Comprehension second product Zhao Xiaomeng

Chapter 44 Zongmen Secret Realm

Chapter 44

Zhao Xiaomeng didn't expect that this was what the leader asked her to do, and she was a little uncertain: "Senior, you should think about it, do you really want to entrust your clansmen to us who only met once? We may not be able to save them." it!"

"I don't want to either! I left the mine before because I wanted to find a method for it to cultivate. As long as it can introduce spiritual energy into the body and transform it into demon power, it can survive. However, I haven't found a suitable one after searching for a long time. Monster beast, I just realized it, another 5000 years have passed, and time is too late."

"5000 years ago, there was a monster riot here. In the later stage of the riot, there were even monsters of level five and level six! At that time, our group was also affected, and all the monsters above level two died. I am alive. Among the mithril companion beasts that came down, the one with the highest strength is only one high-level. That time, the secret realm was opened in advance, and this time, the secret realm was opened in advance, so the monster riot is probably inevitable."

"What I can do is to try my best to protect my people, but I will definitely not be able to protect it, so it is better to let it go away with you, maybe there is still a chance of life. You have obtained so many top-quality mithril, the harvest If you are rich, don’t go to the depths of the secret realm, go directly to the exit of the secret realm, it’s the safest place, just wait until the secret realm is opened again and leave.”

Zhao Xiaomeng frowned slightly, what does it mean to open the secret realm again?Isn't the secret passageway accessible at any time?Thinking of this, she asked directly.

"This is true for the secret passages on weekdays. But after the outbreak of the beast tide, the secret passages will be automatically closed and will be opened again after one month. After the passage is opened, the beast tide will gradually end within ten days." The leader explained.

The leader confessed frankly and kept no secrets, and Zhao Xiaomeng appreciated it.She walked up to the little beast, thought for a while, took a Zhuli fruit, squeezed out the juice, and handed it to its mouth.

The little beast's nose moved, and it stuck out its tongue to lick the juice.

Zhao Xiaomeng took the fruit away and carefully watched its expression change.

So is the leader.

After half a stick of incense passed, the little beast felt no discomfort, so Zhao Xiaomeng handed the fruit to its mouth again, the little beast sucked greedily, and sucked up all the juice in a short while.

"Although this fruit is a spiritual fruit, it does not contain much spiritual energy, and it can be eaten by ordinary people. It is suitable for a weak spiritual beast like it. It means that as long as it finds a spiritual plant with less spiritual energy, it can eat it."

The leader said with emotion: "I tried to feed it the spiritual plant before, and its body could hardly bear it, but it turned out that the spiritual plant contained too much spiritual energy!"

"Then" Zhao Xiaomeng asked carefully with his eyes, should I still take it away?

The leader nodded affirmatively and said: "Although we have found the crux of the matter, there is no time left, you should take it away!"

Zhao Xiaomeng is also transparent, she understands that the leader of the Mithril Companion Beast must take this little beast away by herself, mainly because she is afraid that its group will not be able to survive this beast tide.

It would be good if they all survived, if something happened to them, at least the one beside her still had hope of surviving.

She took out the spirit animal bag she had bought for Monze, put the little beast that was sleepy after a full meal, and hung it on her body.On the other side, Jin Fuyin has also packed up all the top-grade Mithril.

Before leaving, Zhao Xiaomeng couldn't bear it after all. She left a bottle of medicine for the leader of the Mithril Companion Beast: "We all try our best to survive. After 100 years, I will find a way to send it in to see you!"

The leader accepted the elixir.

The Big Mithril Companion Beast came over and rubbed the corners of their clothes, then walked back to the leader.

The beasts quietly watched them leave.

When their figures disappeared, the big mithril companion beast said: "Boss, is it really appropriate to let them take Ah Yi away?"

The leader asked calmly: "What did you see in the formation?"

"She trapped us in an ice field, but she didn't kill us. She probably just wanted to trap us. But the ice field is limited in size. I found the iceberg on the border and took my family to swallow a lot of ice. Finally, the iceberg collapsed and escaped. It’s just that when the iceberg collapsed in the end, it didn’t fall down entirely, but was broken into ice cubes, which shows that she really has a kind heart. If the iceberg collapses completely, the clansmen will be seriously injured if they don’t die.”

"Then why didn't you hesitate when I asked you to kill her?"

"I thought the leader just wanted me to scare her!"

"It's very difficult for her to build a foundation and control the array. At first, I thought it was because she was powerless rather than unintentional that she didn't kill you. Later, when I saw that they were holding a fourth-level talisman in their hands, I realized that they really had the strength to drive you all to death. But they didn't do that. They were wearing the costumes of disciples of the sect, and they were holding talismans and magic weapons that were beyond their strength. It can be seen that they are also favored disciples in the sect. Especially the female disciple who bargained with me, she was neither humble nor overbearing. With a clever mind, if such a person is not worth entrusting, I can't find a better one!"

The Great Mithril Companion Beast breathed a sigh of relief: What the leader said made sense, I almost believed in the beast tide!

"Of course, what made me finally make up my mind was the imminent arrival of the beast horde. In the beast horde, we need to keep running for our lives. I want to protect you, but I can't afford to protect it anymore. Ah Yi's body can't survive the beast horde In the end, entrusting it to give it away is also to fight for a chance of life for it. We are the companion beasts of the Mithril Mine, we cannot live without it, and we cannot live without the Mithril Mine, but it is different. Although it was born here, it will eventually doesn't belong here."

"So, you swallow this third-level inner alchemy as soon as possible, and then call those clansmen who have completed the second level. If you are lucky enough to advance to the third-level monster, you can have a little more hope of surviving in the beast tide."

The big mithril companion beast left, and the leader opened the porcelain bottle left by Zhao Xiaomeng, but was surprised to find that there was a fourth-level elixir inside, which was exactly what it needed.

The pill left by Zhao Xiaomeng was given to her by Zhenjun Yunchi before she entered the secret realm, probably because of a temporary decision, so there are second-, third-, and fourth-tier pills in it.She couldn't use the fourth-level elixir in the secret realm, so she gave a bottle to the leader of the Mithril Companion Beast softheartedly. The transaction was also destined, hoping that it could lead the group to survive.

The leader's eyes are soft, perhaps, this vitality is not only Ah Yi's
The two walked out about dozens of forks in the road, and Zhao Xiaomeng's spiritual sense detected that there were people ahead, who were three monks from the Nightmare Sect.At this time, just three days after the opening of the secret realm, they found this place, and it seems that they also have a map in their hands.

Zhao Xiaomeng and Zhao Xiaomeng didn't want to get entangled with them, so they walked into another intersection with no road, pretending to be looking for ore.

The consciousness of the three people also found their traces, but they entered the right fork in the road without a sound, as if they were afraid that they would follow.

This is exactly on their minds.

When the three of them walked away, the two girls hurriedly turned around and walked back.Jin Fuyin asked worriedly: "What if they encounter them?"

"Senior Sister, are you worried about the disciples of the Nightmare Sect? Or are you worried about the Mithril Companion Beast?"

"I've never met the disciples of the Nightmare Sect, so I'm worried about what they're doing?"

"Then you can rest assured. After all, the leader of the Mithril Companion Beast is a Nascent Soul-level monster. How could it be possible for your clansmen to be bullied by a few Foundation Establishment cultivators!"

"But they look so kind!"

Zhao Xiaomeng said earnestly: "Senior sister, it is kind to us because of the face of the fourth-level talisman. If we don't have the fourth-level talisman, I'm afraid it will already be lying in it!"

"No, it won't! Then it still trusts us to hand over its people? Aren't we afraid that we will hate it?"

"Maybe, we look kind!"

The two continued to walk outside the mine, using the same method to avoid several waves of monks.When the number of monks outside gradually increased, the two stopped avoiding and walked straight outside.

(End of this chapter)

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