a very dark dark guard

Chapter 13 Domineering Miss

Chapter 13 Domineering Miss

The inside story of the royal family and martial arts masters that Yuanshen knew were all about car installation.Her boss is a very powerful person, but Naihe fell in love with a scumbag, and devoted his heart and soul to him, and finally ended up self-immolating.

I gently stroked the blood eye pendant hanging around my neck, which was a 'relic' given to her by the original boss before he set himself on fire.

The dark red blood jade was carved into the shape of an eye, like a bloodshot eye.

After I took over this body, I deliberately ignored those big melons that could stir up a bloodbath if I picked them up at random, and focused on the pension business.

"Ah~" Yunzhou's mouth was covered with sweet potato residue, and he handed half a steaming roasted sweet potato to me.

"You eat." I gently pushed his hand back. Since he used food to kill several masters in seconds a few days ago, I dare not buy him food that can be used as a hidden weapon, such as candied haws, sugar cane, walnuts, and red dates. The snacks are completely insulated from him.

Cakes and soft food are enough. Fortunately, he is not picky eater, so he can eat whatever he buys.

Strong martial arts is a good thing, but he doesn't have the ability to deal with the aftermath now.

After climbing the mountain for a few days, we came to a small town to rest again at noon today.

Every time we go to a city, what we must do is go to the street to eat.

Roasted sweet potatoes are today's dessert. In addition to cooked ones, I also bought a bag of raw ones. When we went back to the wild, we baked them ourselves.

Yunzhou and I didn't change our costumes, maintaining the image of a farmer and a woman.

In the past few days, everything has been peaceful, and no enemies have come to the door.

The martial arts conference entertains guests from all corners of the country. Guests come from all directions, and the inns along the way are full of them.

There are also some "solitary" sects who choose to sleep in the wild and do not want to share an inn with others.

For such a grand event, even if they cannot enter the Qiongyu Pavilion, there are quite a few people who just want to join in the fun and see the world in Yuan City.

Even in this unremarkable town, the inn was already full. This time I took the initiative to discuss with the shopkeeper and moved into the woodshed in the backyard.

From this small city, it only takes one day to walk to Yuancheng, and half a day if you have a good Qinggong.

Because it is close to Yuancheng, the news spreads quickly, and you can often eat fresh melons here.

For example, the "good story" talked about by people in the Jianghu, the news that the Lu family's happy event is approaching has spread.

I thought, maybe Lu Youkang and Bai Mudan returned to Lu's house...

I'm not interested in the martial arts conference, I just want to bypass Yuancheng and continue to the north.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. In the evening, a group of people suddenly appeared in the city, guarding the gates on both sides, saying that they were only allowed to enter and not to exit until the end of the martial arts conference.

There was no such regulation in previous years. A well-informed source said that something happened in Yuancheng, so the Wulin League ordered to block all roads out of the city, including the surrounding small towns, which were designated as blockade areas.

Until the end of the martial arts conference?The conference will be held for a month!

Most of the quacks in the small city continued to gather in Yuancheng, and a small number wanted to wait and see for a few days to see what happened, and they would go again if it was not serious.

After dark, a group of people entered the city, and this group of people came into the city, frightening the small group of Jianghu tourists who planned to wait and see, to set off overnight and rush to Yuancheng.

The residents of the small town are used to people from the world, so they are more or less knowledgeable.

Since this group of people entered the city, every house in the city has closed their doors and closed their doors. In summer, even the windows are tightly closed.

The innkeeper also wanted to close the door, but unfortunately he was a step too late, the team had already arrived at the gate, but the innkeeper didn't dare to close the door.

A group of people rented out the entire inn, and Xiao Er took their horses to the backyard to feed them.

Just looking at the outfits on the horses, I can understand why everyone avoids them like snakes and scorpions.

The people of Hundred Demon Castle, the living avoid them, and encounter bad luck.

They are representatives of the dark side of the world, they never travel in groups, and they act in a secretive and low-key manner. It is unprecedented for them to appear in the vicinity of Yuan City with such fanfare.

"What? There are other people living in this backyard?" A melodious female voice came lightly, and with the light and crisp sound of a string of bells colliding, a woman walked through the inn lobby to the backyard.

The shopkeeper followed her step by step, bent slightly, and explained with a smile: "These are the guests who stayed this morning. They are two countrymen. They live in the firewood house in the backyard and will not disturb the rest of the distinguished guests."

"Country people." The woman is wearing a red dress and red trousers, but the dress is sleeveless, the trousers have side slits, her belly and waist are exposed, and she has a 'dirty braid' with flowery arms. In this world, this is Proper alien attire.

She has bronze-colored skin, gray-blue eyes, and a perfect blend of wildness and coquettishness.

A string of long whips hung around her waist, made of a very special material, it was the entire vertebrae of some kind of animal, and the joints between the bones revealed faint blue and white light.

Barley buds!
The eldest lady of Hundred Demon Castle, the only daughter of the castle owner Baili Taihe, is 20 years old this year. On her 14th birthday, Baili Taihe gave her a magical weapon as a gift.

The long whip is made of Leihai keel. Although it may be made of animal bones, it is much harder than copper and iron, and it is naturally charged. It is an electric whip that does not need to be charged.

Therefore, Baili Ya wears special gloves on his hands to prevent himself from being shocked when using the whip.

I only extracted information about her from the original body's memory, the original body has never met her in person, there are rumors in the world that Baili Ya is cruel, has helped her father do many bad things, and is a murderous witch.

"I don't think so. The woman is a master, and the man is noble, a countryman? Heh~" Bai Liya chuckled, and suddenly took off the long whip from his waist and threw it at Yun Zhou.

I don't know how she saw Yunzhou's nobleness, I only know that he is stupid and doesn't know how to hide from the whip.

So I lifted him up and kicked him away. He was completely unprepared, fell to the side, and sat down in the manger.

The whip was hitting my calf, and the coarse cloth pants immediately burst, accompanied by the flash of light and the smell of burnt flesh, a blackened whip wound appeared on my calf.

Her whip is worthy of being a magical weapon, it is cool enough to use, and the damage it causes is heavy enough.

However, I didn't say a word, Baili Ya was very dissatisfied, and wanted to give him a second whip.

"Miss Baili's ability to bully others has improved." A gentle male voice fell from the roof, and the man in blue put his hands behind his back, looking up at the bright moon in the night sky.

"Yin Hanxing, your meddling problem has become more and more serious. You need my lady's outpatient fee. Would you like to ask a famous doctor to treat you?" Bai Liya's face was gloomy, her eyes were deep-lined, affectionate when she smiled, and cold when she was angry .

"Indeed, I'm nosy, but... I'm thinking of Miss Baili, these two people: you can't beat the one, and you can't move the other."

Yin Hanxing, the man in blue, glanced sideways at Yun Zhou and me. His narrow eyes looked like a fox, and his half-smile expression seemed to be plotting against someone.

(End of this chapter)

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