Chapter 29: Another Epiphany
More than 74 people were divided among the five sects. Although the Nightmare Sect did not grab the monk with a single spiritual root, they took the young man who climbed the [-]th step into his sect. Besides him, there were more than [-] monks who also chose In order to join the Nightmare Sect, this trip is worthwhile.

The Beast Control Sect has more than 500 disciples, and there is also a young genius with a single spiritual root of the water system. He is very satisfied. After saying goodbye to several real people one by one, the real Fengxing released his flying beast. When the flying beast saw the number of disciples, His body size has increased by more than ten feet compared to when he came, and it is more than enough for all the disciples to stand on it. Then he spread his wings and soared into the sky, disappearing in an instant.

After the Beast Control Sect left, Master Li Jiang set his eyes on Master Su Yue, who had a distorted handsome face. He also wanted to see which floor Zhao Xiaomeng could reach in the end, but it was obvious that Master Li Jiang didn't want more people know.Jianzong accepted Zhao Xiaomeng's younger brother as his apprentice, so he had a reason to stay. Wenxinya belonged to the Life Gate, and they also had a reason to stay until the end. It was only him, and there was no reason to want to stay.

No wonder the Beast Control Sect went so simply.

Master Su Yue threw out the magic weapon of the palace, and the magic weapon became bigger. Led by two beautiful foundation-building monks, more than 400 disciples walked into the gorgeous palace enviously.Su Yue said goodbye to the three real people perfunctorily, walked into the palace and took off.

The foundation cultivator behind Reverend Li Jiang asked the foundation cultivator at the Life Gate in a low voice: "The magic weapon of Master Su Yue was refined by your Life Gate?"


"Is there a smaller house like this? How much is the price?"

The Foundation Establishment cultivator of the Vitality Gate took a look at him and persuaded him earnestly: "Fellow Daoist, the cheapest portable house that cannot fly costs 400 intermediate spirit stones." It is a high-grade magic weapon, not to mention [-] people, even a thousand people can be accommodated, at least this number!" He stretched out five fingers!

"50 intermediate spirit stones!" the monk of Qingyunmen exclaimed.

The foundation-building cultivator of the Vitality Gate shook his head, and said word by word: "500 million! Advanced spirit stones! Bring a defensive formation! Even the attacks of Nascent Soul stage cultivators can be resisted!"

"Ah!" The Foundation Establishment cultivator of Qingyun Sect opened his mouth wide and stood there dumbfounded.

The monk at the door of vitality kindly extended his hand to help him close his chin: "Fellow daoist, I can't be envious! Daoist Su Yue is a direct descendant of monk Dujie, and this top-grade magic weapon is the alchemy gift given to him by monk Dujie. The magic weapon was also entrusted to the great power of the Vitality Gate to refine it, and it has not been completed yet, and it is said that it is only worth more than this flying palace."

The monk Qingyunmen said with emotion: "There are so many spirit stones!"

"That's right!" the monk from the Vitality Gate echoed.

At this time, the spiritual energy returned to calm, but the time of epiphany may vary, it is impossible for Master Yingli to wait here with more than 300 disciples, planning to send this group of disciples back to the sect.

Zhao Tianci didn't want to leave at first, but Master Yingli stuffed a fruit in his hand: "When you build the foundation, I will allow you to visit your sister at Qingyun Gate, how about that?" He looked at Misty reluctantly, thinking After all, he nodded his promise to his sister, took Yan Ruyu's hand, and left with everyone.

Daoist Tianyi also left with more than 200 disciples from this sect. Although the Vitality Sect is a cultivation sect, it is more about cultivating device formations and various organs. All disciples who worship the sect are monks with some talents in this area. So there are 200 people at a time, which is really a lot, and the real Tianyi is satisfied.He was also curious about which floor Zhao Xiaomeng could reach in the end, but he asked that Xinya belongs to the Vitality Gate, and there are many left behind disciples here, so he can always know the result.

Before leaving, he left a jade talisman for Master Li Jiang. With this jade talisman, he can climb to the top of the mountain and see Zhao Xiaomeng's current situation!

There were only more than 600 disciples of Qingyun Sect left at Wenxin Cliff. Master Li Jiang didn't know that Zhao Xiaomeng had an epiphany for a few days, so he sent a sound transmission talisman to the door, asking the door to send another Daoist Jindan to pick up the 600 disciples.

On the ninth day, the aura within Wenxinya's restriction flocked to Zhao Xiaomeng again.The girl seemed to be waking up from a big dream, feeling more and more aura rushing into her body, and rampaging through her body.Bing Xin Jue has been working, but it controls the aura in the meridians, and the aura that collides wantonly in Zhao Xiaomeng's body is mostly gathered between the tendons and flesh, with little effect.

As more and more spiritual energy gathered in her body, the tendons in her body couldn't bear it.

Immortal Lijiang used the jade talisman to climb to the top of the mountain at the moment when the spiritual energy rioted. He saw that Zhao Xiaomeng's cultivation base was growing rapidly at this time, breaking through the early stage of foundation establishment, breaking through the middle stage of foundation establishment, and reaching the late stage of Dzogchen. When he thought she would be able to form a pill soon, Zhao Xiaomeng's cultivation stopped growing, and her fair skin gradually turned pink as if she had been steamed, her tendons protruded, like tree roots protruding under the skin, As if it was about to explode.

Master Li Jiang was shocked, this was by no means a normal alchemy.

Zhao Xiaomeng was tormented by the excruciating pain, and her mind was a little blurred. She could feel her blood vessels and tendons expand under the impact of spiritual energy, and her skin and flesh were also torn by the spiritual energy as if they were about to burst. If it wasn't for the pressure on Wenxin Cliff The outside-in just resisted some pressure from the inside of the body, and she was afraid that her body would burst and die.

"What's the matter?" Mengze's voice sounded and it got out of the spirit beast bag, "Why did you suddenly start to refine your body... No, no, this is clearly an artifact! I practiced it myself!"

As soon as Mengze got out of the spirit beast bag, he was greeted by Wen Xinya's pressure. He slid in from Zhao Xiaomeng's brow in horror, and before he reached the sea of ​​consciousness, he had no time to catch his breath, and felt the girl's body being torn apart. s pain.Everyone who shouted broke the sound: "Damn girl, the handprint of the refining device! Use the most complicated one!"

In a trance, Zhao Xiaomeng heard Mengze's call from the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

She was in so much pain that she couldn't think, and her hands started to form seals unconsciously.

The ten slender fingers kept flying, forming complicated handprints one after another, so fast that only afterimages remained.

Master Li Jiang knew that she was forming seals, but couldn't see the movements of her hands clearly, so he couldn't help being even more surprised.

The aura swirled between her flying fingers, flowing and condensing in a mysterious pattern. After the 1080 handprints were completed, the aura had turned into a solid sphere, and was then injected into her body by Zhao Xiaomeng!
The moment the spirit ball entered her body, she felt that the pain in her body was a little lighter.

Sensibility slowly returned, Zhao Xiaomeng did not dare to stay with both hands, and continued to make seals.

As the spirit balls entered her body one after another, the pain in Zhao Xiaomeng's body became lighter and lighter. When the 36th spirit ball entered her body, she took a deep breath and stopped.

"What's the matter with me?" Zhao Xiaomeng asked Mengze, struggling on the line of life and death, with lingering fear.

"I still want to ask you! I just woke up and saw that you used yourself as a magic weapon!" Mengze, who had survived the catastrophe, lay on his stomach in Zhao Xiaomeng's sea of ​​consciousness, "Where is this? What is the pressure outside?" What's going on? It's no wonder that you can refine yourself, this place is almost like a refining furnace!"

"This is Wenxin Cliff." Zhao Xiaomeng briefly talked about what happened after it fell asleep, and asked, "Why are you in my sea of ​​consciousness?"

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(End of this chapter)

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