Chapter 83
Seeing that this piece of spiritual wood was about to pass the auction, a fat alchemist said loudly: "100 million!"

The ten elders cheered up: "This fellow Taoist bids 100 million!"

Someone beside him laughed and said, "Zhuang Mingde, do you know the usefulness of this thing? Why are you willing to spend so many spirit stones!"

Zhuang Mingde sighed and said, "I don't want to spend so much Lingshi to buy such a thing! But isn't this an auction, and you can't bargain! Don't you think this piece of wood is very similar to the one that my father offered at home! It is said that it was handed down by the ancestors thousands of years ago, even if it is of no use, it has to be offered with incense! If he knows that I met the exact same one but didn't bring it home, he might break my leg! Anyway, I brought it 100 million, if someone else bids higher than me, I can't buy it, and he can't say anything about me!"

"The Zhuang family is a family of alchemy, this Zhuang Mingde may seem silly, but he is the most talented alchemist in their generation." True Monarch Yunchi said.

Another three breaths passed, and no one raised the price.

Zhuang Mingde looked left and right, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles, his expression gradually disappointed.

Zhao Xiaomeng pursed her lips tightly, staring at the wooden table in the hands of the ten elders.

The tenth elder raised his right hand and was about to speak when suddenly a man in a cloak and a mask shouted, "One million and one hundred!"

Zhuang Mingde was immediately in high spirits, and sat down on his seat with peace of mind.

So far, no one bids.

The man successfully took down the spirit wood, and his eyes under the mask couldn't help looking at Zhao Xiaomeng.

Although Zhao Xiaomeng didn't look back, he was relieved.

The person who concealed his identity was the stall owner he met at the market that day.

Originally, after Zhao Xiaomeng sent the spirit sword and Baoding to the auction house for consignment, he planned to take the soul-cultivating wood by himself.She is a craftsman, so it makes sense to buy the spirit wood as a crafting material.However, in this way, everyone knows that she bought the soul-cultivating wood, so it is a hidden danger after all.

But that day, on the way back to the hotel, the stall owner stopped her, and said frantically, "Senior, may I ask you that the hairpin on your head is the one you bought from the villain!"


"Senior is an instrument master!" He said in an affirmative tone!
Zhao Xiaomeng has nothing to hide: "Exactly!"

"Master! Please be respected by your apprentice!" The stall owner knelt on the ground without warning.

Zhao Xiaomeng was taken aback.

This is a busy city, and people around are all looking at this foundation cultivator kneeling in the street, and some people shouted loudly: "No second price! You are a godmother! You godmother!" You are too young to be your daughter!"

Seeing that Zhao Xiaomeng's face became more and more ugly, the stall owner hurriedly got up: "Master, please follow me!" He didn't dare to touch Zhao Xiaomeng, but he was afraid that she would not follow him. The courage to kneel down is gone.

Zhao Xiaomeng already guessed his intentions in his heart, this person is probably also a craftsman, seeing that the hairpin's rank has risen so much, he was so excited to go to the street to ask for a teacher!She accepted his obeisance without checking for a while, and she was already contaminated with karma, so it would be fine to listen to what he had to say, and then she followed his wishes and left with him.

Zhao Xiaomeng followed him into a courtyard.

After closing the courtyard door, the stall owner was about to kneel again, but Zhao Xiaomeng supported him: "Speak up!"

The stall owner saw that although the Jindan cultivator in front of him was young, his eyes were not green at all, his expression was indifferent, and his actions were correct. If he was too hot-headed to do something out of the ordinary, he might turn around and leave!He decided to tell the truth, so he bowed and said: "Senior, the villain's surname is Bu Mingjia. Because of his second practice, he is called the same price! He is a loose cultivator!"

"Since the villain has embarked on the road of cultivation, he has become very interested in refining weapons, and has determined to be a tool master, but he suffers from the lack of guidance from a famous teacher, so he can only grope for it by himself! That hairpin was refined by myself! I saw it today. The hairpin on the senior's head can be seen at a glance that it has been re-refined. It was originally a low-grade magic weapon, but now it is a middle-grade magic weapon! Senior must be a powerful weapon master, please accept me as a disciple, and Bu Jia is willing to serve you all his life Master around!"

Zhao Xiaomeng herself has just worshiped as a master, and now someone wants to worship her as a teacher, which is really beyond her expectations.However, Bu Jia was able to refine the magic weapon without any guidance, and he was able to distinguish the quality of the magic weapon and the magic weapon at a glance, which is considered a bit of talent.

"I have a set of handprints here. If you can learn it within one stick of incense and complete it within three breaths, I will consider taking you as an apprentice! Otherwise, I will erase your memory of today, are you willing?"

Bu Jia's eyes were firm: "I am willing!"

Zhao Xiaomeng took out a blank jade slip, recorded 18 different handprints in it, and handed it to Bu Jia: "In order to prevent the handprint from spreading, if you can't, I will erase your memory of today!"

Bu Jia took the jade slip without hesitation: "I've made up my mind! I've seen many craftsmen forging weapons, and senior must be the best craftsman. If you can't pass the test of seniors today, you will be stupid I am willing too!"

He put the jade slip on his forehead.

After three breaths, the hands start to form mudras.

At the beginning, the speed was very slow, but he was not in a hurry, and would start over again if he made a mistake. After half a stick of incense passed by, he had already made the whole handprint with stumbles.

For the second pass of mudra, he used a quarter stick of incense.

The third handprint.
When the time was up, his quickest handprint only took a little more than three breaths.

Zhao Xiaomeng nodded secretly, this Bu Jia is indeed talented.

Bu Jia was excited at this time, the subtlety of this handprint shocked him, and now he just wanted to try refining weapons, but the young female cultivator in front of him didn't let go and accepted him as his apprentice!
He looked up at Zhao Xiaomeng with hopeful and apprehensive eyes.

Gradually become lovely and pitiful.

Zhao Xiaomeng looked away in disgust: "If you look at me like this again, I will erase your memory, even the memory of the market that day!"

Bu Jia bowed his head in bewilderment.

"There are two things, if you do it, I will accept you as an apprentice!"

"Master, please speak!"

"Did you know about the auction in Medicine Valley?"

"I lived here before I established the foundation, so I naturally know."

"At this auction, there is something I want! However, I don't want people to know that I bought it!"

"I was able to get into the auction, but I was too short to take it down and give it to the master! What does the master need me to do? Just say it!"

"You just need to hide your identity and take a photo of the spirit wood! Don't worry about the spirit stone, I'll give it to you!" After she finished speaking, she handed Bu Jia a storage bag. Bu Jia opened it and found that there were actually 200 million pieces The high-level spirit stone made his heart beat faster.

He usually sets up a stall in the market, where has he seen so many high-level spirit stones!

Swallowing his saliva, he said, "Master, you are not afraid that I will take the spirit stone and run away?"

Zhao Xiaomeng said strangely: "My handprint has 36 changes, 72 changes, which one can't compare with 200 million high-level spirit stones?"

Bu Jia's eyes shone brightly and his whole body trembled with excitement: "The disciple is willing to go through fire and water for the master, and he will die!"

"Of course, to be on the safe side, I used the soul-chasing technique on you, no matter where you go, I can find you!" Zhao Xiaomeng continued.

Bu Jia was secretly startled when he heard that, he guessed that the girl should be a disciple of a famous family who was proficient in refining weapons and had no deep experience in the world, and he stuck it on like a dog's skin plaster in a moment of ecstasy.He put away the last bit of contempt in his heart, and he was so determined that he never dared to have a chance or disrespect!

"The second thing is, after four years, go to Wenxinya and join Qingyunmen! During this period, you can use your handprints to refine weapons, but you can't spread them outside. Do you understand?"

Bu Jia felt relieved, the second thing is not too difficult!He didn't ask Xinya because he entered the sect with his aptitude and was just an outer disciple, without the freedom of casual cultivation.Now the master is waiting for him at Qingyunmen, even if he tries his best, he still has to go in!
After that, the two separated.

(End of this chapter)

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