a very dark dark guard

Chapter 2 Dealing with 'funeral affairs' I am good at

Chapter 2 Dealing with 'funeral affairs' I am good at
A wandering idiot, a reclusive guard, all have stories... It's a pity that the idiot can't tell his story, he has already curled up in the haystack and fell asleep sweetly.

Lightning, thunder and torrential rain outside the temple did not bother him at all.

My body has not yet adjusted, and it is impossible to fall asleep in such an environment.

The dark guard has to be vigilant at all times, and will wake up if there is a little noise while sleeping.

For example, someone stepped on a tree branch, and there was a click sound.

Or the subtle sound of the sword being unsheathed slowly, or even the sound of breathing that does not belong to me. If I get too close, this body will wake up.

With no sleep and no other entertainment, all I could do was watch fools.

His sleeping posture is surprisingly good, and his posture is too correct, as if the result of long-term training.

Don't snore, don't grind your teeth, don't talk in your sleep, don't babble.

In the middle of the night, the heavy rain finally turned into light rain. I used my internal strength to resist the cold, and was about to go to bed as soon as the rain subsided, when I heard noises in the surrounding treetops.

There is someone in the tree!

I squinted my eyes and took out the hidden weapon in my arms. The dark guard didn't have his own hidden weapon, so he used whatever was around him.

When I left the capital, I went to the grocery store and bought a few packs of embroidery needles. These needles are very cheap and can be bought anywhere.

The people who 'flew' on the treetops went straight to the ruined temple. One flew up to the roof and stood on the broken tiles. I was worried about those broken tiles. It is not easy for them to survive. Don't be trampled by this person. up.

One hid outside the door, and the other went around to the back of the temple and guarded the back door.

The fourth man guarded the window. He walked on his waist, touched the ground with his toes, and squatted under the window.

All four of them are good at light work. I adjusted my breathing and concealed my breathing and sense of existence.

The dark guards are best at this, turning themselves into 'air' is the norm.

The four of them didn't talk in words, they probably communicated with gestures.

They acted simultaneously, jumping from their respective hiding places into the ruined temple.

The steel knife in his hand slashed at the idiot in the haystack neatly, and stopped at the same time, the knives in his hand fell one after another.

The four of them had no injuries on the surface of their bodies, except for a red spot between their eyebrows.

I touched the fool's sleeping hole, and the four steel knives fell to the ground without waking him up.

I 'collected' all the clothes of the four of us, found a dry place to light a bonfire, and threw the clothes into the fire.

Then put a rope around their necks, dragged the corpses out of the ruined temple one by one, found a pit in the forest, dumped the corpses, and then shoveled mud from the side to bury them.

Because of the rain, the soil is soft and easy to shovel. As for the four steel knives, I hid them on any big tree in the forest.

This tree has luxuriant branches and leaves, and there is a tree hole in the center of the trunk, and the knife is hidden in the tree hole, unless the logs are felled someday, so that they can see the sun again.

The rain picked up again in the early hours of the morning and did not stop until the next morning, when the rain washed away all traces.

The four assassins, or killers, did not have any identification on them.

After the rain stopped, I extinguished the fire, patted the non-existent dust on my clothes, and prepared to leave the ruined temple and continue on my way.

In one day, five people wanted the fool's life.

But the fool is not worried at all, even if he is chased and hacked with a knife during the day, he still sleeps soundly at night.

The fool rubbed his stomach when he woke up in the morning, and his stomach rumbled endlessly.

The eyes kept looking at me, as if waiting for me to eat.

As soon as I stepped out of the ruined temple, he immediately followed, his eyes shining like a big dog waiting to be fed.

My former boss also raised big dogs. Some were dedicated to guarding the house, and some were fishing to enjoy themselves. The fool's expression at this time is very similar to the latter.

The former boss named the dogs all from poems. The ones that look after the house are called Jinjia and Yu'an, and the ones that eat, drink and play are called Yunjian and Qingzhou.

"What's your name?" I turned around suddenly, looked at the fool who followed me and asked.

The fool looked back blankly, as if he didn't understand what I meant.

"You'll be called Yunzhou from now on." I pointed at him and repeated, "Yunzhou."

He imitated my movements, pointed at himself, and tried to imitate my speech, but unfortunately he failed.

"You know that Yunzhou is calling you." What a poetic and picturesque name, he wouldn't know that it was the name of a big dog.

And I have no right to laugh at him at all. As a hidden guard, dogs have names, but I only have numbers.

I yelled 'Yunzhou' several times in a row, and he finally remembered the word. When I yelled, he pointed at himself, and his learning ability is quite strong.

People are sometimes very strange. In the original world, I was not a good person. It was a generation in which a good person lived for less than three days.

I also got used to it, and gradually felt that I was originally a bad person, and all the good parts in my heart were completely eliminated.

But when I suddenly changed the environment and came to a place where no one knew me, I actually had the idea of ​​being a new person.

It is not a life defined simply by good or bad, but a life in which you can do whatever you want.

At this moment, I want to help this fool and save his life, so I will do it without thinking too much.

"Cloud boat."


After a few times of practice, he stopped pointing at himself, and when he heard the word 'Yunzhou', he would agree.

When he's not screaming, his voice is nice, at least like a normal person.

"Angie." When he learned to recognize his own name, I started teaching him to remember mine.

Dark Seven is dead, and An Qi is alive now.

And if I want to settle down in this world, I have to have my own name.

Yunzhou tried his best to imitate my pronunciation. After practicing all the way, he finally made a sneezing sound like 'Ache'.

We walked for an hour before arriving at the next town. Since Yun Zhou's ghostly appearance can still be recognized by the enemies, I don't think it matters whether he shows his face or not.

So he found an inn in the town and hired a guy to give him a bath.

The guy doesn't have any martial arts at all, he's not a Lianjiazi.

I was on guard on the roof while they were taking a bath, even if the guy wanted to kill him, I was confident I could stop him.

There is only one clothing store in the town, and the clerk came back to buy two sets of clothes for me.

The clean fool looked at me with horror.

Not because of his handsome face, but because I know him!
I rested my forehead and sighed, on the first day of abandoning evil and doing good, I was hit, and I actually picked up a big trouble...

No wonder he was hunted down, but with his status, the level of the previous two batches of killers was too low, not qualified to assassinate him.

If someone really wants to kill him, he has to hire someone of my level.

"Na-Na-Na" Yun Zhou put on clean new clothes, stood by the window and pointed at the breakfast shop downstairs.

I walked to the window, glanced at the breakfast stall downstairs, raised the scissors in my hand, and smiled at Yun Zhou.

It was too troublesome for the ancients to wash their hair. If they didn’t wash their hair, they had to take care of it every day. Now who has the time to comb his hair, he must have a haircut before going out.

Yunzhou doesn't understand the problem of body, hair and skin now, so he honestly asked me to cut his hair short and wrap it in a turban.

(End of this chapter)

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