Chapter 24
At the beginning, Li Hong and Wei Xiang pursued Yan Ruyu at the same time. Yan Ruyu had a good impression of both of them, but it couldn't be said how much affection she had for anyone.It's just that Li Hongsheng's is better, he is very good at coaxing people with sweet words, and gradually, the girl's heart is biased to his side, and even, under his lure, she tastes the forbidden fruit with him, so that the Jindan master of the Yan family When Luo Luo, Li Hong and Wei Xiang fought at the door of Yan's house, she chose Li's house without hesitation.

Afterwards, Li Hong took good care of her even more. The two of them were as close as one person, and neither of them could do without the other. Therefore, when Li Hong asked her to stay on the grounds that she was reluctant to leave and go to the Vegetarian School, she did not hesitate to let her go. He chose to agree without hesitation, and recommended Li Qingxia with the mind of not letting the fat and water flow to outsiders.The head of the Yan family, that is, Yan Ruyu's father, was aggravated by her decisiveness. One month later, Yan Kuan was rebelled by Li Hong, the Yan family survived in name only, and the head of the Yan family died of illness.

Not long ago, Li Hong got acquainted with Miss Zheng's family. The Zheng family is a second-rate aristocratic family. There is Yuanying Patriarch in the family, whose strength is comparable to second-rate sects such as the Su Nu School.Ms. Zheng's family had a crush on Li Hong, and Li Hong took advantage of this favor to get closer to Ms. Zheng's family. In the end, Ms. Zheng's family also fell in love with Li Hong, and she would not marry unless she was Qing.The Zheng family didn't like the Li family at first, but they couldn't stand their own daughter's stubbornness, and the Li family had Li Hong and Li Qingxia, who had potential for development in the future, so they agreed.It's just that they have a condition for marrying their daughter, that is, Li Hong can't have other women.

The Zheng family's intention is very clear, that is to let Li Hong divorce his wife.

Originally, the matter was very simple. The Li family only needed to remove Yan Ruyu from the family tree and drive her away. However, Miss Zheng accidentally saw Yan Ruyu's face... Seeing that rare face in the world, Miss Zheng instantly He lost confidence in himself, and even had doubts about Li Hong's intentions: women couldn't help liking such a woman, and no man would be willing to let her go.

Li Hong was not heartless towards Yan Ruyu, but in order to express his sincerity to Miss Zheng's family, he had no choice but to make Yan Ruyu disappear from this world.Moreover, he wanted to convince Miss Zheng that it was not Li Hong who had empathized with him, but Yan Ruyu. It was Yan Ruyu who committed adultery with Wei Xiang, and Li Hong fell in love with Miss Zheng in despair.

Hence the scene that Zhao Xiaomeng saw just now.

Zhao Xiaomeng nodded and said: "That's right! I said how could Li Hong be so ruthless to attack you, so that's the case. This Li Hong's heart is really big and ruthless, and he will definitely achieve something in the future. "

Yan Ruyu's face was pale and she didn't speak.

Wei Xiang retorted: "Li Hong is so vicious and has such a heart, how can he achieve anything in the future. I think he will stop building foundations, and he will definitely not be able to form alchemy in the future."

Zhao Xiaomeng waved his hand and said: "Fellow Daoist, what you said is wrong. The more vicious a person is, the more ruthless he is to himself, he will have a firm Dao heart and will have great achievements in the future. If you don't talk about others, you will be inferior to me." on him."

"I don't believe it!" Wei Xiang was unhappy, but because the girl in front of him was his savior, he suppressed his anger, "Even if I leave the Wei family, I will surpass him in the future. Wait for me to form an alchemy That day is the time for my revenge. Then, I will naturally strengthen the Wei family."

Zhao Xiaomeng changed to a comfortable position and sat down: "Don't be angry, fellow Daoist Wei, and don't worry, our trip is to ask Xinya to see if we can join the five sects, you are temporarily homeless, why don't you come with us Try your luck. Fellow Daoist Wei, sit down first, and let me speak to you slowly."

When Yan Ruyu and Wei Xiang heard the purpose of their trip, their hearts moved. They looked at each other and sat down on the floor in the boat.Yan Ruyu said: "Thank you fellow Taoist."

Zhao Xiaomeng waved to her and said, "You're welcome, it's easy."

Then he said to Wei Xiang: "There is no good or evil in Taoism, it depends on whether you can persevere. Look at Li Hong, who obviously likes Yan Daoyou, but for the sake of the family and power, he abandoned his lover, married a woman he didn't like, and was even ruthless. My lover is an assassin, and he behaves like this, which shows how firm his heart is! If such a person can devote himself to cultivating the Tao, he will surely achieve great success!"

"Wei Daoyou, although I don't know how you and Yan Daoyou got together, I can be sure that Li Hong was among them. When he returns, he will slander you and Yan Ruyu for elopement, destroying your reputation, so that he can marry Miss Zheng. Look at you, you gave up the family for Yan Daoyou. The Wei family lost you, lost a foundation cultivator, and lost their reputation. I am afraid that they will be annexed by the Li family soon. You have abandoned the family for your own selfishness. To be honest, I don't agree. Of course, you also have the right to pursue your own happiness, but just from what you said just now, you can tell that you want to pursue your own happiness, but you can't completely abandon your family. .”

After listening to Zhao Xiaomeng's words, the two Xiaomeng nodded repeatedly, as if they were taught.They are always by Zhao Xiaomeng's side, they hear more messy things than see them, and now they are fortunate to experience it for themselves, and they have learned a lot.Of course, Zhao Xiaomeng was willing to talk so much, mainly for the two children. Wei Xiang alone is not worth her attention.

Yan Ruyu has experienced the ups and downs in her life in less than a year, so she naturally felt deeply. After hearing Zhao Xiaomeng's words, she felt that it was reasonable, and she couldn't help feeling even more guilty towards Wei Xiang. Originally, she thought that she could not let him down. But now it seems that if she and Wei Xiang are together, the Wei family will become a knot between them, like a bursting talisman, which will explode at some point.The destruction of the Yan family was in her hands, and even Li Hong of the Wei family would not let it go, she could no longer destroy Wei Xiang.He made up his mind to separate from Wei Xiang when he arrived at his destination, and if he was lucky enough to form an alchemy in the future, it would not be too late to continue his relationship.

Only Wei Xiang still couldn't turn the corner in his heart. He felt that what Zhao Xiaomeng said was wrong, but he didn't know how to refute it. He held his breath in his chest, feeling extremely sad.

In the next few days, he felt that Yan Ruyu was a lot stranger to him, and he was even more unhappy.However, Zhao Xiaomeng was younger than him, and he was still his savior. He couldn't vent his resentment to her, so he held this breath in his chest for longer and longer!
Three months passed quickly, and everyone on the boat had more or less increased strength, only Wei Xiang's strength did not improve by an inch.He himself is obviously aware of this, but the estrangement of his sweetheart, worries about his family, and the impact of Zhao Xiaomeng's words on his confidence made his heart become more and more chaotic, and the more chaotic and anxious, the pain in his chest The suffocation actually has a faint tendency to form a demon.

On this day, after landing to rest, Yan Ruyu quietly found Zhao Xiaomeng.

"Sister Xiaomeng, there is something I want to ask you for help."

Zhao Xiaomeng gnawed on the barbecue and said, "Is it for Wei Xiang?"

"Exactly! These days he seems to have fallen into a magic barrier. If he can't figure it out again, I'm afraid..."

"It's simple! You just have to say that you are willing to marry him, and I'm sure he'll be half as good." While eating, Zhao Xiaomeng didn't forget to feed Mengze on top of her head.

"Not to mention that I don't want to remarry, but because of Brother Xiang, I can't agree to him now!" Yan Ruyu sighed softly: "Sister Xiaomeng's words woke me up that day, and I want to take revenge. , It’s useless to rely on passion alone. I don’t think about anything now, I just want to concentrate on improving my strength. And if I agree to Brother Xiang to be with him now, I’m afraid that neither of us will ever be able to form an alchemy.”

"You are much more sober than him." Zhao Xiaomeng doesn't dislike Yan Ruyu, and even has a good impression of her. By the way, who wouldn't like such a stunning beauty!So he said: "I have an idea, I can't say how good it is, but I can try it. But I can't guarantee whether it will work or not."

"Thank you little sister Xiaomeng." Yan Ruyu smiled, Zhao Xiaomeng was stunned, and couldn't help sighing: "I admire Li Hong more and more, he actually has the heart to hurt you! He is such a cruel person If you can't form a pill and become a baby, it is unreasonable!"

Yan Ruyu was speechless immediately, it must be a compliment to her!How can it make people feel so uncomfortable!

Wei Xiang also plans to have a good talk with Yan Ruyu today.

In the past two days, his heart was extremely chaotic, and he even lost his direction in what he was doing for a while.Sometimes, he would think that he must form a pill to become a baby, so as to surprise those who looked down on him, and then kill Li Hong to avenge himself and Ruyu, let the Wei family swallow the Li family, and dominate the Southern Region City.Sometimes he would think, Li Hong is probably already planning to annex the Wei family. Now that he has the Zheng family as his backer, he will have the entire Nanyu City as his backing in the future. Cultivation is like duckweed with no one to rely on, and it is difficult to form an alchemy, let alone become a baby. It is better to give up revenge and cultivation with Yan Ruyu, find a place where there are no people, and live a life that only envies mandarin ducks but not immortals. Forget about the rest of your life. .

However, Ruyu had to agree to the second idea, so he eagerly wanted to have a good talk with Yan Ruyu.

When Wei Xiang found a chance to be alone with Yan Ruyu, Yan Ruyu said with a guilty expression, "Daoyou Wei, I happen to have something to talk to you about."

Hearing Yan Ruyu call him Fellow Daoist Wei distantly, Wei Xiang's heart skipped a beat.Without waiting for him to speak, Yan Ruyu continued: "Then Li Hong has the Zheng family as the backing, and he will be able to dominate the entire Southern Region City in the future. Not to mention being a baby, he will definitely form an alchemy. And you and I left the family. Not to mention that there is no hope of forming an alchemy, but there are many difficulties, and there is no end in sight. I can't wait so long. Therefore, I plan to find Zhenjun Yuanying as a backer... Wei Daoyou, thank you for coming to rescue me this time. I can only keep the kindness in my heart, and I will repay it in the future."

Severe illness needs fierce medicine.

When Wei Xiang heard this, he was like five thunderbolts.

To find a Yuanying Zhenjun as a backer, to put it nicely, it means committing oneself to be a concubine, but to put it bluntly, it means willing to be a cauldron. To put it bluntly, Yan Ruyu is going to sell herself and ask someone to avenge her!

"Don't! Ruyu, don't! You can't destroy yourself!" Wei Xiang grabbed Yan Ruyu's arms tightly and shouted nervously: "Ruyu, wait for me, wait for me to form a pill, I can do it!" , I can definitely do it!"

Yan Ruyu carefully looked at the not-so-handsome man in front of her, her heart was shaken for a moment, and she couldn't help but want to agree to this man and stay with him, maybe they could. But when she saw clearly that he had no reservations about her in his eyes When he was completely concerned, he hardened his heart and said indifferently: "How long to wait? 100 years? Or 200 years? If we can't form a pill, the two of us will be two piles of loess."

Wei Xiang hugged Yan Ruyu fiercely into his arms, yes, what guarantee does he have!He is not even stable now, he even wants to rely on Yan Ruyu to give him courage, or give up!
He cried.

He didn't cry when he left the family and only wanted to live with his love, and he didn't cry when he was hunted down by Li Hong and was about to die, but now, he is crying!
At this saddest moment, Zhao Xiaomeng patted Wei Xiang on the shoulder, holding the barbecue in her hand, and said in a tone of hating iron but not steel: "Fool, you are not completely hopeless, wait for you It would be great to snatch her back on the day of becoming a baby! Of course, you have to think that you can become a baby!" After speaking, he took a big mouthful of barbecue.

Zhao Xiaomeng swallowed the barbecue and continued: "Although I am optimistic about that Li Hong, it is nothing to say to him. After all, his heart is not right, and he is too greedy for external forces. Even if he can form an alchemy in the future, he may stop here and make no achievements. .You don't have to compare with him, the right way is to be firm in your own way. The past is in the past, and the right way is to look forward. When you join the sect, your starting point is higher than him!"

"As for the Wei family, Li Hong won't let you go without you. If you can escape, maybe your ancestors will burn incense to celebrate! At least the day the Wei family is destroyed, they won't be dead."

Zhao Rui sat silently at the side, watching Zhao Mo's barbecue, but his ears were still standing up.

Hearing this, he was speechless: what he said just now was still human, how could he curse his family to be destroyed and his children and grandchildren cut off!

Wei Xiang froze on the spot. It was Zhao Xiaomeng who made him fall into demons, but it was also Zhao Xiaomeng who brought him hope at this time. Although he was not as desperate as before, he still had to figure it out slowly. .

Yan Ruyu broke free from his arms and left with Zhao Xiaomeng, leaving space for Wei Xiang.

"Thank you." Yan Ruyu said softly to Zhao Xiaomeng.

Zhao Xiaomeng said bluntly: "Which one of us is with whom?"

"Sister Xiaomeng, you will be my real sister from now on, as long as you can use my sister, just talk, and I will never say anything to my sister!" Yan Ruyu said gratefully.

What Zhao Xiaomeng was waiting for was Yan Ruyu's words.She already liked a beauty like Yan Ruyu, so she was willing to get close to her, so she was naturally happy.

When the silent Wei Xiang returned to the boat, Zhao Xiaomeng steered the boat and continued onward. In the evening of the next day, he arrived at Wenxin Cliff, which is the place where the five sects accept disciples.

The magic weapon circled Wenxin Cliff, but it was just an ordinary mountain, covered by green vegetation, surrounded by some low mountains. Any side peak of Tiantai Mountain was more beautiful than it.

There is a town at the foot of Wenxin Cliff, the inns in the town are already full, several people walked from one end to the other but did not find a vacant room, so they had to rest on the open space at the foot of the mountain.

"We continue to go north to Qingyunmen to visit old friends, but we will definitely come back before accepting apprentices. Sister Yu, here, this is a sound transmission talisman, you put your spiritual power into it, and I will find you when we come back."

"Okay!" Yan Ruyu, with a white gauze on her face, input spiritual power into the sound transmission talisman, and sat cross-legged in an open space with Wei Xiang, who had been silent since that day.The foot of the mountain was already full of people, because this is the place under the jurisdiction of the Vitality Gate, but no one dared to make trouble, and everyone was very quiet.

The five continued to move forward, and in the early morning after fifteen days, they arrived at Qingyun Gate.

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(End of this chapter)

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