a very dark dark guard

Chapter 10 Their bodies are poisonous

Chapter 10 Their bodies are poisonous

Therefore, the body without the nourishment of the poison turned into a corpse, and the head that was still affected by the poison was fine.They are telling the truth, I can't stop the people from the Golden Gu Society from following us.

If they send a group of masters to besiege us, I don't have the confidence to save Yunzhou.

Or... leave him alone?

This idea popped up several times, who makes it easier to lose trouble than solve it.

Yun Zhou seemed to have sensed it, and came over to pull my sleeve. The oil in his hands was all over his clothes, and now he exudes the smell of stewed meat all over his body.

If you throw him down, he will definitely die. Although he can use his inner strength instinctively, once he is besieged by groups of masters, it will be useless to let his martial arts surpass the world.

"Let's go." I didn't really want to talk, Ah Zhao and Lu Youkang probably saw that I was in a bad mood, so they didn't say anything more, and immediately performed lightness kung fu and chased to the east.

I followed the two of them, and as we passed a river, I threw a bundle of human heads into the river.

The head was washed by the river, and the smell from the wound would be washed away quickly.

The two jumping among the treetops in front could still chat, A Zhao kept inquiring about the Golden Gu Society, and Lu Youkang patiently gave him science.

The Golden Gu Association has been established for a hundred years, and the founder is a highly talented Gu raiser. A hundred years ago, the Gu raisers did not have their own organization. They traveled alone, studied Gu skills independently, and never interacted with martial arts professionals.

But there are always exceptions to everything. A girl who raised Gu rescued a seriously injured young man in the deep mountains. During the recovery period, the two gradually fell in love and became husband and wife.

After recovering, the young man returned to his hometown alone. Before leaving, he promised Gu Nu that he would come back to pick her up, but he never returned.

Gu Nu misses her husband eagerly, and goes down the mountain to find her husband in a foreign land, only to learn that he is Prince Sheng Yu, who has married another woman and has given birth to a pair of children.

The Gu girl was so angry that she poisoned the family of four to death with Gu.

She was outside the palace, and she could poison the royal family inside the palace without a single soldier. How could the King of Sheng Yu Kingdom not be afraid?
Not only ordered her to be arrested, but also ordered to kill all Gu raisers hidden in the deep mountains.

Killing and destroying Gu, leaving no one behind.

The Golden Gu Association is an organization established by the Gu raisers united in order to survive.

They went from the ground to the ground and hid for many years until they saw the light of day again.

The outside world has changed dynasties, and the monarch has changed one after another, and no one mentions the matter of killing people and destroying Gu.

They got in touch with some quacks and started a business of Gu insects.

After decades of management, they can now be regarded as an evil force in the Jianghu.

"Hey, people's hearts will change. Now they are practicing more and more insidious Gu techniques. They often use living people to refine Gu, which has harmed many innocent people. My grandpa, cough, my grandpa often said, get rid of such evil spirits in the world. , Everyone is responsible!"

"According to this, the Golden Gu Society is really harmful. I hope my young lady is fine, in case something happens to her..." A Zhao said in a serious tone, and rushed to the front with a sharp breath.

I don't compete with him for speed, and keep a proper distance from them.

I can see through Bai Mudan's identity, and so can others. The Golden Gu will kidnap her, nothing more than wanting to do something to Jiushuang, or add a martial arts alliance.

"An...Qi..." Yunzhou was carried up and down by me, and he was quite silent all the way, but now he suddenly spoke out, with a pitiful tone.

"What?" I turned to look at him, he raised his hand and folded his five fingers together, imitating the shape of chicken feet.

Cooperating with him still thinking about the chicken feet, I smiled at him indifferently: "It's okay, if you kill it, kill it, if someone comes to seek revenge, I will settle them."

He was chased and slashed several times before and he didn't fight back. There must be a special reason for the sudden killing this time.

There is no monitoring these days, so I can't restore the scene at that time, but he is really stupid, I believe in my ability, and I also believe that he will not shoot for no reason.

He half-understood what I said, just stared at my face, and when I smiled, he was relieved, and took out the jujube cake from his arms and ate it.

When other people eat against the wind, they will turn around very quickly. He is fine, and all kinds of circumstances will not affect his eating, and he has no adverse reactions afterwards.

Bai Mudan didn't know martial arts, and the people from the Golden Gu Society carried her on the road, and the speed couldn't be faster.

Ah Zhao and Lu Youkang's lightness kung fu is top-notch, and at dawn, they finally caught up with a mysterious team.

There were five people in the team, all wearing black clothes and black hats, four of them were carrying a black coffin, and they were still walking like flying.

As soon as Ah Zhao saw this team, he rushed up, stopped them, and told them to stop.

Lu Youkang wanted to stop him, but unfortunately he was one step too late.

I hid Yunzhou on a big tree, and I was the last one to follow.

Ah Zhao is exactly the same as his master, they both have a bluffing temper.

The black coffin-carrying team paused slightly when they saw Ah Zhao, but they reacted even more when they saw Lu Youkang.

But they didn't recognize me and didn't respond to the last one I showed up.

Ah Zhao was in a hurry to save people, he didn't argue with them at all, and went straight to the coffin.

The man in black immediately blocked them, and the two sides fought for only a moment. Lu Youkang reminded loudly: "Don't touch their bodies, they are poisonous!"

There are only five men in black guarding the villa in the dense forest, four outside the villa and one inside the villa. I wondered why there were so few guards in the yard.

Now it seems that the Golden Gu Association should have sent a total of ten people, in groups of five, each taking care of one hostage.

After Lu Youkang reminded them, he joined the battle, two against five, it was not difficult for them to fight.

I thought they could handle it, so I went to rescue the hostages.

There were indeed people in the coffin, but the situation was not good. I flew to the front of the coffin and shook the lid open with my internal force.

This coffin is full of poison, so you can't touch it with your hands.

The lid of the coffin flew down, and the poison splashed everywhere. I deliberately kicked it far away from the crowd, so as not to hurt both sides.

Bai Mudan was lying in the coffin, and there was also a thin ice coffin in the wooden coffin, which had been refrigerated.

I probed her body with supernatural powers, but fortunately she was not poisoned, but just took a drowsy drug.

A man in black rushed over at this moment, his bamboo hat disappeared, revealing a rotten face corroded by toxin.

This person wanted to die with me, and activated the Gu worms in his body, turning himself into a mobile poison.

Killing him is not an option, I can only lure him away, away from the coffin.

If he blew himself up and the venom splashed, Bai Mudan would be very dangerous.

There was a cliff in front of him, and another man in black released poisonous smoke to avoid Zhao. He took the opportunity to slap the coffin board with his palm and pushed the coffin towards the cliff.

The coffin flew up, and it was about to fall off the cliff. Lu Youkang pulled out the person in the coffin, but Bai Mudan got stuck. Not only did he not pull out the person inside, but even he fell down with it cliff.

Ah Zhao was far away from the coffin, no matter how fearful he was of death, it would be too late to save others.

"Miss—" Ah Zhao shouted.

I am not interested in those who have fallen, and concentrate on solving those who stay on top.

(End of this chapter)

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