Comprehension second product Zhao Xiaomeng

Chapter 51 Zongmen Secret Realm

Chapter 51
A few people quickly took off the Qingyunmen costumes on the two men brought by Zheng Jing, stuffed them into the pile of dead people, and then sat on the ground to meditate as before, looking as if they were all injured.

Zheng Jing changed his clothes and lay down on the pile of dead people, holding his breath.

Zhao Xiaomeng did not hide his breath all the way, and followed many monks, the most conspicuous one being the swordsman Wei Zhengrong.

A quarter of an hour ago, he saw Zhao Xiaomeng rushing fast without hiding her whereabouts, guessed that she was in trouble, and thought of her life-saving grace, so he wanted to catch up and ask if he needed help, but after chasing all the way, he unexpectedly If he didn't catch up, he could barely keep from being thrown further away.Thinking that he is a swordsman who controls high-grade magic weapons, but he can't catch up with an ordinary monk of the same level.
After chasing to the end, he even showed the momentum of not admitting defeat.

"It's just ahead." Mengze said in her consciousness.

"Okay." Zhao Xiaomeng controlled the treasure ship to move forward at the speed of an ordinary foundation builder.

The monks chasing her didn't notice for a while, and all rushed to Zhao Xiaomeng's side.

A group of six people looked at each other in blank dismay, and the scene was rather awkward.

Zhao Xiaomeng just quietly looked at them in front of them.

"Junior Sister Mo." Wei Zhengrong greeted, and approached Zhao Xiaomeng, expressing their acquaintance to everyone.

A casual cultivator said with an unnatural expression: "It just happened to pass by."

Quickly leave with companions.

The remaining two monks from the Door of Vitality clasped their hands and said with a smile: "My brothers are very interested in the magic weapon of this fellow Taoist. Now that I have seen it, I have no regrets, so I will leave." The meaning is very clear, everyone is a foundation-building monk , why your magic weapon is so fast, we are very curious, so we came to take a look, now we can see clearly, it is just a top-grade magic weapon, nothing special, the reason why you can fly so fast is because you are a good fellow daoist.But we are only interested in the magic weapon, not whether the fellow daoist is good or not, so let's leave it at that.

Zhao Xiaomeng smiled and said: "I see that some fellow Taoists are injured, why don't we go and see together?"

The three of them also noticed the injured monk in front of them, and when they saw that they were from the same sect, they didn't refuse.

Mengze sighed and said: "The two monks from the Vitality Gate looked dumbfounded, and they deserved to be deceived. However, Wei Zhengrong has already been deceived by casual cultivators once, why did you follow him when you said it? Thick eyebrows and big eyes Doesn't it look silly?"

"According to what you mean, it's true that you are a liar, but you deserve it right?"

"That's not true. At least be careful! How did you grow so big!"

"Maybe he has a good brother!"

The four fell five feet away from the five "injured" monks. Wei Zhengrong called out, "I don't know which martial uncle of the Sword Sect is the senior?"

The injured sword cultivator said: "Thank you fellow Taoist! My companions and I were attacked by casual cultivators and we exhausted all means to kill them. We did suffer a little injury, but they didn't get any benefits. There is a lot of spiritual energy here, let's meditate for a while It will be back to normal, thank you brother for your concern."

After a short pause, the injured sword cultivator said slowly again: "I heard that there are many loose cultivators gathered in this secret realm, intending to sneak up on our sect disciples, killing people and seizing treasures! Brother, you must be careful walking all the way! Alas! The head of the Qingyun Sect said that the passage to the secret realm has been opened ahead of time, and there are many dangers inside, and I haven't figured out what the danger is, but I encountered this kind of thing again!"

"Which uncle's disciple are you? Why haven't I met you?" Wei Zhengrong asked persistently.

Monze said excitedly: "Is it them? Is it them? I know, the rope is near them."

Zhao Xiaomeng stood far away, and communicated with Mengze with his spiritual sense: "The clothes on them don't fit well, and the loose clothes on the ground are also messy, but this kind of mess is not like a fight just now, but like being raped by someone Illegal things!"

"A group of big bosses! How to act?" Monze rolled his eyes.

"So, you guessed it right, they are casual cultivators in disguise. The smelly and long talk must be delaying time, and the magic bell has already started to ring!"

The leader in Zhao Xiaomeng's arms is also ringing, but no one else can hear it.

"I'm just an ordinary inner disciple. Brother Wei is a direct disciple, so it's normal if he hasn't met me." "Sword Cultivator" laughed at himself, his words were full of admiration for a direct disciple.

"I have seen all of the 500 disciples who came this time! Why do I have no impression of you!" Wei Zhengrong persisted. He insisted so much that the two disciples of the vitality door also realized that something was wrong, and carefully looked at the body dressed in the vitality door. The two disciples in martial attire had increasingly suspicious expressions on their faces.

The "Sword Cultivator" stood up helplessly, and walked towards several people: "Brother, don't worry, look at me carefully, and you will remember that I was standing in the third row that day, counting from front to back. The seventh is me"

He knew they had doubted his side.

But so what!

They will soon find that the spiritual power in their bodies is completely useless, just like those people just now, like a dead pig being slaughtered, and the spirit stones and treasures in the storage bag will belong to their own side!
"you are not"

Before Wei Zhengrong could finish speaking, a black bracelet flew past him, and before he could react, he put it on the "Sword Cultivator", breaking the stalemate between them.

Zhao Xiaomeng's fingers moved slightly, the bracelet contracted, and the monk's arms were broken, and he passed out with a scream.

"Senior brother Wei, I'm sorry I stained your brother's clothes." Zhao Xiaomeng said lightly, taking back the golden ring.

It's not about clothes!
Wei Zhengrong complained wildly in his heart, but he had no time to argue, because those four people had already attacked, and he was fighting with that "Nightmare Cultivator".

The "Ching Yun Sect monk" rushed straight to Zhao Xiaomeng.

The four monks from the Vitality Gate fought together.

If people who don't know the inside story look at it, they will think that the sect disciples are fighting among themselves here.

Those four people were casual cultivators after all, and soon fell into the disadvantaged, but they did not have the slightest intention to retreat, but became more and more courageous as they fought!

Holding the bracelet, Zhao Xiaomeng took a few tricks with that "Ching Yun Sect monk" to make sure that he was indeed not a Qing Yun Sect monk, so he didn't hold back.

The bracelet caught his flying sword, and with a little force, the sword snapped.

The "Cultivator of Qingyunmen" complexion darkened, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

The sect disciples are just relying on the power of the magic weapon in their hands!
Thinking of this, he had another sword in his hand.

The sword is slender, with a blue light flowing, and it looks like a weapon of magic weapon level.

"Friar of Qingyunmen" jumped forward.

"What have you done to my Junior Brother Lu Guang!" Wei Zhengrong shouted sharply.

"Friar of Qingyunmen" didn't answer, and only focused on attacking Zhao Xiaomeng. Since the magic weapon he had stolen had been exposed, none of these people's lives would be spared!
But, why are they still so difficult after so long?
Zhao Xiaomeng saw that he was full of confidence after changing the magic weapon, and suddenly smiled: "You think I can beat you because the magic weapon is so powerful!"

She put away the black ring and put it on her wrist.

"Friar Qingyunmen" was full of astonishment, looked at her as if she was looking at a fool, but did not hesitate in the movements of his hands: "If you want to die, I will make it happen!"

The long sword in his hand stabbed Zhao Xiaomeng with a blue light that was more than ten feet long.

Potential like a broken bamboo.

(End of this chapter)

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