a very dark dark guard

Chapter 36 Am I in the wrong world?

Chapter 36 Am I in the wrong world?

All the poisonous arrows were fired, but they were blocked by the Qi shield I erected. The arrows in their quiver seemed to be bottoming out, and none of them could penetrate the Qi shield.Chiyue couldn't take advantage of it either, so she told Baili Ya to retreat first, and continuing to fight would be bad for them.

The bone eater is dead, the whip of the sea dragon is broken, they ran away as well, since there is a grudge, we will see each other again.

The four major hair guards also remember to give priority to protecting Wan'er from chasing her out.

The four of them came back and asked if I was Ximen Wuhen's newly found biological sister?

I'm just saying that's the subjective assumption of your leader.

The four protectors nodded repeatedly, saying that since I am the sister of the leader, according to the rules of the leader, they should respectfully call me Mogu.

I sincerely suggest that they call me by my first name so that this title will be avoided.

They couldn't listen to my explanation of my life experience at all. Whatever Ximen Wuhen said, no matter it was true or not, they would listen as it was true.

No wonder people in the Jianghu say that today's Demon Cult is united and monolithic.

If the leader's brain is sick, then he will be sick.

They wanted to take me back, but I said they still had something to do in Yuancheng and let them focus on protecting Wan'er.

Then I asked Chi Yue why she wanted to kill Wan'er?

Chi Yue has many enemies in the Jianghu, but she and Wan'er should have no intersection, so where is the enmity?
Yu Hufa is the only female among the Four Guardians. Her real name is Dugu Bushan. She is nearly 30 years old and has a good understanding of the teaching situation. Demon Cult.

The canon she violated was to use the spell of charm on her fellow disciples, who would know who they were without asking.

However, she failed and was injured by Ximen Wuhen and escaped from the forbidden area.

She wholeheartedly wants to be the saint of the demon sect, because only the saint can be the official wife of the leader.

Even if other women are husband and wife with the leader, they have no status, and no matter how many children they have, it is useless.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but look back at Wan'er, she was still a child at this age in my eyes, but in the ancient times of early marriage and early childbearing, children as old as her were already two or three years old.

It's just that I want her to be a saint because I want her to have a safe place to work and a big tree to lean against.

She never thought of asking her to seek the protection of the Demon Cult by marrying.

Marriage should be done voluntarily.

"Do you know about this?" I was afraid that she would be kept in the dark, so I asked in front of the four guardians.


"Are you willing to marry Ximen Wuhen?"


"it is good."

Okay, you are all runners in love and marriage, one can run faster than the other.

I admire them in my heart.

I thought that the relationship between Bai Mudan and Lu Youkang would heat up quickly enough, but I didn't expect that there is another pair here that is even faster.

Judging from Wan'er's expression, it doesn't seem like she was reluctant or insincere.

Ximen Wuhen's appearance is very handsome, but her master is also like that, she should have been immune to this style long ago.

If it's not for beauty, is there another reason?

Anyway, I don't really believe in love at first sight.

She is Yun Zhou's person anyway, so she can't marry her in a muddle-headed way.

On the way to send her back to her residence, I asked her again if she married Ximen Wuhen voluntarily.

She nodded firmly, expressing that she was willing to marry Ximen Wuhen, because Ximen Wuhen saved her. When Ximen Wuhen fell from the sky and beat the bad guys away, she fell in love with him at first sight.

I can even imagine this picture, a classic scene that appears 365 times in TV dramas a year.

At this moment, I was in a trance, thinking that maybe I did not travel through time and space, but my soul traveled to the world of a certain romance novel, so the people around me could fall in love and talk about marriage so easily.

In my opinion, love at first sight is the most impossible thing, and when Wan'er says it, I always have a feeling of unreality.

But her expression says it all, the shy and timid eyebrows of a young girl who is just beginning to love are unmistakable.

She's got a new job, a sweetheart, and new people to protect her, so I have nothing to worry about.

She also told me all the news she found after entering the city.

I didn't tell her exactly what I wanted to know before.

So when I sent her over, I didn't say what kind of news I wanted.

So no matter what happened, everything she heard and saw, she told me everything, and I filtered and screened it myself.

There are some things that the former boss of the original body knows, but others don't. The power of the former boss lies in the hidden pegs and pegs she laid out. Even if she is no longer there, it can still operate normally, and proceed step by step according to the plan.

But once they start doing it, I can tell.

Knowing where there will be chaos, I can hide in a place that is not chaotic.

Or maybe, once things get serious, there will be no safe place on this land, and they can only drift overseas to find another way to make a living.

I said goodbye to Wan'er and went back to Lu's house. Yun Zhou and the guard Jia were waiting for me at the door. When he saw me, he ran up and stared at my hands. I was thinking about something all the way, and I bought him snacks I forgot.

On the way back, I heard someone talking about the bizarre deaths that happened in Yuan City in the past two days.

All the dead died at night, sitting cross-legged, facing the sky, eyes, nose, mouth and ears turned into several black holes, as if burned through by fire, but the surrounding skin was intact, the brain tissue of the dead disappeared, only An empty head remains.

From the night before to last night, seven people had died in the city.

These seven people come from seven sects, and they are all masters in their respective sects.

Yuancheng has its own yamen, and there are basically no ordinary people committing crimes here. Wulin people investigate Jianghu affairs, and those who are responsible for solving cases and arresting criminals are naturally members of the Wulin League.

Because I heard this incident, I kept thinking about it in my mind, and I forgot about buying snacks.

Seeing that my hands were empty, Yunzhou's bright eyes dimmed, but it was only for a moment, and then he happily pulled my sleeves and walked into the house.

He is so stupid that he is very worry-free and never makes trouble. I gave the money to the guard Jia and asked him to buy snacks.

With me by Yunzhou's side, he doesn't have to follow him every step of the way.

He took the money to buy food, and Yunzhou and I went back to the guest room in Lu's house.

Since staying at Lu's house, I have to check up the health of everyone in the whole house every three days.

Lu Mengzhu paid a lot of money, even if I checked every day, I would be happy.

Recently, everyone in the mansion is preparing for the wedding, and Bai Mudan insists on skipping the engagement process and getting married directly.

If her family disagreed, she would dare to cook raw rice with Lu Youkang.

Her family members should know her personality best, they can't stop what she is determined to do, otherwise it will only cause chaos in the city, and it will be even more embarrassing.

The news released by the Lu and Bai families was that the leader Lu was in poor health, so the engagement was changed to a formal marriage ceremony. The Lu family was happy, and the leader Lu's body was full of joy, so he could get better sooner.

Believe it or not, anyway, this word has been spread, and the attitude of the two families is basically that the matter is over, believe it or not.

Under the scientific nursing with my treatment as the main part and supplemented by diet and medicine, Lu Mengzhu's body has almost recovered.

He proved that his strength was still the same in front of those martial arts people who had objections to his re-election, and temporarily stabilized the situation.

The "comparison" where he proved his strength was said to be extremely lively and spectacular, but I didn't see it. I didn't participate in any part of the martial arts event, and I didn't join in the fun. Help him get re-elected.

Therefore, everyone in the Lu family treats me respectfully, and I can move around in the Lu residence freely.

(End of this chapter)

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