Comprehension second product Zhao Xiaomeng

Chapter 39 Zongmen Secret Realm

Chapter 39 The Secret Realm of the Zongmen ([-])

"By the way, Junior Sister Xiaoyan, after entering the secret realm, everyone will be teleported randomly. Just give me a sound transmission talisman so I can find you."

Zhao Xiaomeng took a few sheets and handed them to her, and in turn took a few sheets from Jin Fuyin, so that the two of them could communicate with each other in the secret realm.

"This time the secret realm is extremely dangerous. After entering the secret realm, you should find a safe place to wait for me. Don't act rashly. I will go find you when I enter the secret realm."

"it is good!"

"No, just move forward slowly to prevent monsters from gathering, and I will find you myself!"

"it is good!"

In the end, 300 disciples of Qingyunmen decided to enter the secret realm, some quit by themselves, and some were persuaded by their master.

After a stick of incense, the final number of people entering the secret realm is determined.

There are 500 casual practitioners.

There are more than 400 people in Jianzong.

There are more than 350 people in the Beast Control Sect.

There are more than 300 people in Qingyunmen.

There are more than 300 people in the Vitality Gate.

There are only more than 200 people left in the Nightmare Sect.

The rest are all elite disciples of various sects.

Jin Fuyin whispered to Zhao Xiaomeng quietly: "Junior Sister, look at the disciple of Jianzong standing at the front, the one with his chest upright, his name is Wei Zhengrong, he has an older brother named Wei Zhengyan, who once fought with the second senior sister, and the two We don’t know each other when we don’t fight, and we always make appointments. It’s just that I heard that he became a Taoist a while ago, and the second senior sister, Yuan Ying, was in the late stage of Dzogchen, so I went out to look for opportunities.”

"The two people at the front of the Beast Control Sect, a man and a woman, look like peacocks. They are Fei Yuzhu and Fei Yuheng. They are the twins of the elders of the sect. It is the strength of the golden core. If you see the two of them in the secret area, just hide and go, there is no need to provoke the two of them."

"Hmm!" Zhao Xiaomeng listened with gusto.

"It's just that with their identities, how could the Beast Master Sect allow them to enter the secret realm of narrow escapes? Aren't you afraid to go back and blame the elders?"

"I think that Nascent Soul cultivator is quite scared." Zhao Xiaomeng looked at the frown of the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Beast Control Sect, and then at the proud twins, feeling pitiful for no reason.

"Look at the Vitality Gate again. Does that female cultivator, the one from Zhongxing Pengyue, look familiar?"

"There are some, like, like Third Senior Sister?"

"Correct answer! She is the sister of the third senior sister, named Fang Yuhan. She has been proud and arrogant since she was a child. She is pitiful and small-minded. She can't bear others to say that she is inferior, but she has a good background. She is the granddaughter of the family patriarch. The third senior sister has the highest organ talent in the family, and she originally wanted to join the Vitality Sect, but because she always found fault, in order to avoid her, she finally came to the Qingyun Sect. I annoy her the most."

"I don't like this kind of person either!" Zhao Xiaomeng immediately said with hatred.

Although she only has a storage bag relationship with the third senior sister, it does not delay her to protect her shortcomings.

In the end, more than two thousand people entered the secret realm one by one.

After a stick of incense, the channel slowly closed. It was the same 5000 years ago, the channel was closed for unknown reasons, and opened again a month later.

Suddenly, True Monarch Yuxia flew over quickly, landed at the entrance of the secret realm, and asked anxiously, "Ah Fu, did they go in?"

"Yes!" True Monarch Yunhua asked doubtfully, "Why?"

Zhenjun Yuxia was full of anger and did not speak.

Privately communicated with Zhenjun Yunhua: "The secret realm is opened ahead of time, and there are no disciples in ten, so I didn't inform them when the secret realm will open. My disciples of Yuxia can't afford to work hard for this little secret realm resource!"

"Then how could they"

"I don't know who sent the sound transmission talisman to Ah Fu in my name! Yun Chi came to ask me why I was willing to let the two apprentices go in. I didn't know they came here. I hurried, but it was still a step late!" Yuxia really You said bitterly.

"Master!" Li Jingyao arrived afterward, her face sinking like water, and she only handed Zhenjun Yuxia a sound transmission talisman, which was found in Zhao Xiaomeng's cave.

This sound transmission talisman was not issued by Zhenjun Yuxia, but it is exactly the same as the sound transmission talisman of Zhenjun Yuxia.It's just that the fake is fake after all, there is no imprint left by Zhao Xiaomeng in it, and the sound transmission talisman can't find Zhao Xiaomeng himself, so it survives.Presumably, Jin Fuyin must have received a similar sound transmission talisman, so he left in a hurry.

"Someone pretended to be my name to inform them that the secret realm was opened. I'm afraid they wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of Ah Fu. Xiaomeng's pseudonym Xiaoyan didn't attract attention. I think he was implicated by Ah Fu."

Jin Fuyin had bad luck since he was a child, and accidents always happened, because they were not fatal, so True Monarch Yuxia didn't care.But today's incident was obviously framed maliciously by someone who wanted her life!

Zhenjun Yunhua looked serious: "This person must be found out, and I will leave this matter to me!"

Zhenjun Yuxia handed over the sound transmission talisman to Zhenjun Yunhua.

"I hope they can return safely in a month." Li Jingyao looked at the entrance of the secret realm worriedly. Jin Fuyin took the fifth-level talisman she gave her, hoping that they could fight for a chance of survival for herself.

Look at the secret territory again.

After Zhao Xiaomeng entered the secret realm, she landed alone in an open space.

The aura in the secret realm is rich, more than three times that of the cultivation world.

But where she stood, there was no vegetation around her, and it was desolate and desolate. Only the faint mountains could be seen in the distance.

Mengze suddenly jumped out of his consciousness, his whole body trembling with excitement.

"Over there, over there, I'm going over there, go, go!"

Zhao Xiaomeng slowly took out an ordinary flying sword, and slowly flew towards the direction that Mengze pointed.

Mengze stood on top of Zhao Xiaomeng's head and jumped anxiously: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Zhao Xiaomeng said slowly: "I want to wait for Senior Sister."

"Then I'll go by myself!" Just as Mengze flew away from Zhao Xiaomeng's shoulder, she grabbed it: "No! It's dangerous!" Do not let go.

Mengze couldn't break free, so he was forced to calm down, and discussed with Zhao Xiaomeng: "I am safe! If you don't believe me, look!"

After speaking, Monze's figure disappeared.Zhao Xiaomeng could feel that his hands were still holding Mengze's fur, but he couldn't see it anymore.

Monze said: "I have awakened the first innate supernatural power. It's amazing!"


"Naturally! Master Mengze is so powerful, you can't find me if you don't have an out-of-body cultivation!"

Seeing that it does have the ability to protect itself, Zhao Xiaomeng stopped holding on to it, and just took out a stack of talismans and gave it to it: "Then be careful."

Monze snorted and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"It ran very fast." Zhao Xiaomeng muttered, and then continued to fly slowly.

She got used to the bracelet, so she dyed the gold ring black and put it on her hand.

Over the past morning or so, green grass has begun to be seen on the surrounding ground.

It's just that there is still no one around.

Zhao Xiaomeng thought to herself, why not try the Double Overturning Seal here.

She reached out her spiritual sense and made sure that there was no one within 20 miles of her, so she selected a dead tree, made a formula with both hands, channeled half of her body's spiritual power, and slapped it out with one palm.

The aura around Zhao Xiaomeng slowly rotated, forming an invisible vortex, gathering in her palm.

The wind of Li Lie's palm hit the dry tree trunk like a knife or a sword, the dry tree was cracked inch by inch, and finally turned into dust.This was not over yet, the ground under the dead tree was also cracked and shattered, and after a while, there was only a three-person-wide hole left where the dead tree stood.

(End of this chapter)

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