Chapter 78
The person in charge of the mine knew Xue Zhong, but did not know Zhao Xiaomeng, but seeing that she was brought by Xue Zhong himself, he dared not neglect, and took all the good mines dug recently for them to have a look.

This mine is a mixed mine, mainly producing black iron and fluorite, and a small amount of diamonds.

Zhao Xiaomeng is a craftsman, so naturally he is very familiar with these ores.

Most of her instruments and treasures are refined with ordinary iron ore, if they are replaced with black iron ore, they will definitely be more sophisticated.

Fluorite can increase the ductility of the magic weapon, just like the golden ring, and the addition of fluorite can make it bigger or smaller, as you like.

Diamonds can increase the hardness of the magic weapon. The hammer she used to forge the magic weapon is very difficult to use. She needs to change it after a few times. She has always wanted to forge a strong one, so she can't do without diamonds!
She swept away diamonds, fluorite, and better-quality black iron ore, and asked the person in charge, "Is there anything else?"

The person in charge explained: "This is all the high-quality ore that has been mined in the past month, and the previous ore has been sent back to the Zongmen!" He is not worried about Zhao Xiaomeng's refusal, the Zongmen will deduct how much she took. Contribution of martial arts!
These are enough, Zhao Xiaomeng is satisfied.

Back in Pingliang City, Xue Zhong thought about it: "There are also some shops in Pingliang City that sell refining materials. Ms. Zhao can go shopping before leaving."

Zhao Xiaomeng said with a smile: "Thank you, senior!" She had exactly that intention.

Then bid farewell to Xue Zhong.

Zhao Xiaomeng chose a few big shops, made a lot of purchases, and bought a lot of materials he wanted. Although he hasn't figured out what to refine the natal magic weapon, the materials for the hammer must be enough.

One-fifth of the [-] high-level spirit stones was used.The main reason is that the top-quality Mithril, purple beads, black iron, and diamonds are already assembled, and other materials are just auxiliary materials, and not many spirit stones are needed.

Ten miles away from Pingliang City, she began to summon Xu Jian.

After a cup of tea, Xu Jian rushed over.

He has already changed a piece of clothes, except for the broken arm that cannot be recovered, he looks the same as other casual cultivators.It's just that he took the exorcism pill and sacrificed part of his cultivation in order to escape, so his strength is greatly reduced now.

"Master!" He bowed when he saw Zhao Xiaomeng.

Zhao Xiaomeng handed him a bag of spirit stones and a bag of magic tools and treasures: "Go to Yunfeng City and open a magic treasure shop. Don't kill people for the time being and attract attention."

"But Yun Yishe"

"Doesn't she have half a year to live? Why are you in a hurry! If you delay my business, your life will be meaningless! At that time, you can be a pair of mandarin ducks underground."

"Don't dare!"

"If this matter is done well, you will benefit yourself! You know how much the Linlang Pavilion is worth. I have become the owner of the pavilion, and you are the biggest hero. Can't you get a big return pill?"

Xu Jian raised his head abruptly, with an expression of disbelief.

"No matter what, you can only trust me! Don't do things that make me unhappy! I gave your life, and I want to take it back, it's easy!"

"Xu Jian doesn't dare to disobey his master! Please rest assured, master!"

"This is my sound transmission talisman! If you have anything to do, contact me directly, I hope you can prove that you are worthy of a Great Repayment Pill!"

"Yes! Master!" Hope flashed in Xu Jian's eyes.If it wasn't for Da Huan Dan being unattainable, how could he have such crooked thoughts.

Time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Zhao Xiaomeng seemed to casually say: "If I gave you the Great Repayment Pill, how would you give it to her?"

"As long as I don't deliberately hide, she will definitely find me! I'll wait for her. One day won't make two days, two days won't make three days, three days won't make ten days, and she will find me one day!"

Zhao Xiaomeng said: "Oh! You are infatuated. Go!"

Xu Jian saluted and left.

Zhao Xiaomeng left Pingliang City and was not in a hurry to return to the sect. Senior brother Li Jiang was there to hand in the task, so she didn't have to worry.

What she cared about was a picture she saw in Xu Jian's mind, which made Zhao Xiaomeng think of one thing - strange fire.

In the north of Pingliang City, he accidentally fell into a cliff. The temperature below the cliff was so high that not a single blade of grass grew.At first, he thought there was a chance for him there, so he explored it with great interest, but in the end he found nothing, so he left.

But Zhao Xiaomeng knew that in the environment there, [-]% of them were born with different fires!
Yihuo is the treasure that weapon masters and alchemists dream of.

Zhao Xiaomeng naturally refused to let it go.

According to Xu Jian's memory, she flew for five days, reached the cliff he had been to, and jumped straight off.

Under the cliff is a narrow and barren passage, nine feet wide, with cliffs on both sides, and you can't see the end in front and back, nothing special.

Only the temperature is very high, which is uncomfortable.

The Ice Heart Art on Zhao Xiaomeng's body runs automatically, cool and sweatless.

She chose a direction, explored the way with her spiritual sense, and walked forward.

This walk is a day, nothing.

Zhao Xiaomeng misses Mengze very much at this time, if it is there, I am afraid that he will have found the location of the strange fire long ago!
After another day, Zhao Xiaomeng felt something was wrong, she seemed to be spinning in one place, and the rock walls on both sides seemed to be familiar.

She took out the array plate.

Confirm your own ideas, this is a natural maze.Although it is impossible to get out, it is also very easy to crack, as long as you fly up and out of the cliff, you can leave this formation.

No wonder there is something strange here, but no one has discovered that there is a treasure here.

It's good to find a way to let it pop out by itself.

Zhao Xiaomeng recalled the memory of the strange fire in her mind, and she deduced that what was born in such an environment could only be one of the unicorn rock fire or the ghost fire.

However, no matter what kind, they all love rare ores.

And what she lacks the most is ore.

She found a big rock and sat down, first took out a piece of black iron ore of excellent quality, and placed it on the ground.

The time for a cup of tea passed without any abnormality.

She took out a piece of fluorite and placed it next to the black iron ore.

Followed by phosphorite, diamond...

She felt the air around her body warm up.

Then, she took out the moonstone.

The air is hotter again.

After taking out the mithril, the air has obviously become much hotter.

Even though the Bing Xin Jue was running automatically, fine beads of sweat began to appear on Zhao Xiaomeng's body.She didn't dare to let go of her spiritual consciousness, and kept scattered around her body, observing the surrounding situation.

Wait for her to take out the best mithril!

Her consciousness sensed a cluster of flames jumping out of the rock and heading straight for the top-quality Mithril.

Like a hungry tiger rushing for food.

Zhao Xiaomeng had already prepared for it, and the top-quality Mithril immediately turned into a cauldron!Open the lid, and wait for the strange fire to throw itself into the trap.

That strange fire was also extremely dexterous, seeing something was wrong, he abruptly turned a corner, and then retreated into the rock wall, as if it had never appeared before.

Zhao Xiaomeng laughed, if it was Qilin Yanhuo, it would be fine, but it is the most greedy Nether Phosphorus, and it is still a small one, this time it must be in her pocket.

She moved a little further away from the rock wall, put away the cauldron, and only put the top-grade Mithril on the handkerchief one by one.

When the fifth one was placed, the phosphorous fire couldn't stand it anymore, appearing and disappearing on the rock wall from time to time.

Zhao Xiaomeng said temptingly: "You follow me, and I will give you this."

The strange fire didn't move.

Zhao Xiaomeng continued to seduce: "I'm a craftsman! I have a lot of refining materials, and there will be more in the future. If you don't follow me this time, what will you do next time you are captured by the alchemist! Tasting all kinds of weeds every day, the taste..."

The strange fire seemed to shiver, and the flames trembled.

Zhao Xiaomeng stood up and made a gesture to leave: "If you don't come out, then I'll go!"

The strange fire flew out suddenly and landed in Zhao Xiaomeng's hands, devouring the five top-quality mithril, and the square handkerchief was also burned to ashes.

As if he was happy to eat, the strange fire jumped twice, and then submerged into Zhao Xiaomeng's palm obediently. The next moment, Zhao Xiaomeng saw a green flame in his consciousness, and the feelings between him and it It seems that when she thought about it, a little green flame popped out from her fingertips. Although it was not big, it was more than enough for refining.

"I didn't expect you, a little girl, to subdue the strange fire!" A middle-aged monk walked out from behind the rock with a smile on his face, his eyes fell greedily on the ghost fire.

(End of this chapter)

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