Comprehension second product Zhao Xiaomeng

Chapter 62 Zongmen Secret Realm

Chapter 62 Zongmen Secret Realm (24)

The five people were wearing the costumes of the Vitality Gate, and the monks from the Vitality Gate surrounded them.

"It's Fang Yuhan." Jin Fuyin said via voice transmission.

Zhao Xiaomeng nodded, and recognized two people, Fang Tao and Fang He who followed her before.

"Yes, there are beasts, Tide!" Fang Tao said anxiously, grabbing the sleeves of the students of the Life Sect, but he couldn't breathe well, so he couldn't speak clearly.

The disciple of the Life Sect reassured him: "I know, it's fine, it'll be gone when we get here!"

"No, no, no." The more anxious Fang Tao became, the more he couldn't explain clearly: "Chasing, coming! Behind! Beast tide! Go, get out!"

"The exit is closed! It won't open until one month expires!"

Fang Tao was taken aback.

Zhao Xiaomeng felt bad, and his consciousness instantly extended towards the direction they rushed over.

All I saw was a cloud of flying smoke rushing over.

The crimson fur of the monster is looming in the smoke.

"Senior Sister, a herd of beasts is really coming!" She and Jin Fuyin said via voice transmission.

Jin Fuyin didn't discover the spiritual sense, but she knew that the master's spiritual sense was wider than ordinary people, so she had no doubts about Zhao Xiaomeng: "How much? What strength?"

"A lot! Golden core cultivation base, third-level monsters! And, they are all red wolves!"

"Hey! What did these people do? They actually attracted a pack of red wolves!" Jin Fuyin's eyes widened with anger.

She stood up abruptly, and was about to go over and question her!
Zhao Xiaomeng held her back, and quickly sent a voice transmission: "Senior sister, since they have already lured the herd of beasts here, it is absolutely impossible to lure them away with a sense of righteousness, so don't talk nonsense with them! I have a formation! Let's build protection first. Array! Gather all my disciples from Qingyun Sect. And Jianzong! Then Wei Zhengrong, I have dealt with him before, and he is a good person. And his elder brother is familiar with the second senior sister, so he will never dare to make small moves! Let's fight the herd together!"

"Okay!" Jin Fuyin said and left.

Array disk is a spiritual weapon, it should not be exposed in front of others, so as not to be coveted by others.But now the situation is urgent, and I can't care about anything else.

The exit of the secret realm is here. Facing the herd of beasts, they can only guard and cannot escape.

Moreover, this is already the edge of the secret realm, and they have nowhere to escape.

Among the various formations, the protective formation changes the least, and as long as there are enough spirit stones, it can be maintained forever.Although Zhao Xiaomeng's cultivation base is not high, the level of the array is high, so the protective array is strong enough to stop ordinary Jindan monsters.

She silently calculated the position and distance, buried spirit stones at the exit, and laid a three-foot-square foundation.

Zhao Xiaomeng took out the array disk.

Her actions just now have attracted the attention of many people. When she took out the formation disk, several people saw that the formation disk was extraordinary, and their eyes were almost red.

Zhao Xiaomeng looked up at the smoke visible to the naked eye in the distance, and shouted to Jin Fuyin: "Senior sister, come here!"

The disciples of Qingyun Sect and Jianzong were well prepared, and quickly ran to Zhao Xiaomeng's side. She watched the last person run into the base of the formation, and quickly activated the formation disk. A transparent large formation instantly enveloped nearly 30 people.

Zhao Xiaomeng said quickly: "I'm not very good at forming formations, and this protective formation is supported by formation disks and spirit stones, so it consumes a lot of spirit stones. Brothers, please give all the spirit stones on your body to the senior sister, and the senior sister is responsible for replacing the spirit stones. After finishing speaking, she stopped talking, and said to Jin Fuyin through voice transmission: "There are nine spirit stones in the formation base, remember not to let the spirit power of the spirit stones run out!"

The monks of Qingyunmen naturally have no objection, because no one can come up with a stronger protective formation, and just a few spirit stones can save their lives, and the deal is very cost-effective.

Although the monks of Jianzong had Wei Zhengrong as their guarantor, they were skeptical at first, but when they saw the herd of beasts swarming in the distance, they had no objection at this time.

The cultivators outside the protective formation were in a hurry at this moment, so they didn't even bother to think about any spiritual weapons: "Fellow Daoists of Qingyunmen, please open the large formation and let us in! The grace of saving lives will be repaid in the future."

Zhao Xiaomeng sent a voice transmission to Fan Yi: "Except for those five people, please let senior brother figure it out!" and threw him a 50 yuan jade token.

Fan Yi accepted the order in the face of danger, but he was not at all confused. He understood Zhao Xiaomeng's meaning after a little thought, and asked the monks of Qingyunmen to surround Zhao Xiaomeng, and then said: "Everyone has heard what my junior sister said. The protective formation is in urgent need of spirit stones, and I implore the monks who came in to work together to tide over the difficulties."

"That's natural." Everyone agreed one after another, and their close colleagues all contributed their spirit stones, and those irrelevant people naturally had no objection.

Fan Yi used a jade card to hit the protective formation to open a small door that could allow one person to pass through. Whoever handed in the spirit stones would let them in. The spirit stones were directly put into the storage bag, and whoever paid how much, except Fan Yi and himself , no one knows.

But no one dared to give less of the life-saving spirit stone.

Because everyone's spiritual consciousness can clearly see the appearance of the red wolf among the beast wolves.

The monks at the Vitality Gate didn't follow the crowd into the protective shield at first, and one of them also took out the formation disk, which seemed to be to build a protective formation.

But being stopped by Fang Yuhan, she quickly said a few words, and the monks hardly hesitated, and quickly walked towards them, took out the spirit stones and prepared to enter the protective formation.

However, when it was their turn, Fan Yi closed the small door.

Fang Tao said angrily: "Fellow Daoist, what is the meaning of this! Why is it only for me!"

Fan Yi said: "No! I just want to ask fellow Taoists to explain why the red wolf follows you?"

Fang He said anxiously: "I said it, this is a beast tide! It's the same in the whole secret realm now! It was the same way 5000 years ago! What does it have to do with us!"

"We've seen a beast horde, and we've been chased by it for two days! If it weren't for the monsters not looking at the barrenness at the exit of the secret realm, they would have chased us long ago!"

Someone beside him echoed: "Indeed, when Fellow Daoist Fan arrived here, there were no monsters chasing after him."

Fan Yi went on to say: "The red wolves are monsters that live in packs, and they are extremely vengeful! It's a beast tide, it's better to say that it's a pack of red wolves chasing after them! What did you do to provoke them! If you let them in, they will definitely get angry We, there is no reason for so many people to accompany you to die!"

"That's exactly the reason!" The monks in the protective formation nodded one after another.

The three Vitality Sect monks who had been waiting near the exit wanted to argue with Fan Yi, but at this time they also turned to look at Fang He and the others, while Fang He looked at Fang Yuhan who was hiding behind Fang Tao.

Although Fang Yuhan was embarrassed at this time, she could see that she had a beautiful face, and her disheveled hair was stuck to her face, making her look even more pitiful.

"I, I just picked up a few animal bones and wanted to go back to be a mechanism beast. I really didn't know it had something to do with that red wolf!" She took out a few animal bones and threw them on the ground like hot potatoes, her voice full of tears.

Everyone was speechless for a while, if they saw a better grade animal bone, they would pick it up, no wonder this female monk picked up the red wolf's animal bone in such an inch, attracting such a group of vengeful monsters.

"Brother, why don't you let them in!" A soft-hearted Qingyunmen monk couldn't help but said, and no one else refuted.

"The leader of the red wolf gave up the genius treasures full of secrets and ran after them because of the bones of these second-level monsters because he was full and uncomfortable!" Mengze said.

"Maybe it's the bones of its own father." Zhao Xiaomeng said casually.

Over there, Fan Yi opened the protective formation and let the monks from the Vitality Gate come in. Fang He put away the animal bones on the ground: "If they see us abandoning them like shoes, they will be even more angry."

Fang Yuhan blushed and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, brother, I didn't think it through."

Fang He patted her head: "I don't blame you!"

Fan Yi handed over the storage bag containing the Lingshi to Jin Fuyin.

After ten breaths, the red wolves arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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