a very dark dark guard

Chapter 32 The Demon Cult Needs Talents Like You

Chapter 32 The Demon Cult Needs Talents Like You
Ximen Wuhen, the leader of the Devil's Cult, came to the door, and the news reached the ears of Leader Lu, and it turned into everyone from the Devil's Cult coming to the door.He couldn't fight in person, so he sent his elders, masters and Lu Youkang to come.

I saw that they came with weapons, so I knew they had misunderstood.

Immediately explained to Lu Youkang that Ximen Hierarch just came back with me to take a look at Yunzhou, and then left after watching.

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry to disturb you. I have already met my brother-in-law, and I am very relieved to know that the two of them are very affectionate. I am leaving now. There is no need to send each other off." Ximen Wuhen is definitely the most polite person I have ever heard. The leader of the Demon Cult, he also bowed to everyone in the Lu family.

The Lu family was dumbfounded, they came aggressively, followed by dozens of masters, they came to prepare for a fight, but Ximen Wuhen didn't mean that, he turned around and left after saluting.

It made the Lu family look like they came to see him off. They held knives, guns, sticks, and meteor hammers in their hands and looked at each other, but Ximen Wuhen had already left. His long hair was blown up by the wind, and his wide sleeves swayed with his steps, like a fairy Travel far away, leaving an elegant back to the world.

"Master, this is..." In order to hide his embarrassment, Lu Youkang threw the long sword in his hand into the flowerbed beside him, and shook the folding fan gently.

"There have been some rumors recently. After Ximen Wuhen heard about them, he made up his own brain. He suspected that I was his mother who had been missing for many years, but his age was not right. Now he thinks that I am his younger sister. He insisted on coming back with me to meet Yun Zhou. He is so relieved. You must know how the Demon Cult has been these years. It is no longer the frightening gathering place for demons a hundred years ago. care."

The Lu family had a clear face, Lu Youkang replied, and muttered: "It turns out that an expert can speak such a long paragraph."

His focus has shifted to Siberia, but knowing that Ximen Wuhen didn't come to provoke the leader Lu while he was weak, the Lu family was relieved.

Ximen Wuhen's brain may not be normal, but his magic skills have always been normal, and the masters of the past generations will go crazy until the last level, so he died young in middle age.

But he didn't. Not only did he reach the last level at the age of 20, but he hasn't had any side effects in the past eight years.

All the masters who challenged him failed, and none of his peers were his opponents.

Those old seniors who are highly respected in the martial arts would not take the initiative to find a younger junior to compete with each other.

So Ximen Wuhen can come and go freely in the rivers and lakes, and those small fish and shrimps all avoid him. Rather than saying that they are afraid of Ximen Wuhen, it is better to say that what they are afraid of is his customs clearance version of magic skills.

Over the past hundred years, the leader of the Demon Cult has done many evil things and killed countless people with this magic power. Those who died under the magic power are indeed very miserable and painful.

So whoever knows magic skills, they are afraid of him.

Seeing Ximen Wuhen in person today, I feel that the rumors in the world are not accurate.

Practicing steadily to the top level of magic kung fu may not be without side effects, and Ximen Wuhen's brain may have problems due to practicing kung fu.

The way the energy in his brain works is very strange. If his magic power is dissipated, his brain may return to normal.

However, in the affairs of the world, it is often said that there must be gains and losses. Gains and losses are his personal choices. He may not be ignorant of the price of practicing magic skills.

Since it was a misunderstanding, there was no need for everyone in the Lu family to continue to fight.

Lu Youkang asked the elders and masters to go back to rest. When there was no one around, he leaned over and asked me quietly: "Then are you his sister?"

"I'm an orphan." Yuanshen doesn't know his own background, and my supernatural powers can't detect DNA. Whether Yuanshen is Ximen Wuhen's younger sister or not, no one can make a conclusion at the moment.

"Is that still possible?"

"You brain, consider joining the Devil's Cult." I ignored him and walked quickly back to the guest room to rest.

As soon as Lu Youkang was thrown away, the guard Jia came over again and asked mysteriously: "Madam, you are the son's secret guard, right? We thought no one survived the dark guard camp, but you survived, and found the son to protect you all the way." He, in the past, you could only admire Young Master in secret, but this time of distress gave you the opportunity to approach Young Master openly, and now Young Master is quite dependent on you, so it can be considered that you got what you wanted."

"Why don't you join the Devil's Cult, the Devil's Cult needs talents like you." I sincerely suggested.

"Are you really from the Devil's Cult? Are you Ximen Wuhen's younger sister?!" The guard Jia stared wide-eyed, "No wonder you made Xiao Wan'er dress up as a Demon's Sect disciple. Could it be that you already knew about your life experience and wanted to find a chance? Meet Ximen Wuhen?"

"No, what happened to Wan'er was purely a coincidence."

"Then after the martial arts conference is over, are we going to move to the Demon Sect?"

"No, the plan remains the same, go to the countryside to farm."

"Why is Madam so obsessed with farming?"


"But you bought a bunch of introductory books, you don't know how to farm!"

"Oh? No, can't you love?"

"Yes, yes, my subordinate will help my wife cultivate more land and produce more food." I nodded in satisfaction, and waved him to guard the gate.

Yun Zhou has already dazzled a basket of snacks, and is sitting by the bed trying to play with his toys.

In the past few days, when I was free, I made a set of literacy cards for him, with characters and words.

There are also item cards, animal cards, and pictures drawn.

As long as I have free time, I will take it out and teach him. His brain was seriously injured by that strange poison.

Sometimes I obviously cured a little bit, but after sleeping, he went back stupidly.

No wonder the person who harmed him was so relieved that even if there were a miracle doctor alive in this world, he would not be able to cure him.

If it can't be cured, it can be cured slowly. If it can't be cured in a lifetime, at worst, I will always take him with me.

The dark guard is most afraid of entanglements, let alone love in her original body, she doesn't even have an ordinary friend who can talk to her.

I don't think that kind of 'loneliness' is bad, and I wanted to follow through to the end, but since I picked up 'fool', there's nothing wrong with keeping him.

It's good to be alone or to be with someone, but I don't care if he's stupid or not.

I was about to take out a card to teach Yunzhou how to read, when a graceful figure moved into the door.

"Brother Jia, hello, hero—" Jia, the guard who passed by the door, greeted him.

"I haven't seen you for some days." I haven't seen Bai Mudan's master and servant these days, and I only wear the clothes that Bai Mudan prepared for me.

"Don't mention it, I'm too busy~" Ah Zhao went straight to the teapot on the table when he entered the room, raised his head and poured it into his mouth.

His mouth didn't touch the spout of the teapot, and his movements were smooth and skillful. He poured down the whole pot of herbal tea without spilling it.

"Busy about marriage?" I heard from guard Jia that the entire Lu family is preparing for the engagement of the Lu and Bai families.

"No, our little girl, the princess aunt, is so capricious. Originally, Lu Mengzhu and the king agreed on the matter of engagement, but the princess didn't do it. She insisted on getting married directly, and she was going to marry soon. Hey, don't mention how lively it is. It made the emperor so angry that he smashed the imperial book case, and the splashed ink covered the face of the imperial concubine and empress."

(End of this chapter)

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