a very dark dark guard

Chapter 287 The Beginning

Chapter 287 The Beginning

A group of students have successfully graduated from the Secret Guard School on Treasure Island, and the armed forces on the island are now in full swing. After the war breaks out, unidentified people often pretend to be pirates and want to land on the island, but are beaten away by the officers and soldiers on the island. There are also people who want to sneak into the island to inquire about the situation.

The arena is even more lively. There are smear campaigns specifically targeting public welfare associations, and celebrities in the arena have joined different camps to support the king in their hearts.

Charity associations only do things that are beneficial to the people. Although they have a good reputation, they do not take sides.

As time went by, the world was divided into three factions. Those recruited by the Charity Association were all here to benefit the people. They didn't care who the boss in the world was.

The other two factions either claimed to be black or thought they were white, formed their own teams and joined different camps.

During this period, Ximen Wuhen sent a secret message, saying that he had discovered strange ore underground and needed a large number of manpower to mine it, and asked me if there was any way to recruit a large number of miners.

After the war broke out all over the territory, the strong laborers were on the front lines, the farmland was abandoned, and the number of bandits and water bandits exploded. Some people wanted to take advantage of the chaos and become the king of the mountain, and formed their own armed forces.

I sent people from the Public Welfare Association to look around. If they encountered such "young and middle-aged strong laborers", they would be packed and sent to the far north to work as miners.

As more people were sent away, rumors gradually spread among the people, saying that bandits would disappear when they became kings. Those bandits who occupied the mountain as kings disappeared in the entire village. The people were gone, but the property they robbed was still there, and there were people nearby. No bones were found.

Because I was 'recruiting employees' for Ximen Wuhen, I didn't use the banner of a charity association, so this incident spread around and became a terrifying legend.

Those farmers and idle people who lost their land due to the war would rather beg for food with the fleeing team than dare to become bandits and bandits.

However, the war became more and more cruel and fierce. Some cities were destroyed, others were trapped, and more and more refugees were displaced.

Everyone knows that there is no war along the coast, but there really is no room for hundreds of thousands of refugees here.

The city lords of the seaside cities sent envoys to ask for my opinion. I don’t know how long this war will last, and the number of refugees will only increase. The number of people in their cities and countries, including their soldiers and civilians, is less than half of the refugees. .

If it continues to develop, they worry that their country will not be protected.

Letting refugees flock to the coastal areas is not the answer. I sent people to spread the news that there was a city abandoned by the ancients in the jungle of Shengyu Kingdom.

Although it is covered by the jungle, with some cleaning up, it can still be habitable.

As for how to survive in the jungle, their own professionals will teach them techniques.

Anyway, the Sky Eye people don't plan to come out of their ancestors' treasured land, and the surrounding jungle is empty.

Those who are willing to open up wasteland can at least make a living.

At the same time, the defense lines along the coast have been strengthened and the number of refugees accepted has been strictly limited.

When people are forced into a desperate situation, there is nothing they dare not do. Even if there are man-eating beasts in the jungle, they are just "meat". The feeling of starvation is the most uncomfortable.

Many refugees were led to the rainy jungle. Four countries were at war. Important military sites were seized and fought, and cities and farmland were burned and destroyed.

Those places that no one goes to in normal times are still unattended during wartime.

The jungle can only provide a shelter for the refugees. They don't have to worry about being raided and burned by enemy troops, but if they want to fill their stomachs, they have to find a way on their own.

They built wooden houses in the forest and cut down trees to clear up wasteland. The early food was provided by the public welfare association.

However, Shengyu's territory only accepts refugees from Shengyu, and refugees from other countries still have nowhere to go.

Moreover, if the war continues, no one will be able to provide food and drink for the refugees, and the minimum guarantee of survival will be in question.

Since ancient times, war has been one of the fastest ways to consume the population. In addition to those who died in battle, many died of starvation.

Treasure Island was prepared in advance, but it could only guarantee the logistical supplies for the main island and Sun City. I sent people to overseas islands to help. After all, there are plains there that can be cultivated and developed to solve the food problem of the refugees.

In terms of farming, the modern tools left by our predecessors in time travel are of great use.

It would probably take several generations to open up wasteland purely with the tools of this era.

The people who opened up wasteland were transported to isolated islands overseas, and information basically could not circulate. They were not very interested in the origins of the tools they used, and they were just busy working to earn a living.

Moreover, they are influenced by the people of Sun City. Now when they see something novel and incomprehensible, they regard it as 'witchcraft' that I have researched.

The attitude of the refugees towards me was also mixed. On the one hand, they were grateful for my 'taking in' and for showing them a way to survive.

On the other hand, they, like the people of Sun City, are extremely afraid of me.

Although I am willing to accept refugees, my attitude is not friendly.

Anyone who dares to cause trouble will mysteriously disappear that night, and it is guaranteed that no one will be seen alive or dead.

Invisible, intangible, and silent disappearance frightened them more than those people dying in front of them.

If only a few people disappear, they are not so scared, but if hundreds of people disappear at the same time, and those disappeared people sleep next to them at night, but they don't sleep at all, it can't help but make them feel creepy.

The people of Sun City have revealed from various channels that their city lord's wife is a 'demon queen' who can use various witchcraft to harm people.

The refugees no longer dare to make trouble, and they will do whatever the superiors arrange for them to do. Anyway, they have seen it and accept the management honestly. I will not let them starve to death.

The refugee transportation is getting smoother and smoother, and everything is running according to order, including the affairs of Sun City.

Unknowingly, the people had not seen their city lord for a year, and the chaotic situation they had imagined did not appear.

The ministers who are loyal to Yunzhou are still looking forward to his early return and hope that Sun City will still be in order when he comes back. For this reason, they will never go against me and spare no effort to help me manage this big city without an owner.

During this year, the spies I sent out brought back a lot of news.

Not only the people and refugees, but also me are also looking forward to the end of this war to redefine the territory.

Sun City has no ambitions in this war, as long as it can maintain the status quo.

But there are always people who don't think so. They want to swallow this piece of fat too much.

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't make Sun City into chaos from within.

Even the nails that I had buried secretly in the early years were pried out one by one.

No matter how hard they try, they can't figure out how I discovered these hidden piles.

They just thought that my eyes and ears were all over Sun City, and I missed every corner.

The hands from outside can't reach in at all.

They had no choice but to defeat Sun City, so they used roundabout tactics to attack other coastal city-states first, preparing to turn Sun City into dumplings.

My net really cannot be cast that far, and I can only be tough when faced with those conspiracy.

The locations of the coastal cities are connected on the map like a crouching dragon.

Sun City is in the "heart" position, and the enemy attacks first from the dragon's tail.

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