice: "Then, you should refine the weapon. Spiritual awareness is also very important. I know a spell to cultivate spiritual awareness, but I can't remember it now. When I have a chance to sleep again, I will probably be able to use it." I remembered."

With such a decision, Mengze often sneaks out by himself, and when he comes back, he can often bring back some alchemy or refining materials, as well as some spiritual fruits.Once, he actually brought back a beauty-preserving flower.Zhuyan Flower is the main material of Zhuyan Pill. Zhao Xiaomeng himself suffers from immature appearance, wishing to look a few years older, so there is no need for Zhuyan Pill, but as a mortal, Zhao Moshi will gradually grow older as he grows older. For aging, use Zhuyan Dan in the morning and evening.

Only Zhuyan Pill was a sixth-level panacea, and Zhao Rui couldn't make it, so she kept the Zhuyan Flower and found someone to refine it for Zhao Moshi in the cultivation world.

Because Zhao Xiaomeng could not find more advanced refining materials, Zhao Xiaomeng's initial fanaticism for refining has cooled down a bit, and she will not stay in Huangzhuang for a long time. The clan's gossip satisfies her curiosity.

Since Gao Yunyun married into the royal family, even though she is a side concubine, her value has doubled, especially the emperor Zhao Zhang also hinted that if she can give birth to outstanding children, it is not impossible to be a concubine.It means that the child must have spiritual roots.Gao Yunyun understood that she could be promoted to a concubine after giving birth to a son, so she worked hard to raise her body and give birth to a son.

It's a pity that three years in a row, two children are daughters. The key is that the two girls do not have spiritual roots. If the two children have spiritual roots, even the daughter Gao Yunyun can be promoted to the concubine according to the mother's dignity.

Now, Gao Yunyun is pregnant with her third child, and she doesn't care about her two daughters, she only concentrates on raising the fetus and wants to give birth to a son.Zhao Mo himself has a daughter, so he can't understand Gao Yunyun's behavior, so he often brings the two girls to play.The two girls are only one year apart, but they look exactly the same. Standing together, the older and the younger are really cute.

Because there is no mother to love, the two children are surprisingly sensible, Zhao Xiaomeng also likes them very much, and often feeds the two children the spiritual fruit brought back by Mengze. With the nourishment of the spiritual energy, the two little girls become more intelligent and cute.

As for the child in Gao Yunyun's stomach, Zhao Xiaomeng could only curl her lips.

Half a year later, Gao Yunyun finally gave birth to a boy, but unfortunately, she still had no spiritual roots, so Zhao Zhang stopped raising her status, and Gao Yunyun was happy for nothing.Because of the matter of the two daughters, her husband also had opinions on her, and soon after, he married the concubine Zheng and came in.The concubine is the second daughter of Zuo Xiang's family, and her status is beyond Gao Yunyun's reach. Gao Yunyun was so depressed by the excitement of one pinch and one kill, that her body was broken and she couldn't conceive.

At this time, Zhao Moshi had a body.

 recommend, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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